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Everything posted by jfa

  1. Have a look here for "Daisy Chaining" several PTE EXE shows. http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7005
  2. Philippe if you add the sound to the slide in the "sound field" under the slide preview area in the main screen, (as per the screen-shoot in my post above) the background sound file will continue playing while this sound plays. The sound file added in this way will start with the slide it is attached to and play until it is finished, (in your case for 3.5 slides), no matter what the timing on the slide is. The only issue with this is you have no control of the volume of each file in PTE, so they will play with a mix at the sound level of each file. You may need to adjust this in a sound editor first to get the desired mix. Igor has indicated the some basic sound editing will be incorporated into a version of PTE in the near future.
  3. Another thought Philippe. You could "Daisy Chain" the 4 EXE shows. For this technique see: http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7005
  4. Philippe the following is a little unwieldy but will do want you wish. Assuming you wish to combine 4 shows in 1-2-3-4 order. -Open show number 2 in PTE. -In the "slide list" select slide 1. Holding down the <Shift> key select the last slide in the show. Then right click and select "copy slide" (or use <CTL>+C). -Open show 1. Go to end of slide list and right click. Select "paste slide" ( or use <CTL>+V). This will past show 2 and all of its attributes into show 1 at the end. -Repeat for show 3 and 4, pasting into the end of the new show 1. -When finished save as new combined PTE file and create your EXE file. DO NOT close PTE at any stage of this process. I believe using "select all" will not work although I haven't tested this. Save your new show 1 first and at each combination step to prevent loss of your work during the process.
  5. Philippe are you trying to combine the shows in PTE to make one AV? Or are you trying to make a DVD where the shows will run automatically one after the other?
  6. Brian, this is the link to the "Volcano Teide Part 3" show that Morasoft recommended. Some great animation done in PTE v5 there. http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=5985
  7. If you read this thread I think all will be explained. http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=6994
  8. Ron, I put the link to where I have posted the .EXE file of my show in the Description field and the viewer can click it, cut and paste it to their browser, etc.
  9. I liked number 1 very much. Very nice results Brian for a happy clicker.
  10. Thanks for the detailed response Paul. When I worked with transparencies, (seems like the stone ages now), I found the results varied considerably with different combinations of film and lenses. In particular I found a combination of Canon FD lenses and Agfachrome 50S film gave a very pleasing result. It was very similar to the saturation, colours and range of tones within those colours that I see in your shows. I agree that today digital equipment tends to give a more constant result across a wide range of brands and models and the post shooting work plays a more important roll in the final result than ever before. What would we do without Photoshop.
  11. It was more of a question than a suggestion. However I gather you added the sound in "Project Options>Music" which should work if you have "Pause when window of show becomes inactive" ticked on the main tab of Project Options. How do you call the internet site from the PTE show? Just for future information the attached screen-shot shows where a sound file can be added to a image on the main PTE screen.
  12. How have you setup the sound in your PTE file? A sound file added in Project Options. A sound file added in the sound field under the slide preview area. A sound file added to a slide in Customise slide as background music. Each of these can give different results as will as various combinations of these.
  13. Paul, I finally got to view your "Albert Memorial" AV. Better late than never. Your chose of music to accompany the images, (Jeremiah Clarkes Trumpet Voluntary), was excellent. I had heard of the Albert Memorial but knew nothing more about it than why it was built. After seeing your show I was inspired to learn more and searched the WEB and found a lot of interesting information, thanks for opening my eyes on this subject. It's now on my list of "must-see" if/when I visit London. Your show conveyed the majesty and eminence size of the memorial, particularly the seamless vertical pan. The length of the show was good as it left me wanting to see more of your excellent images. I'm waiting for the version 2 with a voice over. I found the colour and particular the tones in the colours striking, I have found this in your other shows, particularly the one on the London Eye. Do you do much work on this in Photoshop? Do you put this down to the equipment you use? If so what do you shot with, particularly the lenses? Thanks again Paul.
  14. Andy I like your shows and this is a great suggestion, very simple and works well. Youtube is something I haven't spent a lot of time on because of the quality drop, however it is a good preview and if the viewer wants a better quality/full screen show it is possible to let them download a file of this. I will be using youtube more now. In fact I have just setup an account and will put some of my shows up shortly. Thanks for bringing a great idea to our attention.
