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Everything posted by mondello

  1. HyperSnap is the best http://www.hyperionics.com/
  2. It keeps getting better and better..... A Big Thanks to the software team
  3. It sure would be nice to have a record button (AUDIO) in the customize slide so that I could add a narration to each slide. Picture to Exe is the best I want to thank the creator for the wondeful work in this software. Please give this wish some thought. Thanks P.S. I know that this would not be a demanding upgrade, just my little wish. Thanks agan.
  4. Happy New Year to all.
  5. I am running version 4.10 and am trying to make a screen save. I have uncheck Exit on mouse move in project setting - Advance tab, but still every time I touch my mouse the screen save closes. What am I doing wrong? larry_mondello_1@yahoo.com
  6. It is the Best software out there. For this type of work and getting better all the time.
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