Hello I'm running PTE v4.48 under winXP, and for a long time it went quite well. Now I have just got into trouble when starting a new project, but I get it as well when trying to re-play old ones which went perfectly well in the past ! I get either "I/O error 103" when I ask " start preview from the current slide" in the pop up menu or "cannot open file "cannot open file C:\DOCUME~1\COURANT\LOCALS~1\temp\apc_cfg1.cfg." ." when I press preview. I have rebooted, reinstalled PTE, tried with a one view project : each time same problem I looked for this bloody C:\DOCUME~1\COURANT\LOCALS~1\temp\apc_cfg1.cfg. file which does not seem to exist anywhere (or any more ?) on my computer... Could anybody give me a clue ? Thanks.