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Everything posted by targa912

  1. I'm using Audacity to edit my sound. I dl a song from Wal-Mart and used two songs from one of my cd's. The audio from the two cd songs and the dl plays perfect on my pc. In Audacity the cd's songs are 22050HZ. They play fine in the slide show and when I burn it to a dvd with video builder. The song I dl from Wal-Mart is 44100HZ. On the pc it sounds fine. But when I burn to dvd it sounds pretty bad. Is the HZ difference the problem and if so how would I solve it? Thanks, Bob W.
  2. Thanks Lin!! We are due for 5-8" of snow so this sounds like a good project for tomorrow. Still have two weeks left to get a Christmas Card together!! Plenty of time!!! Might even sneak in my Christmas shopping in there too!! Bob W.
  3. Anyone know where I can find a tutorial on making falling snow, like in "Wishes 2007"? Bob W.
  4. Well, guess I'll try and answer my own question. Might help someone else. I had CS3 running in the background. Also hadn't shut down the computer in 2-3 days. After shutting down CS3 and shutting down the computer for a while I came back and reburned at the slowest speed and had no problems. So people are not kidding when they suggest nothing running in the background. Seems to have solved my problem. Bob W.
  5. I'm trying to burn a dvd with VB. Works perfect on the computer. When I burn using VB the sound comes out bad. Tried burning on two different speeds. Slower seems slightly better. It is a long show. 303 slides. Would this make a difference? I'm using a relatively new Sony burner. Using a pc with windows xp. Bob W.
  6. Cancel that question. I just found the menu animation button!! Unclick that and the image stays. I'm old!!! It takes awhile to get things. Bob W.
  7. When making a menu in PTE 5.1 with vb I would like to use a picture from the slide show on the tittle page. That worked out fine but is there a way to keep that image in the box and not have other images follow it? Just in the tittle page. Hope I'm explaining that right. Thanks Bob W.
  8. Thought I was the only one who does that. Did that last year!! It is painful!! Mine was from roller blading on the ice!! (not really. Helga ran after a rabbit and dumped me but that doesn't sound cool!) Just take it easy and recoup Ken!! Bob W.
  9. I have the PO options Screen set to 4:3 and 90%. This seems to work with less cropping for my show. I plan to put two of the same show on one DVD so people with different tv's can view it. One at 4:3 for old tv's and one at 16:9 for widescreens. Should I use 90% on the widescreen also? Or 100%? Also when looking at "How auto aspect ratio mode works in VideoBuilder" I'm not sure I completly understand the last line. Does this mean I can't burn one show at 4:3 and another at 16:9 on the same DVD? This issue is about how Video Builder auto aspect ratio mode works. Each of the videos being located on DVD disc may have one of the following aspect ratio 4:3 or 16:9. For now VideoBuilder can't burn DVD with slide-shows use different aspect ratio. If you'll set aspect ratio 4:3 (VideoBuilder options) in options all presentations will be in 4:3, if you'll set 16:9 (VideoBuilder options) all will be 16:9. Even if one from all presentations has aspect ratio differs from 16:9 (slide-show aspect ratio), all of them will be with 4:3 aspect ratio. Only in case then all slide-shows has 16:9 aspect ratio all slide-shows will be in 16:9. Therefore then you create DVD disc for wide width display there is a reason to set 16:9 aspect ratio for all slide-shows. For the future we plan to develop feature allows you to add different aspect ratio slide-shows to one DVD disc.
  10. I'm still confused. I use 1024 x768. I need several dvd's for people. Should I size and burn at 4:3 and another at 16:9. I have been using 4:3 and find it crops on my non widescreen. Bob W.
  11. I enjoyed it. At first when I saw the title I was a little leery!!! Hogs! Being in rural Iowa I see and smell them every day!! But it was about bikes!!! OK!!! Liked the b&w images. Agree some Harley pipe sounds would have been neat!! Very nice shots. Bob W.
