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  1. That is lovely! Thanks for sharing.
  2. Igor, if I created a thumbnail picture how would I make it be a part of my PTE video? I'm thinking in terms of doing it as part of publishing the HD video. Is that what you are talking about or do you mean after the MP4 is complete?
  3. I am still using PTE 9.0.  The first atttached screen shot shows the first three slides in my project.  The 2nd scrren shot shows the finished MP4 as it appears in File explorer.    What determines which picture will be used as the MP4 cover?    It doesn't seem to be consistent.   My bottom line question is "how do I make the first slide appear as the cover on the MP4 file?  

    Thanks for any help.  


  4. Thanks Igor.
  5. When you publish an HD video, what determines which photo prints (as the cover print) on the MP4 File? (See the attached picture if my question doesn't make sense.
  6. Thanks wideangle. I was looking for a lazier way. The settings/preference/toolbar tip from Jill worked.
  7. Thank you Jill. That was exactly what I needed.
  8. After I had started a slideshow, I moved some of the pictures on my PC to a different folder. Obviously, when I went back into the slideshow, I got a message that I have files missing. When I click on OK, I get a message showing me which files are missing. This is not the first time I have made this mistake and I thought there used to be a button you could press to change the picture. I can no longer find that button. I know it is "user error" but can anyone help me? Thanks. Shirley
  9. Thanks for your response. It works with my trial version of AV-10. I love that style. I have been wanting one like that -
  10. I Can somebody please help me with this. My pc died and I had to rdowload PTE again and lost all the styles I had imported. I have now imported many of them but I haven't been able to make the ones of the Dom's website work. I put it in the cart, press download, and it downloads successfully. However when I try to import it from PTE, nothing happens. After playing with it, I'm wondering if it's because I'm still using PTE verson 9. (waiting for my ship to come in to purchase AV-10.) Can anybody confirm that?
  11. I have made a slide show of photos from a trip to Venice. After selecting styles and getting the timing perfect, I need to add simple text to a few slides. It has been my experience that adding text (through objects & animations) negates the style I have selected. Is there a work around for this?
  12. Thank you for much.
  13. An interesting thing about PTE and my Windows Reset. I thought I would loose all the styles which I had copied and modified from all you wonderful people. When I downloaded PTE after the reset - as a trial - I was delighted to find that my modified styles were still there. I am surprised, but happy.
  14. I upgraded in Feb 2017 to PTE version 9 and paid $39. I had to do a Windows Reset last Friday . I have just downloaded PTE version 9 again but I can't find the key to activate it. What do I need to do? (I know I should have saved it and I did save it but unfortunately, it didn't survive the Windows Reset - or at least, I can't find it.) Thanks, Shirley
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