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  1. Hello Morasoft. great job, splendid. Perfect animation and very well combined with transitions. Thanks for sharing your ideas. Moritz.
  2. Morasoft, excellent work. Thanks for sharing with the PTE project. Moritz.
  3. Hello: Moritz
  4. Happy Year
  5. Hello all forum members and guests.
  6. Hi @ll!
  7. Hello theDom. In spanish language there is a special letter : ñ Do you have this letter in your template? moritz
  8. Hi Colin I do not think, that people in this forum, reject those who do not think like them. But if I think some should be to reflect on what is necessary and essential to PicturesToExe. Moritz
  9. hello yachtsman1: Well, sorry, I do not speak very much English, and I thought the comment was meant for me.
  10. Hello yachtsman1 In my post, at the end, I wrote: I hope that nobody feels alluded. And, It is not neccesary to write in capital letters, for now I hear very well.
  11. Excuse my english. I think there's a lot of lazy that want to use PicturesToExe for all things , and that the program must solve all his problems. For example, there are many specific programs for get a good solution to the sound problems raised here. Just only, it is search the Net. In few days Igor will be asked to prepare a couple of pizzas with PicturesToExe I hope that nobody feels alluded. Moritz.
  12. Ok, TheDom.
  13. Hi TheDom: Thaks for share your wonderful works. About this pte full projet, I have a question: In my computer, the slides go very smooth, but in my classroom computer, the scroll no match. =it not work fine=. What are the minimun computer requeriment to work fine with PictureToExe 5.6? Excuse my poor english. moritz.
  14. Hello TheDom: Excuse my delay. It's perfect. Precisely what I was looking for. In my computer run very good, with very smooth movement. Please, Do you can make a template? Thanks for your work. moritz
  15. Hello all: (theDom principally) There is some pte template made by TheDom, (or other forum member), with the panos fx Big Pictures (atn. photoshop plugin) Thanks morits.
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