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Everything posted by targa912

  1. Well, it looks like it was an administrator problem. It's working now!! Yippee!!! Thanks for everyone's help!! Got to start burning!! Bob W.
  2. But I'm using Video Builder from with PTE. I have been able to burn in the past but it's been a while. And when I go to help I am listed as having the Deluxe version of PTE.
  3. Dl'd 5.6. Was going to try a dvd burn test. Went to video builder but it would not show my dvd burner. Asked for my key. Found it and loaded it according to these instructions:get the key as a text string, copy it, paste into Notepad, save the file as reg.key (NOT .txt!), and verify the resulting file is 231 bytes. Now, double-click on it or right-click and choose "Merge" from the menu to add it to registry. I still can not get my burner to come up. Tried using 5.5 and 5.1. Still no burner coming up. Tried my Sony burner and my Samsung. Neither burner shows up!! Tried wnsoft but still no answer. It is a large show. Almost 300 slides. That shouldn't be a problem should it? Don't see why PTE wouldn't find my burner even with a big show. Any help would be appreciated!! Bob W.
  4. I'm using a Sony DVD burner PTE 5.5. With the Burn DVD box checked nothing comes up. My burner has power. But Builder doesn't display my burner. Space is empty along with the speed. I have burned dvd's before but it's been a while. Am I forgetting something? Thanks Bob W.
  5. I am putting together a show with a little over 200 slides. It will be of several related events. Usually I just make one long show. This time I'd like to try menus to break it up a bit. A couple questions. Very basic. If I use menus as chapters can the show still play as a complete show without stopping? I'd like to use the menus/chapters so people can skip to different parts but still watch the whole show also. Can anyone quide me to some shows using menus/chapters for examples? I will be putting this show on dvd. Thanks for any help or suggestions!! Bob W.
  6. I'm using 5.1. It seems to me that the versions are getting more complicated then I can understand at this point. So it looks like I'll stick with 5.1. Starting a new show and in the past I have used 1024x768. My new Dell monitor is set at 1280x1024. I will be putting this show on dvd for about 15-20 people. So I wont be sure what they have as far as tv output. I did read that 1280x1024 is becoming the standard. So, should I make my images at 1280x1024 or 1024x768 not knowing what people will be using? I won't be doing much animation. Maybe a little p&z but not much. Bob W.
  7. Very nice images. Very tranquil!! And I liked most of the transitions!!! Bob W.
  8. I enjoyed it very much!! Agree with most of the comments. Sepia mix would have been effective IMO. And even I had to turn down the sound. With my hearing that's saying something!!! But I really enjoy it!!! Bob W.
  9. Got to go along with it being fast and I thought "911 Porsche".But then I am a little partial and narrow minded. Bob W.
  10. I thought it was a great show!! Really loved the quality of the shots!! And the music really fit!!! Bob W.
  11. Thinking of it in these terms make me appreciate the position the CD artists are in. I agree to a point. As I have spent many years as a working photographer/darkroom tech, when I sold something it no longer was mine. Dl some elses work and using it is unethical and wrong. But when someone sells something such as a cd/video ect it should no longer be considered his or her position to control it. Using the legal term lease agreement is bull imo! ! When you lease an automobile there is a buyout at the end of the agreement. A lease to me implies repurchase at the end of term. Does the artist or record company offer this option? Not that I have seen. When I shot weddings I sold the negs. This was my way of conducting my business. I charged extra for this. My choice and my customers choice. Again, in my oppinon once something is sold it no longer belongs to you. Bob W.
  12. I agree with all the comments and really enjoyed the show. Now this is not meant as a criticism just a question. I liked the frame but can not decide if I prefer the burned edges as dark as they are or would I have liked them lighter. I feel it really added depth to the images but may have been a little distracting being as dark as they were. I think personally I would have gone a bit lighter. I felt it was a beautiful show and learned much from it!! Bob W.
  13. But it's everywhere now. And that ruins the quallity of the product!! IMO!! Sorry, that was my poor attempt at humor. I meant the porno not MediaFire! I'm inclined to believe that the porn on your friend's PC When I went to check after hearing from them there were porno ads on the site. Maybe porno is a bit strong. How about nudie ads? The ads changed to other types but the offensive ones where there. My friends are even older then I am and I doubt they would have that type of stuff on their computer. I do like MediaFire as I stated. It's easy to use and plenty of storage for me at this point. So I guess I'll just upgrade to their better sevice
  14. Jim, I'm not at home computer for a couple days. When I get home I'll do a screen capture and try and post it. I like MediaFire and I am using the free service so I understand nothing is free. But I can't have these type of ads showing up on a service I use to have other people see my work. So I think I'll sign up for the paying service part. I think I read these would not have ads. I just think it a shame how porno is so freely distributed. If a person wants that kind of stuff, that's not my concern. But it's everywhere now. And that ruins the quallity of the product!! IMO!! Bob W.
  15. I use both a Sony and a Samsung DVD burner and haven't had any problems. So I guess I'll stick to the present version until 5.2 comes out. Bob W.
  16. I put a show up on Mediafire so friends in Ca. could view it. When they went to the site to retrieve it they hit the wrong thing and dl a bunch of porno stuff. Turn's out right under the "Start Download" area Mediafire is carrying IMO porno ads. Now these were older people, not really into computers or they would have known not to click on an ad. Needless to say they were upset. So am I!!! I like MediaFire and think it's a great service. And I'm by no means a prude. But damnit, that is not the place for those ads!! Can anyone suggest a service like MediaFire? Thanks! :angry: Bob W.
  17. Just my two cents worth. I have had several problems using PTE. All were my fault or my computers. All were answered very quickly. And very nicely. No talking down too or putting the blame where it belonged! Me! It would be extremely hard to find a person who cares more for his customers needs and wants then Igor!! Long waits have not been the norm for me. Bob W.
  18. I lost my sound files. I have burned the show to a dvd before I lost them. Is it possible to pull them from the dvd? If so how? Thanks Bob W.
  19. Happy New Year to all the friendly and helpful forum members! And a special thanks to all who have helped me with this great program!! It's a great place to visit and I don't have to go out in the cold. It's 9 degrees outside at this time!! Bob W.
  20. Ok, I tried that and no improvement. Looks like I'm just going to drop the dl track. This is taking too much time. I'll try and pick it up again later. Nothing like a good learning experience! Bob W.
  21. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all from the cornfields of Iowa!!! Bob W.
  22. nobeefstu, No I have not. If I can't figure out how to import to Windows Media or if that doesn't work, I'll go on to your next step. I'm so confused!! I know this will work but I'm the weak link. Bob W.
  23. Peter, I have the latest Windows Media. My problem now is how to rip the dl into Windows Media. It's a dl and not a cd. How do I get it from My Music into Windows Media to rip it? Until now I have not used Windows Media for anything so please bare with me.
  24. I set the defaults in Audacity to 44100 Hz and 16 bit. Then ran a short test on the Wal-mart dl. It played correctly. So it looks like the problem is with the cd burns. I used AudioGrabber. Brought them into Audacity but they still came in at 22050HZ. Went into AudioGrabber and tried to change to 441000 but the highest rate is 22050HZ. Now what? Bob W.
  25. This is in batches of 8 bits and most use a 24 Bit Rate. Compare this to photographing at 10MP as apposed to 1MP In Audacity it looks to me they are both at a bit rate of 32. Am I looking at the correct thing? Should I change this?
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