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Everything posted by jfa

  1. You have done it again Dominique.
  2. I'm a little confused ashb. Do you wish to have several comments on one slide? Or one, (different), comment on each slide?
  3. Thanks Al, it's good to learn something new every day and on this forum I usually do.
  4. I have had a look at Flinthills(02) and I hope you don't mind, Flinthills(03). Indeed I found them both an improvement. Congratulations on a interesting show, I find it hard to decide which of these I like more, I have viewed both twice now and after watching each I decide I like it the best. Well done Dave.
  5. Peter these are very valuable points to keep in mind particular number four. Many authors forget that Audiovisuals are a medium in their own right and try to produce/copy a movie. In AVs the subject dose not move, the viewpoint can. As I have posted in other topics in this forum: "As a general rule for any effect subtlety is the key word, where a little will have much more impact than a lot". Patrick's point is also valid.
  6. I may be wrong but I think what Hartmut is saying is the show is manually advanced from slide to slide and therefore the timing of the show can be from 5 to 10 minutes long. After trying a number of ideas I find I am unable to do this. Setting the last slide, (blank), to a fixed time and adding a sound file with this timing and a fadeout works but the music from the previous slide is then chopped off abruptly. I thin we need to wait until Igor adds the sound editing functions as promised to a future version of PTE to achieve this.
  7. Andrew, let me start by saying this is one of my favourite places in the world. I have a print, (taken and printed by one of my fellow camera club members), hanging on my wall of the Earnslaw on Lake Wakatipu . Two visits there and I plan to come back. Beautiful images, appropriate music, I liked the breaking of the sections with a black screen. Timing was very good. Also your ID sequence, (Imagescapes Production), at the start is very professional. But I also must agree with the other comments about your use of pan/zoom effects. Let me break it down a little: The opening slide with a zoom into the funnel followed by the pan across the vast area, marvellous! You used the audio with these to good effect as well. I could live with the next couple of images moving but then I did want to rest my eyes and relax with the wonderful scenery. Then in the next section I did so want to just look at the wonderful scenery, the vertical pan down the smoke to the ferry was OK but hold still on the rest. The series with the ferry leaving the dock was well done and again clever use of the backing music. By the end of the AV I felt a little seasick, and this is not the sea. Summing up - Great images, creative use of the sound track, some interesting ideas in the presentation with to much use of the pan/zoom. As I have said elsewhere "As a general rule for any effect subtlety is the key word, where a little will have much more impact than a lot". Thanks for sharing and don't be put off by the odd criticism Andrew, you are showing a lot of originality and skill.
  8. Definitely Barry. By the way I just noticed your heading in that direction. Happy Birthday!!!
  9. Welcome to the world of PTE AVs and the user forum Laura, you will find lots of help and advice here. If you upgrade to PTE v5 deluxe you will have a built-in DVD burner and you can put your show/s on a DVD for viewing on any TV/Video etc with it.
  10. Barry said it all here.
  11. Pleasant show Peter. You have achieved that here. Thanks for sharing.
  12. G'day Henri, While I don't have any French I still enjoyed your show as did my grandchildren, thanks. An interesting, creative little bonbon.
  13. Bob, as a member of the local Traction and Steam engine club and the owner of a lovingly restored Lanz-Bulldog tractor you won me over from the start with the subject. Well done for your first show. More please!! The show was a little long for the non enthusiast but for me not long enough. Good choice of music but I did want to hear the sounds of the machinery working occasionally. If possible a mix of the sounds of the machinery and music would be a great improvement. Also it would help mask the change from one music track to the next that was a little disjointed. One general point I must make about an error in AVs that a beginner often makes. I find it disturbing when the images in a show break the boundaries of the show as defined by the starting slides. This probable dates back to my days making multi-projector shows where the outline of the show must always remain the same. Any that didn't were rejected from competitions/exhibitions on that grounds. You started with full screen images with a nice white boarder which set the outline for the show, then a nice blurred background that kept the outline and allowed the use of vertical images. However latter the show outline changed to have a black line above and below the image, (I think using 1024x768 size images), and latter on vertical images in the middle with black left and right. Doing this breaks the immersion of the viewer in the show with a jolt and reminds us we are looking at a PC screen, the mood is lost. Using backgrounds, side by side images, picture in picture and many other effects can prevent this and maintain the show outline/size. Just using full screen throughout will also prevent this. PS Have a word to your wife, I want the dancing girls!!!!
