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Everything posted by mightec

  1. Hello Ron I really enjoyed your first album, it really works well, some interesting and yet unusual photographs, I did enjoy it, thanks for sharing. Did you add the background photographs or it that all part of Dom's template?
  2. Ron Have a look here http://thefreedom.free.fr/share/dload.php?...88f4be52494c1fc Dom talks about the size of pictures and recommends the following 'You can use portrait or landscape pictures whatever their size. But I recommend 640 x 480 for template #1 and #2 and 1024 x 768 for template #3.'
  3. Ron Thank for the help, I was able to add the website, thank you.
  4. I did not know where to put the posting, sorry, I think I have asked the question in the Topic Title
  5. Hi Keith I have found the website for Yousendit and registered, thank you from the information
  6. Ron You have stirred up my interest, what does the your picture look like, and what is 'yousendit'?
  7. Dom That's a classic piece of work, I cannot thank you enough, I am going to have some real fun with your templates.
  8. Dom Not to add to your workload, but I was thinking, that if you are going to produce a single picture per page Photo Album, would it be as well to zoom in and show the turned page off the preview screen. You did this in one of your demo shows. Just a thought.
  9. Hi Dom I agree that you have answered a lot of questions in one or more postings. It would be nice to bring them all together in one tutorial, a visual display is possibly the best form of presentation. Regarding Ronnie's question, I think that I agree with his comment about one picture per page, that is how Wedding Photo Albums are presented here in the UK. I think that 30 pictures is more than enough, if not, I assume that people can add additional pictures?
  10. Hi Dom This posting gets better by the day, I had not seen Silvia's posting and the alternative covers she had produced, they are very good. I see she has created a 'page' in the same style as the front cover. I think that you are going to produce a tutorial of the Photo Album, will this be in the written form or a movie?
  11. Hi Dom Is it OK with you if we create our own alternative cover, if so, how do you manage to create the Cover_Leftside so that it looks like an extension of the main cover picture? Also if we create our own cover, how do we get the bevel look around the edge and what happens to the image in pic00.jpg, do we just have a blank .png file?
  12. RayC I know that you have tried Batch ReName in PhotoShop CS2 and it did not work, I only have CS and it works fine. I have added an attachment which shows the Browser and Batch ReName dialogue boxes. Just select all of your images and then go to Automate and Batch ReName, in the Filing Naming section insert image in the first box, 2 Digit Serial Number in the second and extension in the third. Click OK and the process is done.
  13. DaveG I have gone back to version 4.48 and I have been able to add both text and music, I will then burn to DVD in Beta #8. What I am not sure of is how to add a blank slide, e.g. Black?
  14. Dom Now that's clever, very simple and looks effective.
  15. Fred Thanks for the response, when I add music to the slide or project nothing happens, I cannot hear anything. If I want to added text and music is it better to use version 4.48 and then burn the DVD in Beta # 8?
  16. I have just done a comparison between PTE and ProShow Producer and have concluded that PTE provides a better final quality. I now wish to use the product but I am having some problems, I don't seem to be able to input any text or music, is this function available on the Beta version. I have looked at some of the tutorials on The Dom's site but cannot find anything that can put me straight on these matters, can anyone help.
  17. Ray I have PhotoShop CS and that has a Batch Rename function. You can find it in File/Browser/Automate/File Rename.
  18. Hi Dom Although I could not open the Demo I previewed the effect in PTE and it is excellent as always. Just one minor point, I noticed that as the pages turn they do not increase on the left or decrease on the right, e.g. the page leaves effect. When the album closes the page leave effect is seen on the left and right, it does not look quite right somehow.
  19. Hi Have looked at the latest template and it really looks very good indeed, you put a lot of work into this project. The cover is really cool, I like that a lot, not sure about the radius of the turning pages, how would it look without a radius, would this be too wooden? I do like the album closing sequence. Will there be a section for a title or who the people are or the event? Have a good holiday, hope that there is plenty of fresh snow, have a safe journey.
  20. Thanks for the information, I cannot wait. By the way, I have recently been in and out of your website which is an Aladdin's cave of information for someone like me trying to get to the grips of PTE. Do you know when PTE Beta #9 will be available?
  21. Al I fully appreciate that you can do this in Photoshop, but I thought that I saw the feature in TheDom's demo. I just wanted to make sure that he was covering the option in his latest template. Thanks again.
  22. Dom You recently asked for some further thoughts on your photo album template. I see from your last posting that there will be a pack including different templates, thats good. The only other things I thought about was being able to change the radius of the turning page, being able to have two portrait photographs on a page and the ability to add a caption to each photograph. Not sure if this is just asking for too much, but these are my thoughts. Cannot wait for the release.
  23. Hi Lin and Al I have overcome the problem, I selected Mpeg4 and that produced an AVI that I could open in PSP. Lin, to remove the loop in JPD's template do I just deselect the radio box in the project options (Main) dialogue box?
  24. Hi There I am having the same problem as Marlene, I created Jean-Pierre's photo album and then a stand alone AVI file in PTE, which I cannot load into PSP or Windows Movie Maker. I have been in contact with Photodex and they suggested that I download ACE Mega Codec Pack but did not advise on the best Codec settings. After installing most of the files from ACE Mega Codec Pack, and trying to create a new stand alone AVI file, I cannot see Microsoft Video 4 in the drop-down menu. Can you please point me to the best codec setting option.
  25. Dom Just ran your lastest version and it worked very smoothly, for me the radius was a lot better, I will need to give some thought to what else I would be looking for, will get back to you.
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