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  1. Like, Dennis, I also have an unusual time frame to make my slide shows and getting them out. Applying pan/zoom to 1500 pictures in 10 different slideshow in a day is quite a task. When I use ProShow Gold, I apply auto pan/zoom to all pictures, then did a preview. Any image that did not pan/zoom to my liking, I just adjust those particular images (around 10%). By doing this, I can get several shows out othe door in one day. Unfortunately, I'm not happy with the quality of PSG shows. Even though some people might not use it, please consider adding this capability for some who will use it. Thanks. Warmest regards, -Ben
  2. Thank you for the template! It is wonderful. I created an album with a few of my images and I am blown away. Like Ron and Lumen, I noticed the "shimmering" of the borders, but only for portrait frames. I tried it on one monitor and notice shimmering of only the top portrait white border. But on another monitor, both the top and the bottom inner and outer borders shimmers quite a bit. My system runs on a dual monitor configuration with a dedicated video card for two monitors (RADEON X300 128MB video), the first monitor is the Dell UltraSharp 20" Widescreen and the second is a regular 19" Dell UltraSharp as well. System is a Pentium IV 3GHz with 1GB memory. I'm going to upload the sample video to my work place and tried the monitor there to see if I see any shimmering. Warmest regards, -Ben
  3. Thanks Al. The total time in PTE is around 1 hour and 15 minutes. I think after conversion to a fixed MPEG2 movie, the sizing of the images do not matter as they are compressed shrunk to fit the size of the video. All the music are MP3s. The total time is perfect when I created DVD folders and then using Nero to burn them to DVD. The only problem is with chapter 2 having no pictures, but works when I create executable. I'll experiment with recreating the DVD folders and with burning the second chapter. Muchos gracias for yours and Peter's feedback above! I'll check out the other threads. Warmest regards, Garic
  4. Thank you for helping me to get this far. Now I'm having problems burning the slideshow I created onto DVD. The show is shown in the WnSoft Video Builder to be 4.28GB (~800 pictures, 1 hour and 20 mins slideshow separated into 10 chapters - separate pte slideshows). Here are the creation logs: 21:04:47 - Start 21:04:47 - Converting to MPEG2: C:\alaska\DVD\day01.pte 21:10.34 - File multiplexing: C:\Documents and Settings\garic\Local Settings\Temp\0.mpg ... 21:04:47 - Converting to MPEG2: C:\alaska\DVD\day09.pte 21:10.34 - File multiplexing: C:\Documents and Settings\garic\Local Settings\Temp\8.mpg 02:03:18 - Converting menu to MPEG2 02:04:19 - VOB files multiplexing (It may take several minutes) 02:17:31 - DVD disc checking 02:17:32 - Burning start 02:20:11 - Deleting of temporary files 02:20:11 - Finished Elapsed time shown on the WnSoft Video Builder is 00:02:39 Remaining time: 00:00:00 100% The cancel button is gray out, the only way to close the builder is to go to file->exit or clicking the X (or double click on the icon on the upper left). Although it say burning start and finished in less than 3 mins, I didn't get any error messages. The elapsed time from starting is roughly 5 hours and 10 mins. The DVD disc was unsable after this. Next I tried creating an ISO image (taking roughly 5 hours to create the ISO too) with the burn option checked. The status is very similar to above. The burning time is just a few minutes with an unsuable disc. When trying to burn the ISO image in Nero Express, I get an error there that the file is too large to burn. I then reduced the slideshow duration by 2 minutes then tried creating creating DVD folders. After creating the folder, I successfully burned a video DVD via Nero Express. When playing back on an Apex (bought several years ago) DVD player, it played back flawlessly except for one problem. The second chapter (built from pte show) was blank through the entire DVD playback. I can hear music but there are no pictures. Any clues on how to fix this? Thanks again. Warmest regards, -Garic
  5. Thank you. I experimented with the black slide and it seems to work fine. Here is my work flow. v4.48 Menu Slide 1 - Main menu with buttons to 9 other black slides Slide 2 - Runs slideshow1.exe Slide 3 - Runs slideshow2.exe ... Slide 10 - Runs slideshow9.exe Duration of all slides is 0 seconds (I assume it will never go to the next slide). Each black slide has a button to return to the first slide in the Menu. v5.0beta slideshow1.exe - normal slideshow with music and pan/zoom transitions ... The problem I'm seeing now is that at the end of each of the slideshow, I wanted to execute the next show unless the user press 'ESC', in that case, the current slideshow closes and the blackslide would show up from below. I could not get the next slideshow to execute. Under slideshow1.exe under the main option, I had it set so that slideshow2.exe would get executed