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Bill Artman

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Everything posted by Bill Artman

  1. Conflow; Thanks very much for your help and for the audio trimmer. I have tried it and it works greats for what I need. I still think that if PTE would have something similar build into the program that would be very helpful. Thanks again!!
  2. I am the person who originally started this post with the simple question asking if PTE can do a fade at the end of a song and I have asked this same question on this forum maybe once a year since I have started using PTE several years ago. I have been following the thread carefully but have not responded until Xaver asked for a response. I am a professional photographer in the USA that uses PTE to create slide shows to show my clients their portrait images when they choose their poses and order their portraits. I do not consider myself a PTE power user by any means. If the song I want to use is too long for the number of slides I have and if I have PTE sync the length of the song to the number of slides, each slide is on the screen for a LONG time which is not good. All I am saying/asking is that it would be nice if PTE had the capability to make the song shorter then add a fade at the end of the song. In my humble opinion, I don't think this "simple" capability would add to the overall complexity of PTE as it would be a "simple" addition to the program. I am not a programmer so Igor is probably reading this and thinking I am crazy!!! That's my two cents worth!
  3. Brian; I totally agree with you about the "simple fade" feature. I am sure everyone would use it. Today I made a wedding slide show video for one of my clients. The video actually has 7 PTE slideshows, one for each phase of the wedding. I had to calculate the total length of the music for each of the 7 shows then trim the length and add a fade out in Audacity. It took me long time to do that. Thanks for your thoughts!
  4. Xaver thanks for your great answer! Have a great week!
  5. Xaver ; You mention a cross fade - what is that? Is it different than just having the music fade out at the end of the song? Thanks!
  6. Lin; Thanks for your answer. I have Audacity installed on my machine but have never really tried to use it. I will look at it now as all I need to do is to make the song shorter and then add a fade out. Have great day!
  7. I am using PTE Deluxe 5.5. When I make a slide show with many images I set the time interval for new slides to 5 second per slide. I do not check the box to auto spread the slides along music. I also have the Clsoe show aftger last slide checked because I don't want the last slide to remain on the screen until the music runs out. When the slide show ends before the music ends the music cuts off without any fade. Is there a way to make PTE fade the music out on the last slide? Thanks for your help!
  8. Igor; I would like to say again that everything worked perfect with PTE 5.5. The problem started with 5.6. Answers to your questions: 1) My video card has 3 outputs. 2 outputs go to 2 monitors. The second monitor is used for my Photoshop palettes. The 3rd output is S-video connected to a 65 inch projection TV for presenting portrait images to my clients. When I am not using the TV the video card driver is set to switch the output connected to the second monitor to "extend desktop". When I use the TV for a client presentation the video card driver is set to switch the video output from the second monitor to the S-video connector to drive the big screen TV. 2) I am using Fullscreen screen mode 3) The presentation software is not downloadable. I would have to try to upload it to you if that would be possible. You would then have to add my registration code and I would have to tell you how to operate the software to the point of loading images and running the PTE 5.6 slideshow so you could actually see what is happening. I have this same problem when trying to run a PTE 5.6 slideshow from within the presentation software on a Windows XP Pro SP3 machine and also on a Windows XP Pro SP3 laptop so I don't think this is a machine problem. I did notice that the Project Options Screen tab in 5.6 is different than 5.5. Would the virtual size of slide setting make the slideshow run in the upper left corner of the screen instead of full screen? There is a preference in the presentation software which tells the software to simply run a PTE show if it recognizes a .exe file in the same folder with all of the individual images. The 5.6 slideshow runs perfect from Windows Explorer. There must be something in 5.6 that is not there is 5.5. I hope you have some thoughts. Thanks very much for your help!
  9. Hello Igor; Sorry it has taken me a couple of days to reply. I am using Windows XP Pro SP3. I am a professional photographer in the US. My computer is connected to a 65 inch projection TV and I use a presentation software program to show portrait images to my clients so they can choose their poses and order their portraits. The presentation program has a special capability to recognize a PTE file by looking for the .exe file extension. I place the PTE file in the "image viewing" folder which contains the portraits. When I click on the "slide show" button which is part of the presentation program's splash screen the PTE slide show automatically starts and the slide show displays FULL screen. This has always worked properly until PTE 5.6. When I was using 5.5 the slide show would display FULL screen. When I use 5.6 the slide show does not display FULL screen but instead it displays about 75 percent of the screen and in the upper left corner of the monitor. I have attached two files. The file name PTE 5.5 shows the slide show playing FULL screen. The file name PTE 5.6 show the slide show playing less than FULL screen in the upper left corner of the monitor. When I play the 5.6 slide show from Windows Explorer and not from within the presentation software the slide show plays in FULL screen properly. The trouble appears when I play the 5.6 slide show in the presentation software. I have talked to the man who writes the presentation software and he told me his program just starts the exe slide show file and it should play FULL screen but it is not doing this. This is interesting to me because 5.5 works perfectly and runs in FULL screen in the presentation software but 5.6 does not. This would make me think the issue is something in 5.6. Do you have any thoughts. Thanks for your help. Have a super week!
  10. I recently installed PTE 5.6 and I having an issue using it with another program. So I can try to figure out what the problem is I would like to download PTE version 5.5 and install the older version. Is PTE 5.5 still available for download? Thanks!
  11. Ken - thanks for your information - I have already looked at the tutorials! Davegee - Thanks for your reply. I agree with you that for my application where I am photographing people full length, head and shoulders and close up that the pan and zoom may not be the best for me unless I tweak and adjust each image (typically about 60 per portrait session). The pan and zoom in the slideshow really makes a nice presentation though. Have a great week!
