................................................................................. Ken, When I save the notepad file, do I type pte.reg in the file name box?? The file type options are - .txt or all files - so which on do I use?? Thanks Carroll
Michel - Thanks for the reply. The wnsoft email to me with the key? had no attachment - just the text in the email I showed in my orig . I read the link you gave me. I copies the key ""0WG....NRU=" into notepad and then saved the file as reg.key. When iIsaved this file I had two choices for file type - - .txt or all files. I ghanged the file type to all files and put reg.key in the file name box. The file was saved as reg.key.doc. I know this is wrong - I guess I don't understand how to save the reg.key file. Thanks Carroll
I received an email with the following embedded in the message. I followed instructions to run Picture to EXE and then click on help and past in the key. What is the Key - does it start with 0Wg ? I have purchased a lot of software and NEVER have I found it so difficult to register the software. It seems to me that the software should handle Registry entries - not the user. Please give me a simple procedure to follow to register the software. Carroll REGEDIT4 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PTE] "Key"="mjN..............RU=" Note by moderator: Please, just this small line is enough to understand. Thanks!