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  1. Hello What you need is a seperate Programm Like HMTL on CD or other. To create a HTM File where you have the option to run the Show you want. Or search for CD Menu there are a lot of Programms.
  2. I made a CD on a 98SE Computer and it also runs on Win XP Computers. With autostart.inf [autorun] open=diashow.exe
  3. Hello I try: It is about the MP3 File. If i use one, the Error Message comes on Computers which have no MP3 Player on board. It doesn´t matter taking the internal player or external player it always comes the Error. When i use WAV everything is OK. But this is not good, because MP3 is better than WAV. So i think there is no internal Player for MP3 or a courrupted internal Player. If on a Computer is a MP3 Player, there wont be an Error Message. With best regards. Josef Türk Germany
  4. Hello When i want to start a slideshow.exe on a other Computer than the one where i made the Show i get always an Error Message after the first Picture: Exception TEISEception in module diashow.exe at 0005F32B Incorrect decoder Mode. The OS is overall Windows 98 SE Can someone help me please? Version is 3.80 Thanks forward
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