  12. I am using PTE 5.5 Deluxe and I am a professional photographer. I use PTE to make slide shows to begin an appointment to show my clients their portrait images so they can choose their poses and order their portraits. I have been using Tom's Random Slide Show Generator version .1. I am unable to get version .4 or .5 to work. Tom's application works very well but many of the photographs have the person's head cut off when the panning and zooming occurs. I create many slide shows per week and I wish there was a better way to automate the creation of a pan and zoom slide show where the peoples heads wouldn't be cut off when the slide show runs. Does anyone have any thoughts and ideas? Thanks!
  13. Bruce; I'll try what you are saying. Thanks for the info!
  14. Ken and Brian; Thanks again for your help and for the links. I was able to figure out how to install the license key. It would be nice if the process was easier and less confusing like it was when I originally purchased PTE many years ago. Have a great week!
  15. Ken, thanks very much for your fast response. I will follow your instructions. Have a great week!
  16. Hello; A few minutes ago I purchased the "Upgrade to Deluxe" license on through regnow for $20. I received an email from support@wnsoft.com telling me how to load my Video Builder registration key but the the email did not contain any attachment or the registration key to add Video Builder. At the bottom of the email is REGEDIT4 with a character string for the Windows Registry. Can you please tell me how to obtain the license key for the Upgrade to Deluxe? Thanks!
  17. Hi Lin; Thanks very much for your additional response. I looked at the sample 3 image show - your photography is great!! The sampleoverlap example is 100 percent exactly what I am trying to accomplish - the slide movement is perfect and the transition blends are perfect too. I will study the timings in the other zip file to see if I understand that. February 29th you responded and said: "You pull the ending keyframe beyond the timeline (to the right) end for the first slide into that period of time where the second slide begins. You pull the starting keyframe for the second slide back toward the left off the start time and into that portion of time where the first slide is ending. " I am trying to do that but I am having trouble understanding how or where to move the keyframes beyond the timeline to the right and pulling the starting keyframe to the left off the start time. I am sure that once I understand how to do it, it will be simple. Hopefully the zip file that shows the timing will help me understand. A short tutorial movie would be most helpful!! Lin, I am a Professional Photographer and I have been using PTE for several years and it is absolutely the best and this forum is second to none. I really want to figure out the pan and zoom the way your example shows. When I show a portrait client a slideshow of their session I want to use the pan and zoom as it looks very professional and I am sure some of my compeition is also doing this too. Most of my PTE slide shows contains up to 60 images. I really wish Igor would add a pan and zoom Wizard, etc. to make creating pans and zooms easier and faster. Even when I figure out how do it, I am thinking it would take a long time (several minutes) to create 30 or 40 pans and zooms in a 60 image slide show. I shoot alot of portraits and weddings and I just think it would be very time consuming. Maybe I'm wrong?? Tom from California, one of the forum members - I am sure you know him has created a really slick random pan and zoom generator which really works well - I have used it several times. The problem though with a totally "automatic" generator such as Tom's is some of my images are cut off half way through the person's head, etc. because the generator didn't realize the composition of the image. With that said, Tom's generator is still very good. Lin, I really appreciate your help. I will look at the timing zip and post to let you knoe if I understand what you are doing. Thanks again - I apologize for the long post. Have a great week!
  18. Ronnie; I looked at your zip file and yes that is what I am trying to do. I would like there to be more of a blend between the images - both images would stay on the screen together a little longer when they were transitioning. In Lin's post right after yours his example is perfect. I have read your tutorials on Pan and Zoom - they are very good and helped me to understand how to create pans and zooms. I need to make them blend better.
  19. Hello; I am using PTE 5.11 and learning how to use pan and zoom. When I build a practice show with 5 or 6 slides the transition between the slides is not a gradual blend like the sample shows I have looked at. As an example, one slide pans in and stays on the screen then a couple of seconds later the next slide starts appearing. The sample shows I have seen have two slides on the screen at the same time for a few seconds in a really nice transition blend before one of the slides starts to move out of view. I hope I have written this so you can understand. Can anyone give me some suggestions on that the time duration between the start and end keypoint should be and also what a good display time for the slide should be to work well with the two keypoints? Thanks for your help!
  20. David; Thanks for your response - I didn't know that - I'll try it! Have a great day!
  21. I am using PTE 5.11 Deluxe without Video Builder. Before I pay $20 to upgrade to PTE with Video Builder I would like to look at a Video Builder trial version first. I can't seem to find a trial download for the Video Builder module only. Can someone please explain? Thanks - have a great week!
  22. Thanks Ron for your info!
  23. Hi Lin; I read your post with the basic instructions on how to create a pan and zoom. Thanks very much - I have been trying to fugure that out. One other question - I have PTE 5.1 Deluxe with free upgrades for life but I have not purchased Video Builder for $20. Your thoughts please on Video Builder - is it a good addition, etc. I am currently using Pro Show Gold to create DVD slide shows for my photography clients. Thanks very much for your help!
  24. Lin; Thanks very much - I did what you said and it worked - Thanks again!!
  25. Hello; I am using PTE 5.0. In previous versions of PTE when I use a song with my slideshow and I checked the Synchronize Music and Slides in the Main tab, when I reached the last slide the song would fade out because it was the end of the song. Now with PTE 5.0 using the same setting, when the last slide is displayed the song cuts off without any fade. I think this tells me that the slideshow is ending before the song ends so the music stops with no fade at the end of the song. What I am doing wrong - how can I make the song fade out at the end of the last slide? Thanks for your help!
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