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Thanks everyone, you are a helpful bunch, it was worth waiting for. I'm going through all of your suggestions and finding the one for 'dummies'. I'll stick with which ever one doesn't make me swear..lol.. Thank you all so much. keep up the good work. I get to the same destination, I just take the scenic route instead of the motorway ! Freebird x
thanks John. Not really the reply I was hoping for but yet realistic I guess, so thank you. I think that Adobe have a programme that lets you import both photos and video clips but again I guess that it would be expensive. I'm wondering if it's 'in design' I really hoped that PTE would have this facility as I am now familiar with some of the features.......Yeh it's only taken me 2 years, so don't laugh. If I had to get around another programme, I'll be drawing my pension before I get the hang of it..lol.. Thank you Freebird.
29 people have viewed my post could any one of you please help me out here. I know that you are all advanced PTE users and have a wealth of knowledge between you. What I'm asking might be easy to you but I am struggling like mad with the basics. I need to know what format a video has to be in, to import it in to PTE. It's only ten minutes and can be done with either a digital camera or video. PLEASE CAN ANY ONE HELP ME thanks.
So sorry if you have covered this before. I am a mature student of PTE Currently creating short presentations with photos and background music. Slightly embarassed to come on here with all you experts and young things with lots of technical experience. My presentations are for training purposes to show professionals how to meet our disabled children's needs. You helped me last year when I was having problems and I am hoping that one of you lovelies could do the same again please. I struggle a bit as I am dyslexic and instructions full of abbreviations or technical terms frighten me to death, so please go easy. If I do a short video either with a digital camera or a video camera, what format would it have to be in ? And how do I import it in to my presentaion please. Can I take the Video off the cameras SD Card or off the videos cassette? As you can see I havn't got a clue so I need very simple instructions please. It will only run for approx 10 minutes in total and will be a mixture of photographs and the short video of a parent doing an interview. Please help me it is driving me mad. Don't laugh when I say this but I have been using PTE 4.42 for a couple of years now ! Not aware of up grades..... Just down loaded the trial of 5.5 ? Kind regards Freebird
Hi Brian, Thanks. You made me laugh, saying PTE has advanced since I was last on.......technology moves so quick and here's me still in 2006 trying to get my head around that version ! thanks for the link, I'll jump in and see who can help me. Thanks pal x
So sorry if you have covered this before. I am a mature student of PTE Currently creating short presentations with photos and background music. Slightly embarassed to come on here with all you experts and young things with lots of technical experience. My presentations are for training puroses to show professionals how to meet our disabled children's needs. You helped me last year when I was having problems and I am hoping that one of you lovelies could do the same again please. I struggle a bit as I am dyslexic and instructions full of abbreviations or technical terms frighten me to death, so please go easy. If I do a short video either with a digital camera or a video camera, what format would it have to be in ? And how do I import it in to my presentaion please. It will only run for approx 10 minutes in total and will be a mixture of photographs and the short video of a parnet doing an interview. Please help me it is driving me mad. Kind regards Freebird
yes thamks guys, all ok. Just had a phone call to say presentation good and made an impact on the Execs in our local authority....... thank you again, and yes followed the link, lovely place. I'd love to live there......... you and your colleagues/friends are in my favourites now..lol...... just a click away Freebird x
I've never been to Canada, but I'll look up your Town on the Internet....... The Conference tomorrow is for Parents to try and tell Professionals what our plight is and how the services from our local Authorities can help to meet the needs of our children..so the slide show, should have an impact ! Hugs {{{xxx}}} from a very tired, "Liver Bird" in Liverpool, Merseyside, UK thanks again xx Freebird x
When your sun sets, tonight and if you have a clear sky, look up and the sweetest star, is my lovely Mum looking down on you saying thanks for help me out tonight..xxxx I knew that my Mum would guide me to you ! my Mum is by my side whenever things get tough for me..she was a very loving but strong lady and she lets me try my best and yes sometimes I struggle but when things get really tough, she steps in and lends a helping hand.. bless her.. thank you Ken....I know have a CD to hand over to this friend of mine, she is meeting me at my daughter's school in the morning, on her way to her presentation and she will now be able to use my CD, thanks to you. If I was in Toronto I'd but you a "pint" of your chosen brew... thanks mate love and peace Freebird x
yes Ken, I have Nero on a CD, which was given to me the other day but I havn't had the chance to install it yet ! I think that I might have done it this time.... I'm just running up stairs to check it out on my daughter's pc...fingers crossed.....
it's close to midnight here, but I can't give up, as this lady is doing a presentation to professionals who are delivering services to our children who are disabled and she is relying on me handing this CD to here at 9.00 am in the morning.... I've saved it as an EXE now but I can't copy it to the CD...maybe it's because I am tired and have a blinding headache but if I right click and,...... send to...it won't...........
thanks Ken, I've done as you suggested and it's saved as EXE but now it won't let me send it to the CD to copy....... I'm just about to give up, it's given me such a head ache today ! Dom thank you so much for help and I'm just glad that I found you guys thanks freebird
can you guys stick around for me for a moment please whilst I try to save it as an EXE..I'll be back soon thank you freebird I'm close to giving in guys it's now telling me that it can't find the audio file as I'm trying to save as EXE....... if you can't hang around I'll understand, as I'm not the sharpest pencil in the box so this might take me a while ! Freebird
oh Yes Ken, it has PTE..how do I make it save to EXE ? Please thanks freebird
can I talk saving through please, this is the way I saved. When presentation complete, I saved in My docs. Then I opened My Computer, from "start" and right clicked on the file, then clicked send to... then write to CD. It copies and says that files on CD are...... ECMpresentation ( the name of my presentation ) I double click and it plays ok on my PC.. but then won't play on my daughter's or friends ? Freebird