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Everything posted by mcat

  1. Thanks so much for your reply, Lin. I'll check out the program you mentioned. Catherine
  2. Is this possible? I made 2 slide shows of photographs which were stored on my external hard drive. Unfortunately my husband dropped a vase on the HD crashing it and the data is non recoverable by any of the disc drive recovery companies. My city wants to use a series of some of my photographs on their web site and I am wondering if there is any way I can recover the JPEG's from the saved slide shows that I have on my internal HD. I've tried to stop the show, right click etc but can't access the pictures. Any tips? This has been a nightmare for me. These were pictures that were to go into a book. I lost a year of photography of nesting herons and now have to start over. At least I have 3 hard drives now--two internal and one external and do backups to an internal and external and burn a DVD. Just a voice of warning to anyone who is putting off doing that backup! Thanks for any help-- Catherine
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