when the show is done. This didn't work. When slideshow1.exe finishes, it exit to the blackslide. I then remove the setting to have slideshow2.exe run after slideshow1.exe finishes under the main slideshow options, and instead have the last slide in slideshow1.exe to execute slideshow2.exe. That didn't work either. Are there other options that are incompatible with executing an external slideshow? Now to the next problem... one which may not have a solution in the current PTE implementation. I got the transitions between the menu and slides to be smooth. The menu has its own music but when I linked it to a blackslide with no music, the music is cut abruptly instead of fading out. Are there work arounds for this too? Since I don't know how long the user will be staring at the menu, I can't fade it out on set durations. Thanks for putting up with my clumsy learning skills! I'm getting there! Warmest regards, -Garic
  6. I have two different displays, one 20" widescreen LCD while another is a 19" 4:3 screen. If I want the slideshow to play on the widescreen, I just make it the main screen. If the normal 19", then I just make that screen the main screen instead. Just a few clicks of the button. Right click on the screen you want to run the slideshow on -> Properties Click on the Settings Tab Click on the screen that you want the slideshow to play on and check Use this device as the primary monitor Click ok and voila... after the brief reset, your slideshow will play there. Although this solution might not be satisfactory, at least there's a workaround.
  7. Thank you for your answer. I just downloaded PTE4.48 and created the menu. I seemed to run into a few problems which I hope others could help. 1. In version 4.48, if the picture is too wide to cover the screen, I cannot resize the picture via the object editor as I can version 5.0. I do not worry too much about this as there are work-arounds to resize the pictures via an external application. 2. When I added music to the menu and linked a menu button to an external PTE exe show, the music from the menu do not stop when the external PTE exe show starts so you hear both tracks at the same time. Is there a way to fade away the menu music? I start the v5 external PTE exe show by clicking on a menu button object created in v4.48. 3. The menu was created (in 4.48) to slowly fade in (3 seconds) and the music starts. When a menu button is clicked to start an external PTE exe show, the menu abruptly went black insead of slowly fading out the menu to the v5 PTE exe slideshow. Is there a way to fade out the image on the menu instead of an abrupt disappearance? The v5 PTE slideshow fades in perfectly though. Thank you. Warmest regards, -Garic
  8. Just a few quick questions on Multi-slideshows... 1. Can this be done on the latest PTE5.0 beta? Or is this a PTE4.x only feature? I can't see to find the properties option for the objects I created that I want to link. I only have PTE5.0 installed. With the powerful motion/pan/zoom, it would be cool to have a semi moving menu (ie. with snowfalls and or floating leaves) 2. If anyone has done this, how smooth is the transitions from the menu to the other PTE exe slideshows? 3. Is it possible to do multi-slideshows on one exe file like Pro Gold Show? 4. Can the buttons be animated to flash or zoom out to open other PTE exe slideshows? Thank you. Sorry if this is too many questions... I just got PTE a few weeks ago and now am just learning to use it. Warmest regards, -Garic
  9. Is there a way to batch all my images to the mode "Cover Slide" in Objects and Animations in the latest PTE beta? I'm currently doing it one by one... and with over 500 images, it takes a while to do them all. Thanks, -Garic
  10. Thank you. This is what I've been looking for. I'll download the PTE project and see how I can emulate falling objects in a similar way. Thanks again =) Warmest regards, -Garic
  11. I'm making a wedding slideshow and wanted to insert randomly into slides falling leaves. The leaves are falling in an curve as if it is being blown in the wind (not straight down or diagonal like snows). Is this even possible with version 5 of P2E? Thanks, -Ben
  12. Hello, I'm new to this forum and have been using Roxio Media Creator suite 8 to do all my DVD slideshows. I find to be very buggy and slow, the reason I searched for new tools. Reading photography forums lead me here. I've been viewing pictures2exe slideshows using the beta version 5 and am very impressed with the quality and how powerful it is. Pan and zoom are two tools that I will extensively use. What concerns me is the requirements to use these two tools. Are the people I send the exe file to require to have the latest in video cards just to view the slideshow? Will it pan or zoom if they don't? I guessed I can covert it to AVI and burn it to DVD but there would be quality lost if I do this. I plan tho show pictures at 1024x768 resolutions and no larger. Thanks, -Garic
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