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Everything posted by NikonJeff

  1. Hello and thank you all for the prompt reply and ideas. The glitch seems to happen randomly and in during an MP3, not when it is just transitioning to a new MP3. I tried running the slide show without the music synch and the MP3 files played flawlessly. One of my big gripes with a program that I'm attempting to replace (3D-Album) is that it was difficult to get the music to match the slideshow time-wise. It also required a lot of video horsepower as well. I'll try one of those editors and see if I can meld those MP3s together... ************************************************************************************ For those of you who are interested... About me... My day job during the week is a Field Service Engineer (PC Technician) at the State University of New York in Albany. I'm an A+ Certified Technician (8 years now) and a Dell DCSE Technician versed in most of their products. I started photography when I was in high school (graduated in 1983) and was accepted to the New England School of Photography in Boston, Mass. At the time I was unable to cough up the roughly 20k a year for schooling/room/board so of to college I went... That didn't fair well, so off to Retail I went and spent 10 years there until I met my wife of almost 10 years now. During a nice walk on Myrtle Beach she asked me if I regretted not doing anything before we got married? All bad cracks aside... I said yes - I wanted to be aphotographer, but couldn't do it at the time... So I bought my first 645 camera and started doing weddings in 1994. Got a DBA and tax ID so its actually a legit business. Moved to digital a year before the Nikon D1 came out and startes with a Kodak DCS-420. Bought a D1 the month after they came out, used it 14 months then bought a D1x and thats where I'm at - Love the camera, wished it had ***REAL TTL Flash*** But it's getting better. Sold all my work film cameras except my beloved F5 last year - Bronica - GONE! F3-GONE! Enlarger-GONE! Over the past 2 years I've developed a working relationship with a local full time professional photographer - Joe Elario. I started helping him out with his computer network in trade for some "over the shoulder" time at weddings. Spent a great deal of time with him last year shooting many, many weekends alongside him. I have nothing but admiration for his style and candor. Very personable to his clients and a wealth of knowledge (even if he does shoot Canon) He's a convert from Nikon :-) He took the plunge from Hassy to Canon 1D last year and never looked back. i think he appreciated my day job expertise when the bumps in the road arrived... Anyway for those who asked - there I am on my sleeve. I survived 10 years in Retail Management with Montgomery Ward, so I can take just about anything...
  2. Hello, I'm new to PicturestoExe and upon completing my first project I am plagued by an audio glitch during MP3 playback. I have 104 images with (4) MP3 files playing in the background. everyso often the MP3 seems to stop and back up a bar of music and start from that bar again.... The original MP3 files don't have any problems... The slide show is set to synchronize with the music in case that info will help. Hardware configuration: Dell Latitude C840, P3-1.13ghz, 512MB Ram, 40GB 5400 rpm IBM hard drive, 16mb GForce2 go video card at 1024x768 24bit color. I currently use use Flip Album Pro 4.0 and 3D-Album. Picturestoexe seemed like a nice program due to it's hardware requirements for playback. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated, and you may reply directly yo my personal email. I did try the archives, but I may not have hit the correct set of keywords to find my answer. I'm a weekend professional photographer primarily doing weddings and bar mitzvahs in the Albany, NY area. Shoot all digital with a Nikon D1x, SB-80, 20-35/2.8,28-70/2.8,80-200/2.8, elinchrom 500c monolights. Thanks! Jeff
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