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Everything posted by westonphoto

  1. Well, it's alright for some folks - teeming it down all day here. Again. That ½° Celsi-grade is so important at the moment - I'm seriously debating putting the heating back on. In July. Tried to PM you - not accepting messages. Must be the Border Agency dispute blocking things.
  2. Hi Dave Naturally, this is dependant on the founts* installed on each individual machine. Your example is from the "ddoniol iawn" fount by Eric ap Gill although I can no longer locate my source. The roots of the design seem to predate Johannes Gutenberg and may have their origins in the Korean Goryeo Dynasty. Extant sleeve notes suggest that it was contemporary acknowledgement of the participation of Welsh bowmen at Crécy and is the precursor to the universal gesture when protagonists retire from their meetings. While first noted during the Hellenic wars, the symbolic farewell is generally attributed to more recent Welsh assemblies indicating retention of right index and second fingers. I usually access it by simultaneously holding ALT+CTRL+SHIFT+F13 and keying 0248726«Ɣ. Unfortunately, this may not help those who don't have this fount installed. Yes, it's 'wonderful' living in my world - would I be correct to assume that your use of the unfamiliar Welsh (?) word 'wonderful' is synonymous with what we in Yorkshire would refer to as 'absolutely drenched, yet again' (toujours la politesse, etc). *In view of the historical nature of the typeface in question, I use the original spelling of the word as found before the Colonial Language Vandals became predominant. Here endeth the Michael extraction To all other readers (if any): The preceding is intended to be a humourous response, friend to friend, and bears absolutely no resemblance to reality (TV or otherwise). Just so that some of those sensitive souls who frequent this Forum don't feel offended.
  3. ←↑↓↕↨▲▼►◄☼◊♪●₠± ⅔⅜ - just a very few of the shapes available without even changing from Arial font. Have a look in 'Character Map' (Windows standard feature) and all the accented letters you could wish for, loads of shapes and symbols, certain fractions, superscripts, foreign language alphabets (certainly Greek & some Arabic & Cyrillic) and a selection of diphthongs are already on your machine. Similarly, as Jill says, Webdings, Wingdings, Symbols founts are probably already installed and ready for use. All you have to do is look at what you already have in a lot of cases. The simpler ones such as áéóú€°©® are simple ALT+xxxx (numbers) keying without even going into Character Map at all.
  4. Is it me, or is there something vaguely risible about an Australian correcting a Canadian over use of the English language? I was under the impression that the Ebo were the dominant race of southern Nigeria, never realised that they had a sub-branch in southern Canada.
  5. And so they should be. Breach of copyright is THEFT and anyone who does it is a common thief, pure and simple.
  6. Well stop incorriging me then! ;-)

  7. Inaccurate basic arithmetic, poor spelling and personal insults hardly warrant a response. Worship? Actually, total ambivalence.
  8. I think the allusion to "Barry Boring" was both offensive & completely unnecessary. Personal slurs are degrading and totally out of keeping with the generally harmonious & helpful nature of this Forum. One could similarly point out the agrammatical nature of the sentence " Maybe this is a prelude for 'Jurassic Park IV' "; however, to do so would merely ridicule without adding anything of value to the Forum.
  9. There is more than sufficient scope for misunderstanding / confusion / inadvertent offense within the confines of English English, Irish English, American English, International English, Canadian English, Australian English and all the other iterations of what, in itself, is a somewhat cosmopolitan language. Add in regional variants within each iteration and matters get even worse. All within a 'common' language! A 'tongue-in-cheek' example of this would be the term "US English" - in English English, 'US' is frequently used to mean either 'Unserviceable' or 'Useless'. Elsewhere in the world, I feel sure that it is rarely thought of in those terms. Usage and abusage vary widely in such an idiomatic language. Laudable though it would be in principle to have multiple languages, I feel that the true effect would be divisive, of benefit to very few indeed and to the probable detriment of the great majority. There is a strong possibility that the effect would be to 'dumb down' a vibrant Forum until people simply departed silently, pausing only to check for updates from time to time.
  10. Andrew: Nope, I'm using icons designed in Photoshop and then generated using something else (can't remember what, could have been a very old PaintShop Pro). I only tried the PTE 'official' ones out of interest to see if I could recreate your problem. Both my own and the PTE icons worked, and still do, without fail. I've downloaded your AVIconXP.ico. Guess what - I can't get it to work either. Ergo, the fault is more likely to lie with your icon rather than PTE. But you'd guessed that already so no progress there. Have you tried using PixBuilder for icon generation (not that I have, but it might be worth looking at)? You're on your own on this one, I'm afraid.
  11. Hmmm,I nearly always use my own icon for an .exe file - nary a probblem. I've just checked out new individual test sequences with both the default and alternate "official" icons individually and alternately. No problems, so I can't reproduce your state of affairs at all. Sorry!
  12. W7 Ultimate 32 bit Engine & Virus definitions: 111029-0 Program: 6.0.1289 No problems whatsoever.
  13. Dave: No, you're not the only two with v7.0.1 installed. I'm not seeing any of your problems with it running in W7 Ultimate 32 bit.
  14. Jerome: You can easily add a bullet point in either Pictures to Exe text or in Photoshop using the extended character sets which are available in many (though by no means all) fount/font families. Simply hold down the ALT key and enter 0149 then release ALT to get the bullet mark •. The same applies to, for example, a ¼, ½ or ¾ (ALT+0188 / 0189 / 0190 respectively), the Euro sign € (ALT+0128), the degree sign ° (ALT+0176) or the Copyright sign © (ALT+0169). There are also wide-ranging sets of accented characters available (in many languages). Take a look in CHARACTER MAP, a standard feature of every Windows since v3.1, and you'll find just about anything you can think of - and loads you never even imagined. NOT in every fount/font though - that's down to the designer/type foundry. Already ⅞ of the way to ◘
  15. W7 Ultimate & Firefox v6.0.2 - download perfect. All associations, etc. correct. Business as usual with no hiccoughs whatsoever!
  16. There will be the inevitable howls of protest from certain quarters. Personally, I have always thought that from a business stand-point the product was under-priced and the free-for-life standard upgrades potentially self-defeating. I'm more than happy to pay to keep abreast of a product as good as this, at whatever intervals major upgrades occur. I sincerely hope that the licensing will resolve what has seemed to be an ongoing issue for far longer than it should - hopefully this has not been to the detriment of sales.
  17. Yes, AVAST 6.0.1203 reports v6.5.8 executables as malware. It also means that PTE is then rendered inoperable, requiring CTRL+ALT+DEL to close the programme. PTE v7 Beta 13 is unaffacted (at the present moment). Duly reported to AVAST as requested.
  18. Touché
  19. Seconded.
  20. The original complaint seems more a matter of personal antipathy than righteous indignation. The complainant has had no compunction in the past in trying to 'sell' AV shows to raise money for charities which he deems worthy.
  21. has not set the status

