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    Manitoba, Canada

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  1. Loved it Barry! On our side of the equator here in Canada our weather is not quite as balmy. Although we are having a warm winter the temp is -8c… Merry Christmas!
  2. A follower of yours for decades Barry. Always check your work because of it's quality and tutorial opportunities. Thanks... Dick
  3. Beautiful as always Maureen. Great title.."Moods" love it. The music fits perfectly! On my Dell XPS 13 (i7/Intel Graphics 620), it seemed that there was some moire in some of the moving images. Vertical lines moving across the screen. I wondered that was an NTSC/PAL issue between our two video standards. Would be interesting to see if an MP4 version would appear the same? Will try the Mac version on my MBP to see if it behaves the same. Dick Edit: Mac version is perfect. New Intel update on the Graphics 620 installed yesterday... I think I have hardware problems on my Dell XPS...
  4. You are a master tutor. Thanks Barry.
  5. Stunning! Thanks for sharing your beautiful World!
  6. WOW! We always wanted to visit Scotland, and this show was just like a guided tour! Thanks very much for sharing! Dick
  7. You're back! How we have missed your fantastic travelogues! Please keep them coming Maureen! Thanks, Dick
  8. We are sure glad you came along and solved our slideshow problems! Happy 20th Igor! Dick
  9. Thanks for the story and the music Lin.. What a tender start to my day... Dick
  10. Once again Barry... You are the master of great images... Loved it.
  11. Great job Barry! Awesome images, and the animation was very subtle. The music though... Wow!
  12. Hi Shirley, Loose ends... You saw Lin's reply to me? He created a short video that explained the issue clearly. Did you see it? Feel free to watch it... DIck
  13. Thank you so much Lin! What an valuable resource you are to the PTE community! I've been watching this forum for years, and learned much from your tutorials! I had no trouble understanding your presentation, and you hit the nail on the head in the first minute with the Preferences setting. I didn't have a text comment box on my menu! You and Dave provide so much support to this forum, and we are so grateful for your support... Dick
  14. Thanks for your comment Lin. I've searched all the Project Options, and found an Option called "Defaults" showing a setting for "Text Comments" with Font settings. Is this what you meant about "Text Comments"? How do you add a text comment in O&A? Dick
  15. Hi Shirley, I found that same feature in Options too... I tried it, and it did change the default font in that dialog... But every time I added a Text in O&A, the old Arial font was still there. So I really don't know what the Options Custom does...
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