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Lin Evans

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    Berthoud, CO U.S.A.
  • Interests
    Photography - Cameras - Slideshows.

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  1. I'll zip them and post a link - they are still good but you have to download them in rtf forma (rich text format)... Best regards, Lin P.S. Have doctor's appointment this morning so will get this done sometime later today... Later: tutorials.zip
  2. So sorry to hear this Mary, my deepest condolences. Wonderful memories though....
  3. http://www.lin-evans.org/tutorial/polish.rtf Lin
  4. Cześć Zibi, Przed zastosowaniem stylu musisz wybrać trzy obrazy. Brakujący obraz pojawi się jako pierwszy obraz. Trzeci wybrany obraz będzie ostatnim obrazem, który powróci do książki po przedstawieniu. Możesz przenieść ten trzeci obraz na koniec pokazu po zastosowaniu stylu i dodaniu dodatkowych obrazów i innych stylów do głównej części pokazu. Z poważaniem, Lin Hi Zibi, You need to select three images before applying the syle. The missing image will appear as the first image. The third image selected will be the last image which returns to the book after the show. You can move this third image to the end of your show after applying the style and adding additional images and other styles for the main body of the show. Best regards, Lin
  5. Hi Zibi, If you will screen capture a picture of where you want to inset a background photo and post it here, I'll try to answer your question.. Best regards, Lin
  6. Hi Doris, Assuming you are using PTE AV Studio 10 Pro, just save your work as a style then select and apply that style to any photos you want to do the same thing with. Best regards, Lin
  7. Looks great Dom!!! Lin
  8. Lin Evans


    No problems at all Ted,,, Lin
  9. Not much sense in looking further Gary, that's about all there is. Perhaps some day the keyframes might appear on a timeline view and enjoy the same ability to spread things out, but right now you have to use the numbers if they are too close to deal with otherwise. Best regards, Lin
  10. Gary, you can't "spread keyframes out" but if in Objects and Animations you hold the CTRL key down and click on the objects, or hold the shift key and click on the first and last object (video) the keyframes will appear on different levels so you can easily control the specific video clip you are dealing with. Best regards, Lin
  11. Hi Ronnie, No, it was made with an earlier version of PTE - no tutorial. Just a a quick adjustment of the text with pan z and y rotate and zoom as I remember... Just to demonstrate to the OP that yes, PTE can easily be used to create the Starwars "effect," Best regards, Lin
  12. Cool !!! I like it !!!! Lin
  13. Hi Dom, One thing that would be nice is if there were a user switch to change to orientation of the book from lying at an angle to full vertical so that there is no distortion of the image. I modified Jean Cyprien's style to do that because sometime we want to demonstrate the animations while other times we want to show the images in their best orientation. Best regards, Lin
  14. No, you can always stop an MP4 using the navigation bar, but the "wait for a key press" command is only good for executable code. Best regards, Lin
  15. NICE !!! Lin
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