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Everything posted by dlesko

  1. I'm a wedding photographer using PTE to show images to clients. After shooting with a variety of cameras and editing (which usually includes cropping many images), I end up with 300 to 500 JPEGs of a variety of sizes, some vertical and some horizontal. All of them, though, need to be reduced somehow before putting them to PTE. I've been running a Photoshop "droplet" that creates a 0 quality JPEG of each, but elsewhere in this forum someone suggested that each image is "reconstructed for display". I know that if I open a lower quality JPEG in Photoshop, it shows up as the exact same size file as the original. Does PTE do the same thing?? If so, I'm not making my shows any easier to run on clients' slower computers. And if this is the case, does anyone know of a simple way to truly reduce the file size? Remember... I have both vertical and horizontal files, with a variety of pixel dimensions. I can't find a way to do this as a batch or droplet in Photoshop, and I can't take the time to manually resize as many files as I have. Dave
  2. I'm a pro wedding photographer, and when I went digital in March I started using PTE to show my clients their images. I'm getting quite a few people calling me to complain that their computers lock up when they try to run the .exe file I give them. A typical wedding includes about 400 images. They start as 2 to 6 meg JPEGs, but I run a Photoshop batch on them and create a 0 quality JPEG from each, which then are the files I use to create their show. These 0 quality JPEGs range from about 125K to 400K each. I am adding music to the shows, and after browsing this forum I wonder if that's the problem. The music consists of 11 tracks in a .wma format. In the project options I do not check the box for "use internal WAV/MP# player". My finished .exe files range from 70 to 80 megs. I burn them to a CD, and mail it to my clients for them to view on their home computers. I've had probably 6 to 8 complaints so far, typically that when they try to run the show their computers freeze, or lock up. I've told people to try copying the file to their hard drive and running it from there, but that hasn't helped anyone. Does anyone have any advice?? Dave
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