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Everything posted by jfa

  1. Jim A very pleasant AV about an interesting part of the planet. I enjoyed the images, (very well taken), and the music combination was good. Your presentation was excellent, the format and the thin white frame look great on my monitor. Can I ask you what was the dimensions of the images you used? Only suggestion I can make for improvement would be to shorten the AV a little. Of course this means you have the hard job of deciding which of the very good images to remove. How did the AV do in the competition?
  2. Wonderful Peter. Thanks for taking the time and posting for us to see. Now I might understand the cube and be able to solve one!!
  3. Dom Just back from a week down on our south coast shooting a job for 2 days and the rest of the time doing my own thing. Hope to have an AV to post once I get work out of the way. Pleased you have made a decision on a camera. My current lens set is as follows, all Canon--- 10-22mm (EF-S lens) same as Jim (JRR). This is a truly great lens and so cheap, one of the best kept Canon secrets. 18-55mm (EF-S lens). I am not really happy with this one. The telephoto end is too short and the image quality is just OK. I am looking at the new Canon EF-S 15-85mm as a replacement. 60mm macro (EF-S) I am very happy with this lens also. Great for portraits as well as macro. 70-300mm I agree with Jim this is a much better lens than the 75-300mm.
  4. Dom It looks like the best candidate for me at the moment, however I am in no hurry so will probably wait until after Xmas. More user reviews will be available then, also I think it will get a little cheaper. Yes.Igor Thanks for the extra links to examples. Glad you were impressed by the 7D. For me it is a second priority update to PTE. First is the audio adjustments implemented in PTE that you have promised us.
  5. Thanks bjc.
  6. Yes please!!
  7. Looking to upgrade my old D-SLR and have been checking out the new Canon 7D D-SLR. While the movie mode is a minor concern to me I am intrigued by the HD quality and low-light capabilities, (along with some other ground breaking functions). Here is a sample you may be interested in. http://www.vimeo.com/6904072
  8. Jean-Charles Just one word Superb, thanks.
  9. Colin Is there a link please?
  10. Well, in all my 30+ years in the AV area I have never heard that one and I am a little, (no completely), complexed as to why not? I would love to hear an explanation as I cannot see this is a valid point. In some cases it may not be the best choice to use a boarder but I am genuinely interested to find out why some feel boarders should never be used. By the way Mark I enjoyed your show, (boarders and all), very much, thanks.
  11. Sorry for all the problems but it appears the forum shortens the link when posting and somehow the intermediate link was inserted. I have checked and reposted the link and all appears to work OK now.
  12. I found this yesterday and thought some here may find it useful. Photoshop is my tool of choice but the cost can be prohibitive to many. These are not as detailed as photoshop, but they are FREE!! Also some nice free on-line websites permitting you to work on your pictures. http://www.lifecleve...s-to-photoshop/ Two other programs worth a look are GIMP and Paint.net. EDIT 26/9 Changed Link.
  13. Gary, Watching your tour of Austria was a very enjoyable experience, thanks for posting it for us. We viewed it in several sittings so the length was not a problem. The use of text to describe the locations and the maps was excellent for someone who has not visited that part of the world it was informative and entertaining. Giving the links into your other show was also a good idea. Some wonderful photography, also the music fitted the AV. I normally don't like to see mixing of landscape and portrait formats but in a travelogue like this I don't see that as an issue. The only suggestion i have is to tidy up the ends a little with an instructive slide leading to the next show, maybe calling an intermission between part 1 & 2. Well done, we are very envious of your trip.
  14. Dom It may be that I don't have QTime PRO just the free version. I have been able to play your MP4 file with the good old reliable VLC Media Player so I will stick with it for MP4s. Thanks for putting the time into the tutorial and I am looking forward to the others when you produce them.
  15. Thanks for that very useful information Dom. I have downloaded the mp4 file successfully as directed, it runs on Qtime player but no picture. One , more question if you don't mind, what player do you use to play MP4 files on?
  16. Eric you have answered the question with that statement!!! You obviously never turn it off, if you did you would know the effect!!
  17. Dom This was a very good tutorial and this old dog learnt a few new tricks. It would be great to see you produce more tutorials along these lines. The only thing I ask is that as well as posting on YouTube you make the file available for downloading as I like to have it running on my PC and pause then go into PTE and try out the tips. This is much easier if I have the video on my PC, and then I don't need IE running as well, thanks.
  18. A truly inspirational work Jean-Pierre, thanks for posting and the time you put into producing it. I hope we will see more of your work in the near future. It is good to see you back on the forum, you have been missed.
  19. Yes now I have watched the AV twice I think Barry has said it all. Love the bike racks, some very good images here but need some explanation.
  20. I had the same download problem with the zip file as reported earlier by several members. Deleted my browsing history and downloaded again and all was OK. Now to view the AV and report back with comments.
  21. Benny, There are many things I like about your AV. The use of B/W images add to the dramatic style of the show. Also the architectural photography is very good. Length of the AV is short but for this subject it works well. Your choice of music is excellent. There was no need for fancy transitional effects the transition you used was fine. The ending is original and again suits the theme of the show. But I do agree with Peter about the timing of the images with the music. There was only one image I would remove, about half-way through a shoot of the roof you had used earlier but this time it is a little overexposed. Thanks for sharing an original and entertaining AV.
  22. I'm in total agreement with you Dave, it's the natural way we see the world. We can lay in front of the steam-roller of progress if we want with the end result we will get flattened.
  23. Lin Very captivating! Sorry for the pun. Seriously, lovely bubbles with just the right transparency and colour with a very effective execution of PZR effects, realistic. Well done. How about one or two bubbles bursting when they hit the rock?
  24. Eric, You must have a very friendly bank manager to have a stable of cameras like that, epically after you have sold off some! I am really just envious!!
  25. Mike Not wishing to start a debate over brands the following is my experience which may be helpful to you. For 30+ years I used Canon equipment to shoot film and was very happy with it. When it came to changing to digital I had a choice of the brand and equipment to purchase as my old FD canon lenses were not compatible with the new Canon DSLRs. I was lucky to have a number of photographer friends who lent me various brands of DSLRs and lenses to try, (Nikon, Minolta, Canon and Fuji. Sony was not in the market then). After much reading and testing I settled on Canon equipment. My photography consists mainly of -- Landscape - My favourite lens is the Canon 10-22mm zoom (16-35mm equivalent) which sells for less than A$1,000 and gives amazing results, it must be one of the best keep secrets at the price. Macro - Mainly middle range, insects, caterpillars, butterflies and flowers. The Canon 60mm f2.8 macro (96mm equivalent) is also a very pleasing lens with excellent results. Also use it for people, portraits and some landscapes. Birds - Using the Canon 70-300mm, (112-480 equivalent). Gives very good results. Occasionally used for sport and action photos. General photography - I have yet to find a lens I am really happy with in the middle range yet. Currently using the Canon EF-S 15-55 zoom kit lens (28-88 equivalent) good but not great results. For Architecture and city buildings I use the above lenses mainly the wide-angle zoom and do any perspective correction I may need in Photoshop. If I was to purchase a new DSLR currently it would be the Canon 50D, or the new 60D due out shortly as I can't afford a 1D. LOL. Good luck with your search Mike.
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