  15. What a great way to relax and unwind after the hectic time you had with v5. I think I will use you clouds/Hubble slides running in a loop as my default screen saver, Sooooo restful, thanks and enjoy the rest of your break.
  16. Welcome to the forum Brian. I have found no problems doing this in PTE of any version. Have you got the "Customise Slide>Main tab" Display slide for (sec) set to a value greater than the effect time (in this case greater than 8 seconds)? This can cause problems if not. Which effect are you trying to use?
  17. Ron, I have used the "sound" field under the slide preview window to quickly add a sound file to a slide often. This is quick and easy to do if you wish the sound to start with the slide. The main drawback I find with this method is the lack of control over the volume when the effect file plays over the main/background sound file. This is the method I assume you are commenting on as when adding a sound effect under the "custimize slide>music" tab the background sound is lost while it plays. Manfred, Using my method as described earlier you can stop the show at any point you wish with the keyboard, mouse or navigation bar. When the show is restarted, (again with the keyboard, mouse or navigation bar), then music and images will continue from that point still in complete sync. I have used this same technique to deliver lectures on photography and other subjects, often pausing to answer questions or give more details. It is also possible to add sections of silence within the sound file to coincide with a number of slides if you wish to talk while these slides are displayed and the show continues. Your English is fine, much better than my German.
  18. G'day John and welcome to the forum. I also have worked as a camera club AV exhibition coordinator and have been presented with the same problem. This is the solution I found worked well. Make a small PTE AV which has a number of blank slides. The number should equal the number of shows you wish to display plus 1. You can have an introduction slide with the exhibition/competition title, welcome note etc on it if you wish. On the "Project Options>Main" tab select "repeat show until ESC is pressed". On the "Project Options>Advanced" tab untick "control of show using keyboard". For the first blank slide select "Customise slide" and tick "run external application" and then select the first show you wish to run. For the Second blank slide select "Customise slide" and tick "run external application" and then select the second show you wish to run. Continue this procedure until you have all the shows you wish to run selected, (one from each slide). You may wish to unplug the keyboard if the PC is accessible by the public and not always supervised to prevent any interference with the display. This method is independent of having access to the original PTE files which is usually the case. Once the PTE file has been created it is relative easy to change it for each future display you may wish to build and run. Hope you find this is useful. EDITED 13:20Hr to correct spelling.
  19. Thanks Dom, Glad to hear we will not loose your excellent site. Good luck with setting-up your new nest. Look forward to seeing you active on the forum when you have settled in.
  20. Works fine for me.
  21. Joe, I have had no problems running any of my previous version PTE shows in v5. You can load v5 and still leave v4.48 on your PC until you are happy with v5, so in the unlikely event you can't run a show you still have v4.48 for it. Just remember if you save the show from v5 call it something different to keep the v4.48 version PTE file. Better still save all your shows as templates as well.
  22. Hope this is useful to you Manfred.
  23. Thanks Al, I understand and will live with it.
  24. Dave I do exactly want you want to do. I keep a show with my standard start and end and copy/past it into each new show I make. The following is the technique I use, I keep the steps in a word doc so I can check ifI remember the right steps. I can't remember where I go these so apology to whoever the original creator was in advance, it may well have been Hawk. Adding 2 PTE files to make 1 PTE file. Right click on image/images in the “ Slide List – choose “ Copy “ *** Do not close PTE. Go to “ File “ - New / or Open your new working project, and in Slide List – right click and “ Paste “ This does copy all the “ Objects & Annimation “ of the sample image/images. Now - " Save as " Open other samples and repeat. You should be able to Copy / Paste your samples into one show. You cannot close PTE and restart, - ( this can only be pasted into existing open PTE project.) Nor can you “ Select All “ / Copy in Object and Annimation section and “ Paste “ into new project. It must be done from the SLIDE LIST. Hope this helps.
  25. Manfred, have a look at my AV "Riding the Wind" if this is want you want to do with sound let me know and I will try to explain how I did it. Download Av from here: http://www.mediafire.com/?7xdaio4jxxt
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