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Everything posted by jcsdmd

  1. Lin: Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Actually, the Nikon specifies 300 ppi in the EXIF tag and the Sony specifies 72 ppi. If found a link in ADOBE's website that I have listed below that explains the details. I looked at the image EXIF info in photoshop as described in the link and found my answer. Thanks again. http://www.adobe.com/support/techdocs/325136.html
  2. I have made an interesting find that I just can't explain while using Adobe Photoshop 7.0. I shoot underwater photos with a housed Nikon 995 and topwater with a Sony DSC-H1. After downloading pictures from each camera into the appropriate folder on my desktop, when I right click each .jpeg file from either camera and explore properties, I get the appropriate pixel dimensions and the resolution is reported at 300 ppi for both cameras. Here is when it gets interesting. When I open a file in Photoshop from the Nikon and go to IMAGE__IMAGE SIZE, it is reported at 300ppi but when I open a jpeg from the Sony camera, it is reported in IMAGE SIZE as 72 ppi (despite it being reported as 300 ppi file by Windows.. If I do nothing to the file at all or perform editing on it and save it, it will be saved at 72 ppi unless I go back in to IMAGE size and manually type in 300 ppi. If I do type in 300 ppi, the pixel dimensions remain unchanged. Any ideas what gives here? I found this problem by accident and would love to be able to edit pictures without having to go in on each picture before saving it and manually typing in the 300 ppi on every file. I have tried restarting Photoshop and rebooting the computer to no avail. This is a repeatable glitch. Is is possible that the Sony somehow embeds info in the file to report a different resolution? Thanks in advance for any help that may shed light on this problem.
  3. When I link an application to the ending of a PTE slideshow using the "run application after last slide" and the target application is also on the CD, what path should I designate since not all computers have their CD-ROM drive designated as "D/". In other words, when the linked application is on the CD, and someone has their CD-ROM as the "E" or "F" drive, will it still play?
  4. When I link an application to the ending of a PTE slideshow using the "run application after last slide" and the target application is also on the CD, what path should I designate since not all computers have their CD-ROM drive designated as "D/". In other words, when the linked application is on the CD, and someone has their CD-ROM as the "E" or "F" drive, will it still play?
  5. When I link an application to the ending of a PTE slideshow using the "run application after last slide" and the target application is also on the CD, what path should I designate since not all computers have their CD-ROM drive designated as "D/". In other words, when the linked application is on the CD, and someone has their CD-ROM as the "E" or "F" drive, will it still play?
  6. Igor: Having used PTE for over one year with outstanding results, I have a request for an added feature. When you add an image through the object editor, would it be possible to enable resizing through a click/drag type resizing tool so I wouldn't have to guess at the size to make the added image in an outside image editor. Thanks for an oustanding piece of software that just keeps getting better.
  7. I have had the exact same problem with the first slide being mottled also. As a workaround, I place a black image as the first slide and set the duration for a second. Then the title slide (which is now the second slide) does not suffer this effect. The mottled effect is never evident when the background is all black.
  8. Bravo Igor. This single program and the improvements have made life as an amateur digital underwater photographer/videographer a perfectly seamless enterprise. My trip dvds have been vastly improved due to your hard work. I also agree that this has been my single BEST software purchase ever. We all appreciate your hard work and willingness to listen to your customers for sugestions on improvements.
  9. The name of your presentation cannot have a space. Paul Peck will not work but Paul_Peck or PaulPeck will.
  10. Since I have no problems making a DVD with MF2 using an .avi file, which codec should I use for best results: VDOnet VDOWave Cinepak Codec by Radius Intel Indeo® Video R3.2 Microsoft Video 1 Microsoft RLE Microsoft H.261 Video Codec Microsoft H263 Video Codec Indeo video 5.10 miroVideo DV 300 Intel Indeo Video 4.4 Full Frames (uncompressed) I have tried the PictureToExe Video codec and the resultant file also causes the thumbnail problem and occasionally causes a crash of MF2. Another interesting observation: In Pic to Exe program, when I click the AVI button, specify DVD-video disc for Ulead DVD MovieFactory and when I try to generate an AVI preview, the result crashes windows media player. Also, the presentation is over two minutes long, but the window in Windows Media Player lists the file as 10 seconds long.
  11. When I double click the white thumbnail area to replace it, the only option I have is to select an area within that chapter (which I cannot do). I cannot just select a jpeg. I have reinstalled the MF2 program twice with no change in the problem.
  12. When I add anything to the storyline, other than a .ptev file, the thumbnail appears in the preview window. No problems with .avi files created in any software or with a .jpeg. Very Strange. If you look at my other post about this, someone else seemed to have the same problem.
  13. Screenshot of the thumbnail problem: http://dive.scubadiving.com/members/member...9799_4672_1.jpg
  14. I reported this a few days ago and it seems that at least one other person can duplicate it: Using PTE Beta 4 and creating a .ptev file for import into Ulead DVD Movie Factory 2 creates the following problem for me: I am unable to change the thumbnail from white block to the frame I have selected for the thumbnail. I have created an .avi file from the same PTE project and do not have the same problem. Is this a bug with PTE or DVD MF2? I have reinstalled Ulead DVD MF2 and have tried the update patch for MF2 as well. Any other ideas?
  15. Anybody have any suggestions?
  16. I have selected the picture but the thumbnail display window does not change. I will try reinstalling the Ulead program because it has always been a little buggy.
  17. Using PTE Beta 4 and creating a .ptev file for import into Ulead DVD Movie Factory 2 creates the following problem for me: I am unable to change the thumbnail from white block to the frame I have selected for the thumbnail. I have created an .avi file from the same PTE project and do not have the same problem. Is this a bug with PTE or DVD MF2?
  18. I have used the Pioneer DVR-105 for over 30 discs now with no coasters. I use Pinnacle Studio 8 for DVD encoding and authoring. Check out www.dvdrhelp.com for a comparison of most available writers complete with reviews.
  19. That's it! Thank you for steering me in the right direction,
  20. I am running PTE v 4.12 and am having problems getting certain features to work. When adding a hyperlink to a slide, the link will not work. Also, the left mouse click will not exit the show the slide or the right will not go to next slide. I usually add music to the presentation and check the box to synchronize to music. For instance, when the hyperlink is clicked, the show freezes up and will not advance to the next slide. Any ideas what to try?
  21. Thanks for the help. Both suggestions will work very well for this project. That will save me tons of time.
  22. Is there a way to set defaults for buttons in the object editor. This would save me a lot of time in my current project. My current default is 75x25 for size and uses MS San Serif font white on white. Not good for my project.
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