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Everything posted by jfa

  1. Thanks Al for a very useful tool, not just for reprogramming a PTE AV, also I find it a useful education tool to see how things are done in PTE. One small request, you have updated the ZIP file name with the new version, (PTE-5_Adjustor_4), but the program file is just called PTE-5_Adjustor.xls which doesn't indicate which version the program is. In future could you name the program to indicate which version it is as well to eliminate any confusion please? EDIT added---- Al I am having no problems running your PTE Adjustor on Office XP - Excel 2002.
  2. AArrrr Soo, that's what that check box is for!! I always wondered what it did. Thanks Ralph for the very good set of screen shoots, a clear, concise explanation.
  3. Fred, which DVD player software gives you the best results? Also which ones should we stay away from?
  4. For those that haven't noticed, the forum reached a milestone today. Most users ever online was 488 on Today, 04:40 AM Word is spreading about the great new PTE V5, and so it should!!
  5. There seems to be some confusion here, I hope I can shine some light on the subject, here goes. In the "File Panel" the images can be rearranged by name, extension, date, size. Go to file>file list sort order to do this. Also the order can be from newest to oldest or the reverse order. When viewing the "File Panel" in full screen these options are not available. This is the same in PTE v5 as it was in v4. In the "Slide List" in full screen the images can be dragged and dropped and recorded in this way in PTE v5 as they could in v4.
  6. As Al said, welcome to the forum Photo Girl, Mediafire works well for posting AVs and any other files, photos etc. Up to 100Mg file size for free, no time limit and any number of files. http://www.mediafire.com/ We all love to see new shows from anyone/anywhere and if you wish to have comments/feedback on your show let us know in the Slide shows created in PicturesToExe forum, request all comments, only positive or no comments as you wish.
  7. Jim, I find that "Full screen view of file panel" allows me to view more images at the same size than with the panel in the main window.This permits me to find a image that may be hidden further down the list in the main window view.
  8. PeterPan I spent some time looking for and testing the same tool you are trying to find. My conclusions were that Gallery Creator was the best freeware available, as mentioned in an earlier post, closely followed by Picasa. I found Picasa a little slow in some of its functions when the number of images that require processing becomes large. The best tool of all and the one I am now using is the Bridge with Photoshop CS3. However this is defiantly not freeware.
  9. Igor, along with all the previous messages, I to wish to give a big congratulation to you and the team at Wnsoft for this great product. Also to all who helped in the development of this version, thank you. Enjoy your well deserved break Igor and return in high spirits for the next one, thanks.
  10. Thanks for the information Jean-Claude. Very useful tool.
  11. Andrew, Well done. I think you have found the answer. Thanks for sharing it with us.
  12. Dave, Mediafire has worked well for me. Just check you give out the correct link for the file/show you store there.
  13. Dave have a look here: http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=6896
  14. Nice show. I have done a lot of hiking, (we call it walking in my neck of the woods), over the years and I feel you captured the "feel" of doing this with the mix of images of landscape and people involved, thanks for bring back some good memories. No sound issues at all with my system, in fact well done with a good mix of appropriate music and sound effects with the water. I was happy with the image timing. The show was just the right length, if the images had been on the screen longer the show would have become a little to long, or you would have had to drop some of the images which I think would be a bad thing. Jeff, I too get into trouble with my fellow walkers for lagging behind taking photographs. In fact photographers in general have a reputation for doing this on walks here, and as a result get some stick for this. It's a high price we pay for our art. LOL.
  15. Jeff, I have just watched you presentation, (twice), and enjoyed it a lot. The O&A tools were put to good effect, not overdone and added to the show. The sound was clean, appropriate and well mixed. Your use of a commentary was well executed and on this style of show added a lot to the enjoyment and education of the viewer. Very well done. Paul, I had no problem with the opening slide as you did. It may be your system or settings. I use 1280x960 at 75Hz on a nvidia GeForce FX 5700 with 256RAM.
  16. G'day Paul, Well done, I particularly liked your introduction and the title screen. Some nice landscapes, your use of light and depth of field I thought was very good. You were indeed lucky with the weather. As others have said the ending was a little abrupt. Looking forward to seeing more of your work "in public", thanks.
  17. Thanks for your comments Gordon. Sorry about your vertigo, still photographing the balloons can be almost as much fun as riding in them. Yes the frames were created in Photoshop, with the stroke and layer style functions. Have a look at the tutorial "Create Slideshow" by Oleg Lobacheb and Coral Thomas at Beechbrook Cottage. Download from here:- http://www.beechbrook.com/pte/index.asp?ca...4&view=View It is an excellent demonstration of the technique, (better than I could do), and several others techniques that I'm sure you will find interesting.
  18. G'day Alain, Is this what you are looking for?
  19. Gillio, I got your show after using the second link you posted. Very busy at the moment so will get back with comments when I get time to watch it, thanks for posting.
  20. Thanks Mary, I worked out 1. but you have answered something I had been wondering about in 2.
  21. G'day Freddy and welcome to the forum. Like the other replies I too have done this, ten times to be precise and have six more to go. It is indeed a big job but rewarding. The most tedious and time consuming part is the slide scanning, which I initially did with a Epson flatbed with slide attachment. However I have found a local lab that do excellent quality slide to JPEG scanning for a reasonable price and this is defiantly the way to go if possible. Do any editing in Photoshop as required, then use the batch function to resize. Then as the others have done rename with a numerical sequence at the start followed by some descriptive name to allow identification at a later date as you may wish to use the scan elsewhere at another time. (e.g. 0001 title for xxxx show, 0002 car in driveway, 0003 car in street etc). The number will allow loading into PTE in the correct order. Copy tape as suggested and align the start of the soundtrack with the first image in PTE timeline the adjust each image timing and dissolve as required. Use PTE v5 to burn the DVD, it's a breeze with the new DVD creation package there. Good luck Freddy, you have a big job ahead but it is very rewarding and made a little easier with PTE.
  22. G'day Everyone, In another post Igor has indicated the timeline window is going to have a major rework, (with some basic sound editing), in PTE v5.1 or v5.2. This function would indeed be handy on a mouse click rather than the current use of key combinations. With the rebuild of the timeline functionally I also hope this will be included.
  23. Peter, welcome to the forum and PTE. Lin has given you an excellent, balanced and detailed answer to your question regarding PTE vs Memories On TV Pro, Proshow Producer and Proshow Gold. The only point I would like to add to his answer is this forum. The level of expertize and promptness of answers to questions, from the basic to more advanced can sometimes be a little overwhelming as they are so good. Also the tutorials made and posted here by many PTE users is a very valuable source of information. It's like having an interactive manual at your fingertips. Then there is the support given by Igor and the team at Wnsoft which is beyond anything I have experienced with other products. Finally I would advise a little investment of time in PTE from which you will be rewarded many times over. Good luck.
  24. Al, I had a look at this show/example (11Mb version) and WOW! On my system there was no sign of any shimmer/flicker etc. It ran very smoothly. The zoom on the other show (7Mb) did have a small amount at the start on the edges as you said. The 11Mb pan did cry out for a zoom back to a view of the entire scene at the end, from the point where the forest just fills the screen. Then maybe a dissolve to the posted image of the 57 separate images as a demonstration of what has been done. Any chance of a remake?
  25. Ron. Same here. I use a separate folder with copies of all the images for each show, the PTE file and a sub folder with the associated sound files and notes in it. Then I save all my EXE files to the one folder and keep a copy of this folder in off computer backup storage. Currently there is 27 files in this folder with no problems.
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