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Dennis Lumkin

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  1. Thanks for your reply. Dennis
  2. Dear Igor, I was unable to use the help page as I could not read the security code block at the bottom of the page. Anyhow I am using Windows XP with a brand new graphics card ATI Radeon X1650 Pro. On initiation of a preview or a completed PTE show, my screen looses it's colour "Spyder" calibration & displays a strong blue cast, then after 6 or seven slides have been shown, the pictures either freeze or the graphics card crashes putting my LCD monitor on standby. The only way to get back is to reboot my PC. There are no problems with the early version of PTE 4.48.
  3. I have a problem with PTE 5.1 as it crashes my graphics card after showing 6 or 7 slides. Also when a show is initated, the colour calibration of my monitor is taken out reverting to a very heavy blue cast. I am working with Windows XP home & my graphics card is an ATI Radeon X1650 Pro. There is no problem when I run PTE 4.48. Can anyone out there put some ideas forward how to correct this problem?
  4. I find that the PTE5 DVD builder is easy to use, has little or no flicker and delivers much clearer pictures than Movie Factory 4. However DVD's rendered with PTE5 will only play on my PC & my "Alba" domestic DVD player, but not my "Samsung". DVD's rendered with MF4 will play on any machine. A thought that the Alba machine is multi regional whilst the "Samsung" is region 2 only. Could a bug fix be needed in this area?
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