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Everything posted by mightec

  1. I am trying to integrate the O&A settings from a slide in another template with a slide in a new template that I am trying to create. I have copied the settings from the Object windows of the template I am coping from and pasted these into the Object window of the new template. When I play the slide both effects run at the same time and appear over each other. I have pasted the settings into the Object window as a separate Frame and also integrated with the original Object window structure, but the effect is the same. I want the pasted effect to run at Keyframe 4000, but I don't seem to be able to do this, the pasted effect always starts at Keyframe 0. Do I have to reset each individual line of the structure or can I just set the parent level?
  2. Igor Thank you for your answer, I thought that was the method, but when I tried it, it changed some key points but not others, I don't know why.
  3. I maybe mistaken, but I thought that if after setting Frame Points, you changed the slide duration the original settings were retained. In version 5.1 is this still the case or is there a setting that I need to fix.
  4. Brian I am actually a 'Liberated Person' having been retired for nearly three years. According to my wife, 'What I do on a daily basis is just playing', well it beats going out to work, especially on a cold and wet winters morning. I think I will give Box.net a try, thanks for your help.
  5. Hello Dom I can fully understand your decision to sell your Templates when used commercially, does this also mean that people will have to purchase them to use them for personal use only. EDIT: I have just answered my own question, just visited your site and can see that you now have Free Templates and Templates to Buy. Best of Luck with your new venture and thanks for all of your help and inspiration in the past.
  6. Brian Thank you for your comments, the point is well made. By the way, I accept that it was not a 'recommendation', when I originally responded I wonder about the word. I have edited my earlier response accordingly.
  7. Hello Brian Thank you for taking the trouble to respond to my enquiry, I will certainly look into the two sites that you mention. The site I was looking for, the one that I had seen used before in this Forum is MYDataBus, are there many users out there, if so can you let me know your view on security and service. Below is a link to the site. Link Here: https://www.mydatabus.com/index.php
  8. I am looking for an online hosting Service, I currently use MediaFire and YOUSENDIT, but are there any others that are worth trying. I did see one on a recent posting on this site, but cannot recall the name, anyone with any good suggests.
  9. Igor Is this release BETA 11 or something different?
  10. Igor Today, I had another instance of PTE crashing, it happened twice when I tried to copy a slide from one template and paste it into another template.
  11. Paul Considering the cost of Basic version of PTE, even if you don't use all of the features, it a steal at $39.00. You will never regret it.
  12. NEW MEMBER LOOKING FOR HELP - COME ON GUY's Can anyone help Bernard, he is a new member and we should try and help him, unfortunately, I don't know the answer.
  13. Hello Dom I should have realised that you had covered all of the bases, great Demo, some very nice features. Thanks again for your unselfish contribution to Forum Members.
  14. Hi Ray I finally got some time to watch your slideshows, since I retired I just do not know where the time goes, well I do its playing slideshow producer. Well anyway, I fully endorse TheDom's comments, really very nice, I seen the one about your recent trip, but it was great seeing it again. The other about My Girl Album, like it very much, thought the photographs were good, the backing music fitted the bill, very nicely. Thanks for sharing. Perhaps, the Forum should hold a Monthly or Quarterly competition, I think that I have seen a voting system somewhere on the Forum. Maybe the forthcoming Holiday season would be a good subject.
  15. Now that I know how to upload thumbnails, thanks Ken, I thought that I would share this further idea I had with TheDom's Photo Album. Have two portrait pictures on one page, I think that it looks rather good and very straight forward to do.
  16. Ken Thanks I have given it a go, hope that it works
  17. Is this a silly question, but I don't know the answer!!! How do I attach a Thumbnail or an Attachment to a posting, I cannot seem to find the answer?
  18. Morasoft No problem, I just did not wish to leave your comments, without some clarification from me. TheDom has done a fantastic job with the new version of the Photo Album and he has helped me greatly with producing the pan and zoom effect.
  19. Morasoft I appreciate that you have written in English, which may not be your mother tongue, but I cannot understand your point. Are you saying that I am selflessly withholding the tutorial, that is not my intention at all. I originally stated that "If there is any interest in this I would be happy to produce a tutorial." I am sorry if my response to Ron was misunderstood, I am more than happy to distribute this to anyone, that is assuming that TheDom is happy for me to do so. Alternatively, TheDom may wish to include it on his Website.
  20. Hi Ron I accept that there is room for improvement, but the main purpose of the file was to show the principle and possibilities of being able to pan & zoom within the Photo Album template. Happy to send you the single slide template and tutorial early next week.
  21. Hi After my initial attempt to create a Pan & Zoom Effect within TheDom's Photo Album, TheDom very kindly created this more professional version. Below is a MediaFire link to an .exe file which shows some of the benefit, providing a third dimension to viewing the photograph in the Photo Album template. It is simple to use, copying and pasting into the main template and then increasing the slide duration time, adding a couple of keyframes, changing the pan and zoom and you are done. If there is any interest in this I would be happy to produce a tutorial. Sorry about the quality of the photographs. MediaFire Link Here: http://www.mediafire.com/?2g4mwznvruz
  22. Dom Here is a thought, can you make it perform like a game of 'Solitaire', click on a the pack of Cards, three turn over and the third is dispalyed and then is positioned under one of the colmuns of cards. Just a thought, probably not a very good thought.
  23. Igor No it does not seems so, it happened when I 'Save As' and created an .exe file. I have repeated the function and there was no problem, may just have been a one off.
  24. Can I join the party. I am now experiencing the loss of PTE in BETA 4, never happened to me in other version. It happens when I create a new slideshow with 'Save As', the slideshow saves OK, but disappears from the monitor. I now find that it closes to the tray.
  25. Silvia I will reproduce the Template for you tomorrow and send by YOUSENDIT, can you let me have your email via a private message.
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