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Everything posted by ecps
I too am reticent about adding to the wish list in case it gives the impression that I am not satisfied with 4.10. I am very satisfied. Having said that, I would like to add my support to Dana's first suggestion: Select and act on multiple slides on the slide list. I really would find this very helpful. Eddie.
Al and Ken, Thanks - got it! I think. Eddie
I too am getting totally bewildered. In 4.01 clicking on the word 'Project' on the bar on the top of the screen would open a drop down box from which could be selected 'Change project name ...'. That is not present in 4.10 beta#11. If this option is still around, where is it? Eddie.
Thanks Al, Yes, that does it! Pressing the OK button so that the Project Options window closes and then opening it up again afterwards gets rid of the grey bars. Thanks very much for your help. Eddie
Al No - I have not customized any slides so, as I understand it, they should all operate at the default setting and not show any transition time on the timeline. I have done exactly the same with version 4.01 and no transition time appears. I like to have my slideshows synchronized to the music so tend to use "Quick" for nearly all slides with just a few fades at the beginning to get things going! If I can put them all in with the "Quick" effect then my plan now is to customize the fades from the timeline. Perhaps somebody else could try this out and see whether it is "just me". Eddie
I notice that with v4.10 beta #4, if under project options/effects 'transition effects' are not selected and the 'Quick (no transition effects)' are selected then the length of the transition still appears on the 'Customize Synchronization' timeline - even though it doesn't have any real length. This is different from previous versions so I guess that it is not supposed to be like that. Eddie
I am running beta #3 on Windows XP (AMD Athlon XP 1800+, 1.54 GHz, 768MB RAM) and have intermittent problems with everything freezing when using the Customize Synchronization window. This has happened twice when clicking the preview button and once when clicking the OK button. The only way out is to ctrl+alt+del and to shut the program down with the loss of unsaved work. This may, oc course, be something to do with my PC but I have not had problems with any other programs (incluing earlier versions of pte). Eddie
Congratulations on the new version - I have had it working perfectly and I love being able to customize pictures from the timeline. I wonder if there is any way of selecting multiple pictures for customization yet. I know that you were going to try to include this in the new version and wonder whether it can be done or whether it is going to be included in later betas. The improvements keep coming with every new version and it seems ungrateful to ask about this - but it would be very useful! Eddie
I agree that WMA support is an unnecessary luxury and doubt that many people use it. The compatability of the new mp3 engine sounds like very good news. Eddie.
Thank you Igor for this development to the forum. I am sure that most users will be happy to leave decisions concerning any further additions up to you. And, to the other users of the forum - Perhaps we ought to remember that Igor stands to gain precisely nothing from all his efforts particularly in relation to the development of P2Exe but also in relation to the forum. Those of us who bought P2Exe in the not too distant past have seen it become the best software available for what it sets out to do - and all the upgrades and improvements have cost us precisely nothing. If Igor were to decide (please don't!) to halt all further developments to P2Exe, and to shut the forum down, then we would already have had a very good deal. Igor, I for one am extremely grateful. Eddie.
Thank you Igor - it really is good news that you are prepared to listen to, and implement, suggestions that are made by users of P2Exe. And thank you Al for your suggestion too. I have not tried to use Adjustor yet, but will certainly give it a go. It may not quite do what I require as it is really the type of transition that I want to set for multiple slides, rather then times - or maybe adjustor will do this. Thank you, Eddie.
With every revision P2Exe gets better and better - so perhaps in a future revision the following might be possible: I would find it helpful to be able to select multiple slides in the slide list (perhaps by Control+click). This would be particularly useful when setting up transitions as I tend to use fades for the first few slides in a presentation and then Quick (no transition effects) for most of the remainder to synchronise with music. If I could select a number of slides at once I could customize transitions for them all at the same time. Eddie
I wonder whether this really is an issue for many people. I notice that there have been 168 views of this posting yet only 18 people have voted. For myself, I tend to 'drop in' to the forum most evenings and have a look to see what is new so I am not really too worried about there being no categories - and if I want to find out anything specific I can do a search. I am certainly not apathetic about P2Exe - it ranks among the best software that I have on my PC - but categories (or no categories) is really not an issue; I am happy either way. Eddie.
I'm kind of uneasy about effusive publicity (albeit indirect) being given to a directly competing product on this forum. Igor seems to work incredibly hard to continually update excellent software, and he and his colleagues also provide this forum for us to learn about P2Exe and share knowledge. Is it not a little ungracious to use the forum to indirectly advertise a product which visitors to the site may then purchase instead of P2Exe? I have no problem with such comments being shared on dpreview as that is a 'neutral' web site but I am not so sure that is an appropriate response to Igor's 'hospitality' here. And, for the same reason, I am not sure that we should be directed to dpreview in order to discover more. I teach in a fee paying school. If someone were to put up a notice extolling the virtues of another nearby school on one of our school notice boards I would certainly be annoyed. If however, we were to be told privately just why another school is successful then I would be grateful. There does seem to be a parallel to this situation here. I really do not want anyone to fall out over this, or to make a big issue over it, but I do feel that it is worth thinking about. Eddie
Hmmm. I don't really know what to make of this, but at the time of this comment, 146 people have read about the poll - and 15 have voted. Anyone know how to interpret this fact? Eddie
I shall be nipping out later to find some railings so that I can chain myself to them as I have been denied a vote! I decided to have a look to see how other people have voted, and then when I returned to register my own opinion I was informed that I could not do so as I have already voted! Disenfranchisedly, Eddie
Michel Does your music track have a few seconds of silence at the end of it? If so, you will need to edit it with something like Cool Edit. Eddie
Paulvn I think that I am right in saying that the resolution will resize if under Project Options/Screen the 'fit to screen' box is ticked. I cannot test this at the moment but I have distributed several slideshows and no-one has ever said that this was a problem. As far as embedded fonts are concerned I gather that it has something to do with copyright - but you can always make the text part of the picture using Photoshop or similar. Eddie.
When changing the order of images within P2E it would be helpful to be able to 'grab' several to move (maybe select them by ctrl+click or use shift+click to select a group) instead of just moving them one at a time. This is, of course, only a minor refinement, but anything in this wish list has really got to be just icing on top of an excellent cake! Eddie
Yet another P2Exe fan saying how good it is that you are back. And thanks to those who posted on the dpreview.com forum letting us know what was going on. Sorry, I can't resist it - I've just got to stick one of those smileys in - Eddie