  12. Will they be anywhere near North East Iowa? Bob W.
  13. That did it! It was set to PAL. Thanks!!! Bob W.
  14. I burned a dvd using Builder and all seem to go well. When I tried to play it on a tv I get message saying "Playing prohibited by area limitations". I tried the dvd on my computer and it played fine. Have burned several dvd's with this burner and no problems. It's a Sony 830U. It's not the dvd player. All my other dvd's play fine. Any thoughts? Bob W.
  15. PTE as a Powerpoint type presentation software is fantastic! Not totally familiar with Powerpoint. Do you mean using PTE with the ability to manuelly advance the slides? Bob W. Bob W
  16. When you are making your DVD or ISO file you can then view the TV Safe zone Not sure how to do that. I am using PTE5 Video Builder. Try making your slide show with the mode setting in the Objects and animation screen set to cover slide. I don't see a difference. Tried a small test and it still crops too much.
  17. Ok, made my slide show. Used 1024x768 px. Worked great for the computer. Made a dvd with Builder, which was a breeze. On my tv it's cropping. So what did I do wrong or what should I do different. Should I be making one size for the computer and one size for tv? I am showing it on an older 27" tv. Not Hd or anything fancy. I'm confused again. Thanks!! Bob Walden
  18. Great idea about mixing in machinery sounds. There certainly were enough of them. Next year I'll take a recorder with me. Might be a good idea to always have one with me!!! I believe I had three portrait images that I didn't pic in pic with. I debated on those . The one with the cornbelt I couldn't be sure what it belonged to. The other two images I just liked but they really didn't belong either. Should have dumped them. As for the horizontals, you caught me. I sized them wrong. Not only looked strange but cause jumping in the next images. I ran out of time. (I know poor excuse) The people wanted to see the show at their monthly meeting. Really appreciate your comments and am going looking for a small recorder today. That I think would be great advice for anyone. Would make the presentations more realistic I would think!
  19. Opps!! Forgot to mention how much I liked "Shadows and Light" I must be great to wake up every day with those kind of landscape views!! Wow!! Bob W.
  20. Patrick, thanks for the comments. As for being too long, that's why my wife made me cut out the dancing girls! It would have been longer!! It came in at 6:44. I was trying for 5-7 minutes. What would you consider a reasonable time for this type of show? The audience will be the owners of the equipment but for future shows I 'd be interested. Also couldn't agree with you more on the music transistion. Just learning Audacity. The usual way this event works is the showing of the equipment, the threshing then a dinner and dance. They had a local "pro " shooting that part. I think if I were shooting that it would have worked better. The slideshow was mainly for my wife's cousin. He had several pieces of equipment there. So this isn't a money thing for me. I just liked it!! Even with the 90 degree heat!! Maybe next year I'll shoot the whole thing for money. Nah, that takes the fun out of it!! Bob W.
  21. I liked it!! As a new resident of Iowa it does take some looking to find beauty in the plains areas. And I think you have really done that. I agree with Patrick on some points though. I'm not a big fan of a lot of transistions. Also I found the show a little jerky on all my computers. The Moire (sp) effect has also creeped into some of your shots. In the begining on the cow on the left, his, opps her hay is shimmering. And a few slides later on the stone building the windows are also shimmering. I belive this is a sizing phenominum (sp) Sizing also could be affecting your jerking. (I think). Loved the photography!!! I am by far not an expert so please take this as Imo. By the way I like Patricks way of evaluating. That's one of the reasons I come to the forums. It would be nice to have a standard appraisal system then comments at the end. Bob W.
  22. Bummer!! You guys missed a great show!! Hard to get that many topless dancing girls all in one place at one time. Please try this link..http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?asxxvtjwmcz. Let me know if that works. First time using MediaFire also. Bob W.
  23. Completed my first show!! I like it! C&C welcome!! I have thick skin! http://www.mediafire.com/upload_complete.php?id=t1qezwz9myk Bob W.
  24. Is tiff supported by PTE? I didn't think so. Never tried it though. Jpeg works for me. Bob W.
  25. Up and running again!!!! Yippee!! Thanks all! Thanks Igor!!! Bob W
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