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Everything posted by cead

  1. cead


    Igor, No more problems with the synchronization. See my post 18 hours ago: ''Thank you Igor, synchronization was correct. And thanks Jill for thinking along. I found the solution by switching the setting of the main screen (Windows HD Color) ! (Second screen now is the main screen.)"
  2. cead


    Igor, now: 60.000 Hz, and 60.000 Hz (this one stood up 59.951 HZ).
  3. cead


    Thank you Igor, synchronization was correct. And thanks Jill for thinking along. I found the solution by switching the setting of the main screen (Windows HD Color) ! {Second screen now the main screen.) Regards, Frans
  4. What could be going on? When I want to view the series in Preview on Display 1 on my AV project (in progress), at a certain point the images no longer match the sound. However, when viewing via Display 2, the synchronization is perfect until the end. Regards, French
  5. I would find it very useful. I sometimes have problems creating a ZIP file. Frans
  6. A very impressive and beautiful template, thank you. Merry Christmas and a good and healthy 2024. Frans
  7. cead


    Completely forgot to add a rectangle, just didn't think about it. Thanks jienense. Frans
  8. As a third text block I used a small video (FransWarmerdam). In the 'Objects and Animation' everything worked perfectly. However, in the 'Timeline' and the 'Preview' the video 'FransWarmerdam AlphaMask is not displayed, only the two 'normal' text blocks. How can this be remedied, what am I doing wrong? Frans
  9. In addition to Jill's answer. You can send files larger than 2 GB for free with Transfernow (transfernow.net) Frans
  10. cead

    ZIP file

    Hi, Thanks everyone for solving my transfer problem of my oversized exe. file. I didn't think about the 2 GB limit. I have now created a ZIP file with 7 ZIP and then transferred it to RAR. I sent this file with Transfernow because the free version of WeTransfer also has a limit of 2 GB. Kind regards, Frans
  11. cead

    ZIP file

    davegee, sorry, since I always have the Forum automatically translated into Dutch, this post went wrong. I have also used the Windows extract tools, but unfortunately without results (error message).
  12. Omdat je geen exe-bestand via internet kunt verzenden, wilde ik een ZIP-bestand maken met 'een veilig uitvoerbaar bestand voor PC' De ZIP kan echter niet worden geëxtraheerd. Er wordt een foutcode gegenereerd. Wat nu te doen ? Heeft iemand een oplossing voor dit probleem?
  13. Thank you davegee, sorry I forgot to look beyond my nose. Frans
  14. Thanks Igor, But I can't find 'Custom' to reach the further options. Frans
  15. Is it no longer possible to make adjustments for quality mode and bit rate when publishing HD and K4? Frans
  16. Natiek, The population of Odessa (Ukraine) is more than 1 million, isn't it? Frans
  17. Thanks Igor.
  18. LS, I can't find the 'Show/hide Envelop icon' not anymore. Frans
  19. Jill, Het zou inderdaad leuk zijn om een VU meter te integreren in PTE, ik gebruik nu de meter van Audacity. Groeten,
  20. Rosy, thanks for the video. It is a nice ,big lavender.
  21. Hi Igor, After downloading and installing this version (10.5.3 Beta), the version on the Windows PC will remain at 10.5.2.
  22. Nicely done. A beautiful memory !! Frans
  23. Settings > Preferences > Main > Appearance . choose Light Frans
  24. Thanks for this nice series, with beautiful nostalgic cards. I wish you a good Christmas and all the best for 2021. Frans
  25. Hi Jill, Here no problems with VLC 3.0.11 Vetinari Regards, Frans
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