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  1. Thanks for the kind words Al, I'm looking forward to getting it working! I've recently had a month in New Zealand, during which I took about 2.500 photos, and would like to turn the better ones into something worth keeping.
  2. Hi all, I'm a new user and have just bought PicturesToExe, received my registration key email but the key was embedded in the message (I'm using Eudora), with several characters missing from the end. I've tried pasting it into a .txt / .reg / .key file, and adding random characters to the end to make the file 231 bytes in length (as suggested in other posts on this forum), but I still get the "invalid / damaged key" message when I launch the software. Can I assume that being a Saturday, I'll have to wait til Monday for the support team to re-send the key? This is sooo annoying as I loved the demo version and actually have time today to create a slideshow! Grrr Can anyone out there help? Barney.
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