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Everything posted by Gerdi

  1. Thanks a lot for your nice responses. I think the expiring date is a good tool. I just tried to "cheat" by putting the clock and date back (on the right bottom of the desktop), but it was not possible to "reactivate" the slideshow by this. So I think this tool is OK. And I don´t know how it could be possible to cheat this tool :-)) Thanks a lot Gerdi :-)
  2. How useful is installing a expiring date in a slideshow? Does it really work or is it possible to change just the system clock (e.g. one year back) for watching a slideshow again, which should have been already expired? So, it is a good protection or does it not really work in practice? Best Gerdi
  3. Hello everybody, there has been a "howto" for making frames around a slideshow. Does anybody remember, where I can find it? Thanks a lot Gerdi
  4. I have put some text in my slideshow. Is there possibility to change the color of text? Thanks a lot Gerdi
  5. Does anybody know, when the next release will be published? I ask because I finished a slideshow, which I want to publish. And I don´t know, if it is better to wait a couple of days for the new release or if I should use the old one... Gerdi
  6. As far as I can see it ist not the same thread. The thread I was looking for included the updated time schedule. Ist there anything known about next releases? Gerdi
  7. Is there anything known about the time schedule for next pte5-beta releases? The old thread about this topic was deleted as far as I have seen... Gerdi
  8. Is anything known about the time-schedule of the new versions? Does anybody know for example when the pause-function will be implemented? I know the roadmap, but my question is, if there is a realistic time-schedule for this work? Thanks a lot Gerdi
  9. The old link doesn´t work anymore. Is there a new one anywhere to download the slightshow? Gerdi
  10. We have to find very soon something he like. I need the pause/break-function urgently!!! :-)) Are you sure there is nothing Igor could like? Gerdi
  11. Does anybody have an idea how we can make Igor to implement the break-function very soon? :-))) I think pte 5.0 is working very nice. But I want to share my slideshows with friends. And probably they want to stop for a while on some pictures to enjoy them for a longer time. So a pause-function would be really great. We might collect some money to motivate him to implement it very soon. Other suggestions? Gerdi
  12. Thanks for your answer. It would be great, if it would be possible in future to fade the audio in PTE, because if you erase a slide in the show you have to edit the audio in Audacity again...
  13. Is anything known, when this feature will be implemented in V.5? I think this feature would be great especially for long shows :-)) Gerdi
  14. Thanks a lot. And is it also possible to fade out/in the music? Gerdi
  15. Does anybody know how I can fade out the last slide in PTE 5? Another question: How can I fade in an object onto a picture (i. e. a text on a picture) Gerdi
  16. Is there any chance to activate the break-function in the beta-version? It would be fine to interrupt the show for a while, but in my beta-version it doesn´t work. Is it still not implented or do I need a special trick for this function? Gerdi
  17. No I could solve the jerking problems by reducing the filesize from 4256X2848 to 2000X1300. There is no jerking anymore. By the way. Even the administrator´s samplefile (http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/show/PteShow.zip) produced a little jerk at the time, when the framepictures enter the screen from the left... Gerdi
  18. Is there any chance to edit the background music with pte? Is there any other software, which can be recommended for this purpose? Gerdi
  19. Sorry I forgot to tell that I try the 5.0 beta at the moment. My graphics card has 256 mb. DirectX is 9.0c The movements are not smooth (it is more a jumping from one scene to the next), when I create a AVI with the pte-Codec.
  20. I have directX 9.0c and a Radeon 9600 pro and "much" RAM (1 or 1,5 Gb). The movements are very smooth except directly after fading from one picture to the next. There is a short, but visible jerk. It seems like a bug, because all other movements are very smooth. I just tried different effects. And the "probleme" appeard with all tried effects (not only fading). It even happens in the preview mode... Does anybody know anything about this problem? Gerdi
  21. When I produce an exe-file with my pte-software the result ist not very good when I use Zoom-effects. There is also always a jerking directly after fading from one picture to the next picture. Does anybody know how to solve this problem? Gerdi
  22. Does anybody know which codec is best to use with pte? The pte-codec runs not very smooth on my pc... Gerdi
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