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David Allan

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Everything posted by David Allan

  1. Hi All, Once again thanks for all the help, and I am still experimenting with the menu option suggested, I have however found the original program by Granot, it is a clever peice of software and is freeware but no longer available on his site. If anyone would like a copy please feel free to drop me an e-mail at david.allan2@btinternet.com, who know's someone may be able to write an update version. Regards to All: David
  2. Hi All, Thanks for the replies, I will give them all a try. I have been asked to run a few slideshows at a local event which have to run for most of the day and I don't have the time to be present all the time the event is on. Thanks again for the help. Regards: David
  3. Hi to All, Is there any software available to run more than one slideshow, one after the other without the user having to start them manually. I used to have a program that did this, I think it was made by someone called Granot, but have lost this in a recent harddrive crash. Regards: David Allan
  4. Hi Igor, Thanks for the quick reply, I was pretty sure that was the reason, just thought I'd check. Thanks Again: David
  5. Hi All and Happy New Year, I am trying to burn a pte presentation to DVD, using PTE5, but when I hit the burn dvd button, I get a message saying that it is not possible under my Windows Version which is Win98se, would I be right in thinking it is only available in WinXP? Regards: David
  6. Thanks for the reply, I will run both of them and get back with the results. Other than this small problem, the software is running perfectly and I am very pleased with the results Regards David
  7. Have I put my post in the wrong section of the forum.? Regards: David
  8. Hi all, First post and I end up looking for help!! In PTE5 beta 8a when I press the preview button I get the following error message "Access Violation at address 004B0000 in APR.EXE, Write address FA60A 101" and the program freezes up, this only seems to happen when trying to make text scroll over the Main Image in the Animation Editor, I believe I have set the Start and Finish points correctly. Does any of You knowlegeable People know whats causing the error? Regards: David System Spec: Windows 98SE, 512 MB Ram, Asus V9570/256 on board Memory, DirectX 9.0c
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