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Everything posted by mightec

  1. I have used the Photo Album template a few times now to create different slideshows and saved them generally as a .pte file. When I reopen the file in PTE it previews as the last show. To explain I created a show of my holiday in Portugal and saved that as photo album.pte, when I reopened the file I was working in a new show called Burma.pte, the reopened Portugal file then previewed as Burma. What am I doing wrong?
  2. I am not sure what is happening here, are we limited in the number of slides we can make with Beta#9, are we required to pay an upgrade fee for the deluxe version, can anyone put me right on these matters.
  3. Wow that is quick, what time today, its 13:40 in the UK, I am waiting, I had better refresh my screen it maybe here already.
  4. This is great news, I just feel so sorry for Photodex, they will never get me back using their bug ladened software again. Congratulations to the development team and all you members who have contributed your comments and expertise in shaping the final product. HOW DO WE GET HOLD OF THE FINISHED PRODUCT. Did understand it correctly that Beta 10 and 11 will be launched shortly 'The only missed v5.00 features leaved for beta 10-11 (two weeks after beta 9)'
  5. Dom This is not good, thanks for explaining the situation, hope that you take Lin's advise and can be up and running again soon.
  6. Lin Thank for the advice, I have downloaded the software and tried it out, not bad, I will certainly use the software in the future.
  7. Well now, we are getting our knickers in a twist. It is up to everyone to decide for themselves, I know that I am very happy with PTE and I do not have to defend that choice. It is everyone to there own.
  8. Gilio Thanks for your, much appreciated.
  9. Hi Lin I have been in contact with 1and1 by email and awaiting a reply. I think that I will be going down the route of using an external server for storing my slideshows that can be viewed through my web site. I am now able to handle the Flash side, I am using Swishvideo2, and that seems to working OK. However, the quality is not the same as .exe file. I want to store my ,exe files on the external server, the problem is I am not sure how best to access these. I am looking for some sort of video streaming option, do you have any advise.
  10. Geoff/Ian Thank you for your advise, I had noticed that the compression was minimal, now I understand why. I will look at Winrar, although I understand that WinZip 11.0 can also handle different extensions.
  11. Gilio Thanks for coming back to me on this, I have WinZip 10.0, not sure if to upgarde to version 11.0? What compression format do you use?
  12. I am looking for the best method of zipping my P2E.exe files for inclusion on my web site. I am using WinZip, not sure if there are better software and what be the best compression format. I would welcome your advise.
  13. I am sure that this is not a new topic, I have done a search but the postings that came do not help. I have produced a slideshow using The Dom's Photo Album and now want to produce a Flash version. I so doing I created an .avi file and noticed that when each page starts to turn the page freezes for a split second. I assume that this is a Codec selection problem, I am using Mpeg4Video Codec. Is this the right one to use or are there better one's to use? Also I noticed that when I am in the Video Compression dialogue box and try to click OK I get a message that says Privileged Instruction, this has not happened before?
  14. Hello Ron I would very much like to receive your further tutorial be email, I think that you have my email address.
  15. Lin Thanks, I cannot wait for the full version to be released.
  16. Hi Lin The Swish product I referred to in an earlier posting should have been SwishVideo by Swishzone.com, they now claim that their latest version uses the On2 Technologies On2 VP6 VFW codex and runs with Flash 8 and 9. The cost of the Swishvideo software is $49.95, I don't think that it is as good as On2 Flix Pro but it is $200.00 cheaper.
  17. PRBraun I am also a recent convert from Photodex ProShow Producer (PSP), a cool $399.00, it has some very nice features but the quality and O/A capability of PTE are the things that make me a committed PTE user. I have a lot to learn about PTE but I am really enjoying the experience, and with the help of this forum I am getting there quickly. Lin - In your response, which I also fully support, you refer to the 'ability to call external executable code then return seamlessly to the slideshow' would this solve my problem. I have an Intro which I have in AVI and PSP form but I cannot get it into a PTE show. What I want to do is at the start of a DVD run my Intro (Warning Disclaimer) and 20th Century style opening and then go into the DVD menu. If I had my Intro in an EXE form could I run it then my menu, is this what you mean by calling an external executable code?
  18. Hi LumenLux/Ron Thank you for your help, that seems to be what I am trying to do. However, my remaining problem is that my Intro is in PSP and AVI form, neither of which PTE support. So it looks like a makeover so your pdf tutorial will be very useful. I can produce an EXE file, can I do anything with this? Can I use an EXE file and link it to the PTE generated DVD? Ron my email address is mike@slideshows4u.co.uk
  19. Hello Ron Thanks for coming back to me, I can now open the sequence but I have lost my cursor, I didn't get any spinning and I cannot open anything.
  20. Hello Tom and Ron Yes that is the type of thing that I use, I created in blender, then imported into ProShow Producer and made a .psh file which I can run before my menu opens. I have just thought that I can created an exe file will this enable me to run with a PTE show? I would welcome a copy of pdf tutorial when available. Thank you both for your help, greatly appreciated.
  21. Ken, thanks for your help, I will review the threads sent me.
  22. Hello Ken Thanks for your response, my problem is I am not sure how to link it to the main show, can you suggest where I can get that knowledge.
  23. Hello Ron That certainly is a large file, when I try to play the .pte file it tells me that a picture is missing, C:\SCC AV 2006/SCC AV06.ico. I cannot get beyond this point, is there a way round this problem. In my earlier posting I am not too sure that I have used the Queen's English correctly. The Introduction that I am wish to show is a Warning (Disclaimer) and a 20th Century Fox picture opening effect before the menu is displayed. Is this what you thought that I was looking for?
  24. Hi There in PTE World I am a recent convert from ProShow Producer 3.0 which does have a number of nice features. One which I used when burning a DVD is the option to run a short Introduction before displaying the DVD Menu. I cannot find this feature thus far in PTEv5.0, is there any work around to this.
  25. Hi Lin I think that my problem was that I did not configure the HTML file. By the way I assume that I create an .swf and .flv file and upload all to my web site. One other thing, I did a test using the Photodex PSP code and works very well, no problem.
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