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Everything posted by jfa

  1. Yes. Mostly, however there are some areas where the default settings have changed and other, (a small number), functions that have changed. Peter, Ken has covered this well in his answer, but I would like to stress you save all your v4.xx PTE projects, exe files etc before doing anything in v5 and keep them in another folder, CD, DVD, etc as once converted to v5 v4.xx can't open them. Best to do a "create template for this show" of your v4.xx shows and save this with the exe file.
  2. Good to hear from you Igor, even better to hear you are well.
  3. jfa


    Good to hear you have PTE up and running as required. It would be interesting to know which program you find was causing your problem, when you find it. May be helpful to others in the future.
  4. Jeff, I had no problems with the appearance of your images in the show on my setup. Strange one indeed?? Glad it was a "one off" for you.
  5. Jeff it would be helpful to have more information about your PC setup, particularly the video card and it's RAM and the system RAM. I have seen a similar problem on a friends PC. She found it was caused by her anti-virus program running in the background, if you are running one turn it off and try again. Are you running any other programs in the background?
  6. Made me smile!! Thanks Dom, (sorry for the bad pun).
  7. Hilary, Igor has indicated adding some sound editing functions to PTE in the near future. See: http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=6806 If you know the time from the start of the show to when you wish the music to start you could add silence to the music file for that length of time in a sound editor. Again for now this is best done in a sound editor and make one soundtrack. Try Audacity it's free, easy to use and can be downloaded from here: http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ I've tried the "View>Advanced Options>Path and name of Sound Editor" function but can't make it work.
  8. Mario if you mean PNG files the answer is "yes".
  9. G'day Zyderco I am assuming from what you said that you are trying to use the "space bar/pause", "back arrow/slide", "forward arrow/slide" etc keyboard or mouse controls when running your show. With v5 of PTE several of the default values and setting are quite different in this area and you should check the settings you made, (in v4.46), in the Project Options, (Main and Advanced tabs), of the show in v5. Also other settings may need some adjustments.
  10. Great DOM. I particularly like the 3D Photo Pile. You just keep the good ones coming, I'm getting more templates than I have images to put in them!! Thanks for your great work. Now to go out and take some images so I can make good use of your work.
  11. Just watched your latest show Barry and as always am very impressed. It was when you were writing in Digital Photo magazine, (I think it was 2002 or 03), that you wrote a tutorial on using PTE, (v4.00 beta I think), that got me started with this excellent program. Then I found your AVs and they inspired me to make my own. Since then I have learnt much from you and your shows they are always original in presentation with new ideas and the photography is wonderful, thanks Barry. Keep up the great work, looking forward to the next one.
  12. Paul I have tried to take shots like this at Jazz festivals at ISO 1600 etc and it is very difficult to achieve well exposed, low noise images. You have done this very well, in fact excellently. I have mentioned in comments on your other shows how I'm impressed by the colour and tones you achieve in your images, well you have done it again and in adverse conditions too, you are a very competent worker in Photoshop. The small criticism I would make regards the timing of the images with the music. The AV starts well with punchy dissolves and fast image timing to match the music tempo but then slows before the music tempo slows and then when the tempo of the music picks up in the latter part of the show the image timing remains slower. A small point but I would like to see a remake, I think it would improve a already very good show. Thanks again for another interesting AV Paul. P.S. Have you used any noise reduction software on the images as the lack of noise is remarkable for ISO 1600?
  13. Andy, brilliant display of your time-lapse technique, nice clouds too. The power poles/towers in the bottom right corner gave a sense of scale without intruding on the sky in your sequence. I found this quite hypnotic with the music adding to the effect also. Well done. I will be following up your other work on youtube. All ran fine on my system. Win Xp SP2+ CPU Intel P4 2.27 GHz 8 kilobyte primary memory cache, 512 kilobyte secondary memory cache. 2048 Megabytes Installed Memory. Nvidia GeForce FX5700 256 RAM VideoMode 1280 by 960 pixels, 75 Hertz. DirectX 9.0c
  14. Michel Some time ago, (think in v4.48), I too wanted to do this but gave up thinking it was impossible, (all or none as others have said). Now with v5 your answer is simple and elegant thanks lots for it.
  15. Steve it is possible to make a show with no sound/music and let your friends play their music on their PC in the background while they watch the AV. Perhaps you could provide them with the PTE file and let them add their own music if they wanted the music embedded in the EXE file. As it's only for your friends this could work. This function may be possible to incorporate into PTE but I think it would be very difficult to have a viewer add music via an edit of the EXE file.
  16. Minstral it may be wise to upgrade to the current version, v5, as a new music player was added to v5.00. This may or may not have some bearing on your problem but would be worth the effort to have v5 of PTE. If you don't need the built-in video burner component of v5 deluxe there is no cost for the upgrade.
  17. Great to have you back here. New show coming up on your holiday Dom? Will have a look and give you some feedback.
  18. I've been a longtime fan of Eudora and continue to use it. Find it here: http://www.eudora.com/ PS It's now free to use.
  19. I would like to add my voice to Peter and Brians request. It is a simple task to cut and paste only the section of the previous post your reply is aimed at using the AddReply and not repost the entire post through the reply button. As the forum is becoming more popular, (due to PTE becoming more successful), the amount of posts per day is growing and efficient posting becomes more important for the forum to continue to function well. Thanks everyone in advance.
  20. Welcome to the user forum Frank, you will find lots of help here. Have you checked to see if "Customise Slide">"Main">"Stop at the end of this slide" is selected on the slide the show stops at? In other words "No actions after this slide" should be set here.
  21. Welcome to PTE and the user forum Bernard you will find lots of help here. I have found the method mentioned here to work well for me, a little cumbersome but will do until the function is built into PTE in a future version. http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index....amp;#entry31206
  22. Welcome to PTE and to the user forum Auser. This is a deficit in the functionally of PTE and an enhancement has been requested, Igor has indicated it will be addressed in a upgrade soon. See: http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=6806 also: http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=6657 There are a number of overlay grids/guides available that have been made by users. They don't allow "snap to" but still are useful. Try here for one: http://www.thedom.fr/share/dload.php?actio...y&cat_id=14
  23. Mario, Barry Beckhams tutorials for PTE are what got me going in PTE a few years ago. As Bob said, I found them very easy to follow and always include a lot of extra tips and tricks. Also Barry's AV shows are excellent and full of ideas and free from his site. www.beckhamdigital.co.uk/ Also try Al Robinsons PTE-101 a great intro to PTE: http://www.alrobinson.com/av/technology1.htm Good luck and enjoy. I have to say good things about Barry as he is about to become a Aussie
  24. I should have mentioned in my previous post that there is a tutorial available called PTE 101 made by Al Robinson and I believe it can be downloaded from his site: http://www.alrobinson.com/av/technology1.htm It was made for a previous version of PTE but will be of assistance to any PTE beginners. Just found this link http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7124 about v5 documentation.
  25. Welcome to the forum. Select: Project Option at the bottom of the main screen Select: Effects tab Select: double blank icon on the right hand side, (this will unselect all transitions effects) Select: enable transition effects Select: Fade In/Out box this will apply the effect to all images in the AV and to any future ones added. Also at the bottom of this window you can set the duration of the effect on all slides in the show. Back in the main window of PTE, If you select a slide/slides then select Customise Slide on the middle right of the screen, the effects tab will give the same options but will only be applied to the selected slide/slides and not effect the setting for the whole project. EDIT to fix spelling.
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