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Everything posted by hastinga

  1. Thanks for all assistance, but wether it was my original query or just coincidence but the situation resolved itself in the nexxt two days and I had no trouble uploading. I removed it almost straight away as the quality left a lot to be desired. Once again many thanks for our efforts hastinga
  2. Has anyone else had this problem. I am trying to send a slideshow to Youtube. I go to Create in Pic to Exe and click on the Youtube icon. It then askes for a user name and password. This, I assume is the one I use to sign in on Youtube. It keeps telling me that it is incorrect, so I then go onto Youtube and using the exact user name and password as used on Pic to Exe. No problem. It's accepted staright away. I've also tried using the user and password I use to enter this forum but get the same result. Here's hoping! hastinga
  3. Just a quickie Lin regarding Xara. Have a look on 'You tube Making 3D photo's in Xara'. It's so easy Regards to all Forum readers hastinga
  4. Thank you. You were quite correct. I really should check for the latest additions. Have now downloaded 5.1 and am now in business....Thanks again hastinga
  5. Thanks for your prompt reply, but I am still confused. Have attached a screen shot of my Project/main and it doesn't appear to have the item which you say should be there. I am using PTE 5 deluxe. Am I just thick(I am 83 years old) or am I missing something. Bear with me and I will eventualy get there. All the best, Snow is forecast up your neck of the woods. hastinga
  6. Iam probably a bit late adding my praise but I've only just come across your brilliant slide show. I thoroughly enjoyed your previos tutourial and learnt a great deal from it and now your new slideshow has encouraged me to attempt to add a voice over,unfortunately not the same melodic type that you have. However my query to you is,that you state that you were able to stop the next slide by a mouse click. Having looked to where you say the required instruction is, OPTIONS/MAIN I am afraid I cannot find it. Could you clarify. Look forward to more have excellent efforts Hastinga
  7. Many thanks for all sugestions, but have seached the internet and found the application I was looking for. It's free and is available at the www, below Many hanks for your efforts http://www.vodasupport.com/index.php?_m=do...ownloaditemid=2
  8. Thanks a million to all the various forum members that appear to answer all my queries even before I get a chance to post them. Some time ago a member posted a free Batch Sizing application which I found very useful. Unfortunately I seem to have lost it and I wonder if anyone can remember the Web Site that it came from. Many thanks and good wishes to all members.......hastinga
  9. Fred, Your Action works perfectly and the condition of my thumb has improved. Re my other query about the size of the photo in PTE4 as opposed to PTE5 I am gointg to try to put a screen slot on to this to what I mean' Sorry Fred but my attempt failed. It was a JPEG screen shot but it tells me that I cannot upload this type of file. I will look to see if you have a e-mail and send it that way. Thanks again for your efforts .......hastinga
  10. Fred, I'd never used the batch part of P/S before but soon sussed it out and used your Action....Brilliant! It worked a treat but the one snag was that, although I had entered 'save to folder' I then had to save each photo individually. After doing this to 200 Photo's my finger went sleep. Being cheeky, would it be possible to add to your Action, 'Save'. I use JPEG, quality 8'. One other query Fred. On the old PTE4 I was able to change my picture size on the screen so that I had a nice photo in the centre of the screen with a white frame around it, but it doesn't seem possible PTE5, am I correct?. Many thanks again for your efforts on my behalf. hastinga
  11. This is my first attempt at asking for assistance on the Forum. Firstly I would like to say what a brilliant piece of work PTE 5 is. I've produced many slideshows on previous editions but am slowly coming to terms with PTE5 My question is this...Having used that clever free PIXresizer to resize a batch of photographs, I would like to put a white frame around each of them. I know I can do it indivually in Photoshop but wonder if there is an action or method that will allow me to carry this out on a batch. Having been an ardent reader of the Forum I am sure that there is a clever one amongst you that will put me on the right track. Best wishe and regards to all.......hastinga
  12. This little shield appeared on my desktop some time ago and like you it drove me nuts I can assure that it nothing to do with Norton as i've never used it. Eventually the only way I got rid of was to reinstall, drastic but it worked Best of luck...Hastinga
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