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  1. HI Al, HI dom now I got it! I found the problem The problem is that PTE5 (and the exe created with it) don't recognize the monitor profile .icc that I created with Spyder2espress (Colorvision) on my PC and apply the default monitor settings (too many brightness ...)!!! In fact, I created two presentation with the same images (one with 4.48 and one with 5) and when I look over them on an other PC (not profiled) there's not differences ... Now I know the problem, but I don'have any ideas for the solution ... My only hope is to wait a new version? It's possible to contact the developers? Ciao, ciao from Italy and sorry for my english ...
  2. thank for your reply! I use PS CS2, the color space is Adobe 1998 and the monitor is profiled with Spyderespress2. the images are saved in Jpeg. I've just verified that the problem doesn't occur if I use PTE 4.48! I hope that is a problem connected to the beta version. I have an another question. It is possible like other programs to use fade in e fade out command with the music? I think that PTE is very goog expecially for panning (very veru smooth), but there are some lacks. thank you
  3. I'm testing PTE deluxe. I'd like know if it is "normal", when the exe is created, that the contrast of the images inserted in a project is noticeably reduced. The images seem to be "washed out". How can I avoid the problem? The problem occurs in the versione 4.48? Thank you
  4. I have a problem when I create an AVI file with P2E v.5! When I use more than 15 images the file generated is not recognized as a valid video file. For example neither WMP and Videolan can reproduce the video! If I use less than 15 images tlhe file created is ok. Can you help me? thank you
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