  22. Providing 'Support' is a hidden cost. This is usually in terms of time spent solving problems which are distinctly peripheral to the mainstream user. This is time for which there is no commensurate return, it doesn't lead to further sales and nor does it satisfy any need in other than in a constantly reducing proportion of users. In all fairness, I think that it is unreasonable to expect ongoing support for a programme which initially cost the user a tiny amount of cash (£10 or so, from memory). You could eventually reach the silly situation where the request reads "Dear WnSoft Team, I am using DOS 6.11 and your programme doesn't work. Please fix it. Yours sincerely, A Luddite". It would be lovely to think that the whole WnSoft team (yep, those same folks who constantly innovate and respond to requests for bigger and better) had the spare time to sort out and support what is, in reality, old technology. At some point, we simply have to accept that things have moved on and if we want to continue using 'old technology' then on our own heads be it. It may be a bitter pill to swallow, but such is life!
  23. While I agree with Peter about 'user control' regarding saving (perhaps that's with my micro-computer experience pre-dating DOS never mind Windows), I can also appreciate that not everyone works in this manner. Some of us regard 'autosave' as a thing to be worked around, others adopt it quite naturally. One straightforward (from the user viewpoint, couldn't say about the coding aspect) would be if the incremental auto-saves were simply numbered sequentially. Hence "testshow.pte" would save as "testshow01.pte", "testshow02.pte" etc. Another possibility would be to take the date/time group from the file properties and use that in the sequential filename - "testshow122150" would indicate an autosave at 2150hrs on the 12th of the month. Two possible solutions to a perceived problem.
  24. Well said, that man. In itself, either the 'official' sticker or the DIY one which Barry advocates has virtually no value whatsoever. The only value lies in the perception of safety. A parallel situation. In the UK, to legally run a car more than 3 years old (I think it's 3 years) you must have a valid MOT certificate issued by an approved centre on behalf of the Government. To paraphrase the official wording 'This certificate is NOT an indication of overall roadworthiness other than at the time of testing'. In other words, get the certificate, take the car 50 yards down the road and remove many safety features and it is still certified for 12 months because you have the bit of paper. The same applies to portable electrical goods. Get the certificate, remove the fuse and replace with foil from a cigarette packet and it is still (albeit notionally) certified - it's got the all-important 'sticker'. As a bonus, rewire it so that the 'fuse' is in the neutral rather than the live. Would you use it in that condition? I know I wouldn't! But that would be the application of commonsense over legislation. Taken to ridiculous extremes, using Barry's bus garage example, you could argue that Of course National Express were liable. If they had stored the buses/ coaches out in the open then this accident could never have happened. No roof, no accident! The man's mother is responsible. If she hadn't given birth to him, he would never have been in that situation. At some point we have to take responsibility for our actions. More importantly, we have to be allowed to take that responsibility. But then, there is no 'profit' to be made from that.
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