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Everything posted by JSlugman

  1. I have been rather quiet on the list lately, one of the reason can be seen below: Aurora Contact Sheet Might make a nice presentation, but then so do my Iditarod photos from Saturday. Decisions, decisions...
  2. I use a company called Studio Cutz out of Texas, their website allows you to preview the tracks before you buy. Purchase the CD and you get a site license to use the music royalty-free for what is (I think) a reasonable cost. I currently have about 1/2 of their library and am very pleased. http://www.studiocutz.com
  3. Mark, Try the AutoLink utility by nobeefstu to connect 3 separate shows. I do this quite frequently and it works well. Beechbrook Cottage PTE Presentations I believe the utility is on the 3rd or 4th page. And I like the time-anchor idea.
  4. rudie, I got a big smile on my face from viewing your JUKEBOX and a big headache trying to figure out how you did it... AWESOME job my friend.
  5. Been up to a 230+MB show, 17 mp3s, 600+ photos/objects and it still ran like a peach. Took 3 minutes to load, but it ran. Split it up into 7 shows and used nobeefstu's AutoLink program and it worked MUCH better...LOL!
  6. pushu, All the files are contained within the .exe file itself and can't be moved separately (unless you provide them separately) or unless you're handy with a cyber-pickaxe. It seems to me (and we all know I'm not a smart ma-hun) that the access time for CD drives is significantly slower than a hard drive and that might be the bottleneck a lot of us smack into.
  7. Ken, Thanks for handing me my thunder again...LOL! I love reading the debates about digital and film (between John Shaw and Moose especially). And for my 2 cents worth, the Canon G3 is an especially nice piece for the budget minded, the Fuji S2 an excellent chunk of change. And I will admit I'd like to test drive Kodak's new 35mm-sized sensor flagship for a week or 20. But then I still shoot Canon FD gear so take anything I say with a block of salt.
  8. pushu, I echo Truelight's recommendation of ImageWalker. VERY easy to learn and the price is right. Currently I use this for making contact sheets but I'm always one to try others when I have a spare moment or two. I fear I have too many "useful" programs on the drive lately!
  9. Now boxig, how can I promote your utilities if YOU are promoting them yourself?!?!?
  10. Igor, Many thanks for the transparent GIF support feature. I've been working on a way around this just today and now I see you have fixed it for me! Perhaps I should try to fix something else soon?!?! Please be sure to take some time off to enjoy life!
  11. That's why when I go critter hunting I ALWAYS take someone who is slower (and presumably tastier) than me!
  12. Hans, You would be correct, it does look great! Here's hoping the bears stay as close to the shore for me as they do for you!
  13. Yes, I guess I am a "newbie" since my messages aren't WAY up into the 80's...LOL!!!!
  14. Dana, boxig; Thanks!
  15. Is anyone out there including a help file with your shows (and are willing to share)? I'm thinking of including one with some e-books I'm working on and would rather not re-invent the wheel. I'm thinking of including it as an html page. Any thoughts appreciated,
  16. Bill has graciously posted a silly little P2E show I did for my wife and a couple of their friends. They were tasked (what a word) to attend a conference in Hawaii and were able to make a week-and-a-half out of a 3-day event. They attended a luau (sp?) and I had an hour or two on my hands, so I made this goofy little animation-type show for them. Two other shows are on the CD with lots of great photos they took, but this runs between as a form of comic relief. Thought you might need a laugh or two. Bill's Beechbrook P2E page
  17. Paul, Been there, encountered your problem. Currently, I build my menu pages at a smaller resolution so the objects won't migrate inwards. That way they don't overlap and hinder object function.
  18. Igor, Glad you're back as well as everyone else. Got kind of lonely without all you guys...
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