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Everything posted by targa912

  1. Still can't get PTE to register! nobeefstu, I have paid for the Deluxe PTE. Are they two separate keys? If so maybe wnsoft is sending the wrong key. I'm just don't know. Bob W.
  2. The error message I am getting is "This file does not contain key file for PTE, or it contains key for another product"
  3. I had been using PTE5.0. Had computer problems over the weekend and had to do some cleaning. Tried uninstall and reinstalling PTE but regs key not excepted. Uninstalled all versions, dl 5.0, still not excepting key. Recieved new key from wnsoft. clear pte and dl again. Instructions from Wnsoft: 1. select and press Ctrl+C key combination 2. Create text file in any text editor (but MS Word). 3. Paste saved text to it (Ctrl+V). 4. Save this file as pte.txt. 5. Rename the file to pte.key and run it Think I did that but still wont regsiter. I saved it to MS Word Pad. Could that be the problem? Thanks for any help. I know its me. Just not sure where I'm going wrong! Bob W
  4. Yuck!! It's starting to sound like the Adobe Forum. Bob
  5. I burned a short test this morning and it waw fine. Guess I'll start dumping stuff and see if that does it. Thanks, Bob
  6. Tried to burn a dvd. EXE file is 83 mb. 24 minutes long. No PZR. In Video Builder it's 1.23 gb. After 1hour 35 minutes message said not enough room on disk. Did I do something wrong? Is 83 mb to large Video Builder? Bob
  7. I just dl pre-release. Trying to register video builder. When saving email notifacation of key, which part do I save to a file? Do I include REGEDIT4? Info between "Key"= and ="? I know this is simple but so am I so. Thanks!! Bob W
  8. That was it!!! Thanks!!!
  9. I'm back after a month or so. Just sold my business so now I have time to play. Just dl PTE15. When I go to the full screen veiw in the file panel shouldn't I be able to rearrange the order of the slides? When I highlight a slide and try to move it instead of staying in the new location it jumps back to where it was. Am I missing something? I think I remember doing it in 4.48. Bob W
  10. Thanks Lin but I'm not sure how to do that. If you get a chance can you give me a little instuction? Thanks. I may be having a problem but sure learning new stuff in the mean time! Bob W
  11. Use the small arrows < > located to the far right on the far right to step through keypoints in the direction the arrows point. Tried that. Left arrow doesn't do anything. Right arrow blue flag goes all the way to the right side and adds time.The quick solution would be to just delete the first keypoint by right clicking on it and choosing delete. Then you can again right click and "add" keypoint then set the timeing to zero in the keypoint block. Tried that. Does not delete.
  12. These are the first 4 slides in my show. 1st with text is fine. 0 in flag & 0 in time box. 2nd slide has 04.024 in flag & 24 in key point time box. 3rd slide has 00.12 in blue flag & 0 in time box. 4th slide icreases to oo.24 in flag box & 0 in time box. Rest of slides increase by.0008 so 5th slide is 00.30 and so on. I must have something set wrong but can't figure out what. Help! Bob Walden
  13. Cool!! It worked!! Bob W
  14. Well this is my first try at uploading and first use of Irfan.
  15. Thanks for the quick response, Lin. That's what I thought was the way to do it. Unfortunatly the keypoint time box is set to 0 while the keypoint blue flag is set to 00.04. Seems like the time box set to o should set the blue flag also but it doesn't. And that's my problem.
  16. I'm trying to zoom. Can not seem to zero out the first key point to zero. When I add a second key point the first key point is at 00.04. I'm sure I'm missing something simple. In animation it is set to zero but first key point is at 4000ms/00.04. Now I have a headache from trying things. So I'm missing something. I am using 9a. Thanks!! Bob W.
  17. Thanks Ron, that worked!! I had been trying to open from the saved file. This time I closed everything down and opened PTE first then opened the file I wanted and it worked just fine!!! Thanks again! Bob W
  18. I have several files I can't open. All were done in PTE 5 8u. Message is "Project files created with PTE v1.00-v1.60 are not supported now" Am I doing something wrong? Saving as I go along. These were from a couple weeks ago but so were the ones that will open. Any help would be really apprecicated. Bob W
  19. So far all went well. I created an exe file, uploaded to yousendit and the people dl it with no trouble. She said it looks good! I'll know Sunday. I did experiment with the dvd on a portion of the show. Just wouldn't have had time to get it to the people in time. Using PTE 5 I had no trouble making a dvd. I'm very happy with PTE 5. Looking forward to full version of 5 but for me the beta version does all I need. Bob W
  20. Hi! I am doing a show for a friends b-day. I'm running out of time. Need to send a done dvd by thurs night. Show is done as far as slide order, music and duration. Dvd player is a new Sony. Haven't used it yet. If I should have problems making a dvd, can I make an exe file and send it to the bday man's wife using Sendit or some such program? It's a surprise and must be there by Saturday afternoon so I have a little time. My other problem is I will not be hooked up with high speed internet until late thursday. New house. So experimenting time is limited. Any suggestings greatly appreciated! Bob W
  21. I'm new to PTE. Working on my first show. I was aware captions not activated yet but I add mine in CS2. So they are with the slide. These will show on the dvd wont they? Bob W
  22. Stonwall, make sure your files are jpegs. PTE does not except tifs or PSD's. I love PTE but also use PSG. Bob W.
  23. Hank, yep first time on 5. tells that video card doesn't support hardware accelleration or has lesser than 32 MB of video memory. That looks like it. Tried it on my newer laptop and it works fine. Guess it's past time for some upgrades. Thanks!! I'll be back!!! Bob W
  24. Thanks for the quick reply!!! Check the path designations for all your slides to make sure they are valid Not sure what this means. Pretty much a beginner. No music in the show yet. WWWWill be adding but just for background. Slides on timeline seem ok. Bob W. Should be "Will be adding music but"
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