  14. Dave, let me start by saying a good effort for your first show here. I liked the opening with the music setting the mood and the use of well made titles, the speed here I was happy with but thought that you could have picked up the pace as we got into the show. A little variation here would have been better. As others have said I also thought you used too much pan/zoom. As a general rule for any effect subtlety is the key word where a little will have much more impact than a lot. Your choice of music was just right, it matched the images and the mix of landscape and people/animals in the landscape helped with the mood. The images were sharp, well composed and interesting. It is indeed difficult to have images that look correct on all monitors, if you can calibrate your monitor with one of the many tools available today, (I use Spyder2pro), and build your images to that standard that is the best that is possible to do. I had no problems with the moire effect or jerking of the images as others have reported.
  15. Andrew you have raised an interesting topic, one that has no end to the possible discussion - "Work-flow". It is a subject that is becoming more important for each of us to consider in PTE as the function/options available increase. I almost always have the soundtrack in mind, ofter before I even start to shoot the images. With some idea of how I wish the images to look I will work on then in Photoshop, then resize and rename them. Then in PTE, I start by building the show as a silent AV by putting the images and their effects, (transitions, PZR, etc) together with approximately the correct timing. Once this is done I will go to my sound editor and build the soundtrack mix, (music, sound-effects, commentary, etc) as one file using the timing of the images which I have recorded as a hand written script from the PTE timeline. Then the sound file is imported into PTE and in the timeline minor adjustments are made to the image timing if needed, (they usually are). Often I will also need to make minor timing adjustments to the audio file back in the audio editor if the timing changes effect the image sequence to much. Occasionally, only very occasionally, a wave of creativity will sweep over me and a major alteration, (sometimes even some re-shooting of some images), will be needed. So as said in the other posts there is some moving to and fro between PTE and the sound editor. Finally the exe file is created. Also if required a DVD is burnt. Then most importantly a template of the show is made and saved to CD/DVD with the exe file.
  16. Arrrr So there is a disadvantage of owning the RR of digital SLRs. I'm still envious. The camera backpack has worked well for me in many different situations. Sorry Barry I'm going to up your offer £501.
  17. Henri, I would love to see your show but I get a "Invalid Quickkey. This error has been forwarded to MediaFire's development team." "The quickkey you provided for file download was invalid. This is usually caused because the file is no longer stored on Mediafire. This occurs when the file is removed by the originating user or Mediafire" error when I try to download it.
  18. I too would like that please Dom.
  19. Yep, worked for me Ken, thanks.
  20. Same here. Bob I think you have posted the upload link for your show. The download link should look something like this: http://www.mediafire.com/xxxxxxxxxx Where xxxxxxxx should be something like ?7rda4vy9koy.
  21. David, this is probably what you don't wish to hear however I too have this problem. It was during testing of a early beta v5 that it became apparent and I have tried most things but cannot fix it. I have come to the conclusion that it is my video card. By adjusting transition timing and/or the way I use pan/zoom effects I can make it almost unnoticeable and have lived with that. One day when I upgrade my video card it will go, (I hope). My system is: Win Xp SP2+ CPU Intel P4 2.27 GHz 8 kilobyte primary memory cache, 512 kilobyte secondary memory cache. 4096 Megabytes Installed Memory. Nvidia GeForce FX5700 256 RAM VideoMode 1280 by 960 pixels, 75 Hertz. DirectX 9.0c What I consider a mid range system.
  22. Dave an off the wall question. Is the "jerk occurring at the point where the transition to the slide finishers? Try varying the transition time and see if the "jerk" position moves accordingly.
  23. Pedro, I like the way you think, must use that music behind one of my shows one-day. Your use of some nice "cut & paste" transitions was impressive and original. The subject appealed to me as I like industrial photography. The colours and textures of metal, particularly when ageing is attractive. Well done for a first multi-slide show. However I do agree with the others that your AV show does cry out for some soundtrack, (it is after all an Audio/Visual). Could I suggest you try "Welcome to the Machine" by Pink Floyd, (on their "Wish You Were Here" CD).
  24. Dominque, Like all the other comments I too was blown away with these. Creative, original, inspiring, wonderful use of sound, I could go on and on. Makes me want to pack my bags and go to Japan now. Both great but I liked "TheDOM" version more, the extra little creative touches do make a difference. Thanks for sharing this with us.
  25. If you wish to post your AVs and email the link for your friends to download as Lin suggested, I recommend MediaFire. I have used it for sometime now with no problems. It allows up to 100MB files, as many as you wish for as long as you wish for no cost. See: http://www.mediafire.com/
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