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Everything posted by byuen

  1. Hi Igor, The updated file works perfect. I re-ran my slideshow and everything is nice and smooth. Thank you so much! Keep up the great work! Bob
  2. Thanks Igor, I will test the file out and let you know. Bob
  3. You can't play the EXE file. It has to be converted to the H264/ipad/iphone. It works & looks great on the iPad or any device that will play MP4.
  4. Hi Igor, I sent you a PM Thanks Bob
  5. Hi Igor and everyone, I was using 6.5.8 and I was seeing issues with video jitters when I exported the video via ipad with the default settings. I updated my PTE to version 7 and video produced for the iPad is worse in 7 than 6.5.8. If I export the video VIA the HD Video in v7, it works fine. Smooth and no jitters. I've read other post about jitters in the beta version and fixed in v7 beta16. Any Idea as to what is causing this jitter issue? Thanks!
  6. Hi there, Small bug report ??? Music not in sync or won't sync correctly when selected. (opened from 4.48) I'm just trying out the 5.6 beta 15 doing a conversion over to the iphone and noticed afterwards that music was not in sync even though it was set on 4.48. It seem to have defaulted to about 5 sec per slide.) I tried to uncheck and recheck (from the Project Options) and set the time per slide but that did not work. The only way I got it working was the "Customize Slide" button and I was able to set the slide to time I wanted. Bob byuen Photography www.byuen.com
  7. Yes, I can confirm that there is some sort of VIRUS attached to the link when you try and download the latest PTE file. See the message and link by Wideangle I got the same message that the user Auser got " I am prompted to install a "Remote Data Services Control" active-x. I get the little bar at the top of IE." two seconds later my Symantec Anti Virus Auto Protect caught the virus. Here is the details of the Virus: Virus Name: Trogan Horse File Name: .......\LocalSettings\Temporary Internet Files\Content. IE5\3757s705\soveycou[1] I've since deleted my cache directory but will do a full scan. I believe it may be some sort of GIF file. Bob Just to add. I downloaded the PTE from the main page of www.wnsoft.com I've just installed PTE without any issues. It's probably where the PTE file is being hosted.
  8. Thanks Dave and Al, I downloaded the freeware app as suggested toyed with it last night. I spliced and diced the songs together with the fade in/out so this will work fine. I'll also check out the adding the music in the background. Thanks guys and have a great day! Bob
  9. Hello everyone. I'm hoping to get some help from the guru's of PTE. I'm assembling a slideshow for a wedding couple - Starts with a groom baby photo, brides baby photo, dating photos and then finally the wedding day photo. The bride and groom wish to play a certain song for each section. Is there a way that i can end a song and start another for the next set of slide in PTE? I know that this can be done in PRO Show but I like to do this in PTE if possible. What do the experts recommend??? What tools do I need if I have to merge all the songs into one??? Help! Thanks in advance. Bob www.byuen.com
  10. Sorry for the late reply, this link was removed and I did not check it. Yes, here is what I was given as a work around and later a fix was sent out in a later beta release. As temporal solution, please uncheck "Auto spread slides along music" option in Timeline window and adjust all time points manually. Or click "More" button and choose "Arrange transition points". Bob www.byuen.com
  11. Hello there, I've used Proshow Gold, PTE and my Apple iMovie to create slideshow. My choice and decisions. IMO: ============== PTE versiion 4.48 = PRO - Simple to use and creates a simple exe file that plays right away and affordable. Con - No quick solution to convert to DVD but it was possible to do. I did not like the interface. I use PTE 100% of the time to create all my slideshow to run on PCs ============== ProShowGold Pro = Simple to use, Great choice of output from one file creation = Do it once and export to DVD,VCD, Web EXE etc. Cons = Expensive and I hated the export to EXE format and the required plugins. I only used ProShow to create the cool effects and convert to DVD. (This meant I had to rebuild my slideshow again synced to music - what a pain.) I use Proshow gold only 5% if I need to convert to DVD. =============== Apple iMovie I only use iMovie to create my DVD when PTE and ProshowGold can't do it for me. Con = Slow proccess and I would have to rebuild my slideshow again. Limited functions to customize slides. ================ PTE 5.0 beta Pro = Looks like everything I was looking for. Simple and straight converstion to DVD. Just want I want in a app. New special effects - and simple to use. Cons: Still in beta and Still got some beta bugs I can't wait for this to go GOLD. Everything I need to do at this time. Perhaps a new feature request!!! - Export to Flash. Regards, Bob Yuen www.byuen.com
  12. Hi Igor, Ok I've confirmed my findings. 1) If I rebuild the slideshow using 8v - same process - no burn error. 2) If I used a PTE 4.48 and resaved into 8v - burn error (but the encoding problem is fixed ) Thanks Bob
  13. Hi there, I sent a copy of the screen shots to Sergey along with the generated error log. I had this DVDburn error with version in 8T and but it worked fine in 8U. This was a file created in 4.48 and resaved in 8U. The difference in 8U was I rebuilt the slideshow from scratch to resovle the earlier encoding problem which is now fixed with 8V but I now get an the burn error. I will rebuild test slideshow in 8V and see what happens. As for the DVD being displayed shifted to the right. My comercial DVD movies play fine with menus centered. I've seen this happen when I also create DVD's from ProShowGold. Everything is shifted to the right. If I create the DVD with my Apple G4 Laptop, it displays properly. Thanks for your hard work! Bob
  14. Hi there, Everthing looked promising but as it tried to do the burn process, I got an error. Maybe I should reboot my machine after I uninstalled and installed the latest version 8V. Any idea as to why everything is somewhat shifted to the right on my TV as oppsosed to being centered?
  15. Thanks, I'll give it a try and let you know. Bob
  16. Thanks!
  17. Thanks!
  18. Sorry, I ment to post this message here but it also got posted as a new topic. Does anyone know why this is ocurring during the converting process? See below. Setup: I have 100 images + 1 song. Original version created in 4.48 = About 5 min in lenght I opened the PTE file and re-save in 5 beta 8T. During the converting process to MPEG as I watch it and I see my last slide (100) appear but then I see my first slide re-appears as it seems to process the entire files again. What's going on? Any help would be greatfull. Thanks Bob
  19. Does anyone know why this is ocurring during the converting process? See below. Setup: I have 100 images + 1 song. Original version created in 4.48 = About 5 min in lenght I opened the PTE file and re-save in 5 beta 8T. During the converting process to MPEG as I watch it and I see my last slide (100) appear but then I see my first slide re-appears as it seems to process the entire files again. What's going on? Any help would be greatfull. Thanks Bob
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