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Angie Kalthoff

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Everything posted by Angie Kalthoff

  1. Ken, thanks for all your help today. I feel it is a lost cause. I think the main problem comes w/ my Roxio software and it's inability to encode the files from my slideshow before it burns them. I will keep trying though! Angie
  2. Ken, I tried making a vcd or whatever and went to play it on my computer and got this message Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The Player might not support the file type or might not support the codec that was used to compress the file. ??? Also, I already could play exe files on computers so why would anyone want to do it this way?? Angie
  3. p.s.are you talking a tv w/ a dvd inside??
  4. Ok, call me dumb, but how do I go about doing that?? And it will only play on a tv/ dvd set combo?? thanks for your help. Angie
  5. Ken, nope, just got a new computere w/ a burner so haven't done this before. It is Roxio Creator LE?? It came w/ our Dell computer. Angie
  6. when using the program it says it can't decode the files if that helps any. I'm stuck, anyone?? Angie
  7. I have Roxio Creator for my dvd burning program. I am trying to burn a dvd from a pics 2 exe slideshow. I created the slideshow as an AVI file and that didn't work. Thought?? Angie
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