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About smithore

  • Birthday 05/11/1968

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  1. Video clip capabilities? Whaou!!! I'm waiting this till years!!! Now I'm obliged to use video software editor to mix pictures and films..... thanks Igor!
  2. Me too, my first attempt was with a picture, like JPD. This can be interesting for some special effects.
  3. I've tried everywhere: first, second...slide etc.
  4. I've just downloaded beta 2 and now it's working! I've tried many times with beta 1 and nothing happened! Thanks!
  5. Igor, congratulation for the mask options. Option "run external program' seems to be inactive in this version... PTE is now an almost perfect "image animation" software, something is still missing for years : the possibility of placing audio samples with fade in fade out options, after that, PTE will become an "audiovisual" software! The possibility of including video is also missing, I actually creating a slideshow with videos of 5D II and I must generate jpgs with virtual dub and incorporate them in the slideshow and fixing 40ms timing for render an video effect, anyway this is not perfect, it lacks of fluidity. Trying the same action on Proshow , setting 0 sec on slides and 0.05 sec on fading: the fluidity is perfect! This is maybe the only advantage of Proshow over PTE: the possibility of chaining slides very fast without lagging.
  6. For this show I've used "Fantamorph 3", you can create animated gifs, videos, jpeg series, flash movie etc. It could be useful if PTE could play flash movie in real time to insert animations like this.
  7. Very useful feature: the possibility of changing colours, brightness and contrast of an object between 2 keypoints, with the capability of "burning" high luminance to create effects like flashes in real time.
  8. Igor, no need to have a good vidéo quality to include it in a show, it could be really helpful, for example to insert mini-video in frames, only in a part of the main picture, as an object, like in proshow.
  9. Good ADB!!! It's exactly the way I've worked!
  10. Very very interesting!!!
  11. Ok, this post wasn't initiate to compare Pte with other video or slideshow software, i know all these programs and use them also (3 years on proshow before using Pte). For sound editing and composition i use Cubase, wavelab and others... If i ask these basics features, it's because i think Pte is the best slideshow software, i've compared also with m.object and wings platinum and the winner in fluidity animation is....Pte!!! A software 20 times less expensive!! The only urgent feature is to activate sound in object animation window
  12. Thanks Lin for your answer. Quality of video, gif or flash is only user's problem. About the audio, the others slideshow software (ex. proshow) have many more possibilities. Not a true second track!!! no fading in/out, no start position (+/- ms), no volume control...
  13. I've found in Pte the best graphic engine and the most easy animation interface in slideshow software, however pte isn't only a picture software, we are in the audiovisual world. Actually it's very very long and difficult to synchronise objects in the animation window: there's no sound!!!! Why????? Only one audio track, it's very poor, no possibility to change sequences, no flexibility in sound fading and timing... I don't talk about sound editing and directx or vst effects , I use Wavelab for that; but it's absolutely primordial to insert real-time fading, scrubbing and overs basics functions, without that, it's a big waste of time and archaic edition... With good implementation of sounds tracks and flexibility, Pte will be the best slideshow software. Very important also is the capability of playing animated gifs and vidéos as objects. That's all!!!
  14. Here is a short slideshow (test) with morphing and fast pictures fading (mini 300ms). http://s144573887.onlinehome.fr/bangkok%20morphing%204.exe
  15. Hello again, Here is the last slideshow about Haydn's création for the live concert in Bordeaux 13th and 14th May. http://s144573887.onlinehome.fr/haydn%20final%20light.exe
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