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Everything posted by neil

  1. Well that was great ! Just my sort of show, I hope to save it and watch many times. Can't wait to show it to my wife as I know she will love it. Off to your website to look for more. Thanks All the Best Neil
  2. Barry, As always a great show.Your work has no doubt been an inspiration to so many, myself included. I really can't understand all the fuss and bother over the screen size ! It took me approx 5 seconds to change to the size you recommended. I think maybe that some of these folks have a lot longer that that to spare!! Anyway all the best with your future plans, keep taking great images and sharing them with all. Thanks Neil
  3. Jeff, Just watched all four and as always very enjoyable. No2 was I think the one I liked best,but they all had some great images in them. Not a big fan of titles on slides in shows but thats just a personal thing. I love way you seem to mix what we would call holiday pictures with great images .....if you get me. Again as always very fitting music. Thanks for that. All the Best Neil
  4. By the way. Who's Ken Burn's ? I'd like to see his stuff! Neil
  5. Hello Jim, No! More senior members will no doubt be along soon with all the ins and outs But its still No. Alll the Best Neil
  6. Lumenlux, Really enjoyed that walk, it looked like a lot of fun! Only wish I could have been there. Some nice images put together in a great fun way. Much to be applauded as some of the folks round here seem to have a a rather stuffy attitude. You live in a beautiful part of the world thanks for sharing it with us all. All the best and keep um coming. Neil
  7. David, Some really great images,very impressed with the light on some of the undertree shots. However I found the zooms a bit to fast and in some cases it may have been better with no zoom at all. Enjoyed the music and it was all over almost too quickly for me (although I much prefer several shorts to one overlong). Thanks for sharing and I look forward to more of your shows. All the Best Neil
  8. I have watched both of the versions and enjooyed them both very much. I think the second(V6) is just slightly better. I also found the "floating"cross very effective. As far as the sound goes, it seems perfect on my machine and ears. Thanks very much for sharing. All the Best Neil
  9. Thanks. love you lots too XXX
  10. Super smashin lovely. I agree with all previous comments,a great show with superb images. Certainly one to keep.( I will no doubt be pinching some of your ideas in the future). Thanks for sharing. All the Best Neil
  11. Hello Dave, Thanks very much for that. As always some great images really nicely put together. But for me certainly not one of your best. I have recently been looking at some shows on Proshow and yours are head and shoulders a zillion times above anything I saw on there. Maybe it was just a bit too churchy for my taste. But still a great AV. Keep um coming, I look forward to the next. All the Best Neil
  12. Thanks for sharing this with us. I really enjoyed it,liked the opening very much and found the use of pan and zoom fitting well with the subject. My only criticism would be that some of the slides were on screen a wee bit too long. Some great images and I look forward to seeing more. All the best Neil
  13. Hello Mark, I have just watched your show again and enjoyed it very much,the opening was really impressive and the music went superbly.I also liked the slow fades.But the thing that I was most keen on was the way you had slides or images that went into each other with such great style ( for lack of a better word).I am having big probs. with my machine at the moment.But I hope to see more of your work soon. All the Best Neil
  14. Mark, This is great stuff,I am going to watch a second time when I have more time tomorrow. All the Best Neil
  15. Hello Alan, I must say I agree with Dave the pans and zooms seem too fast and you have gone a bit mad with the transitions.But have some really great images in there,and also some neat ideas. It is so easy for me to be critical when I can hardly make a show that is worth showing. Anyway I found the end credits far to fast and very hard to read. Hope this is of some help and look forward to seeing more of your work. All the Best Neil
  16. Dave, Great colours,great light,great music,great slideshow. I can find nothing but great to say about it! I think it is certainly my fav.of your shows so far, and will be saving to watch again. Thanks All the Best Neil
  17. Lin, Thanks very much got it now. All the best Neil
  18. Call me old fashioned,or stupid ! But how does one put this info into PTE? I mean the info from the file you have given. Its just in bits what do we do? I have often downloaded these and did once know how it went but seem to have lost many parts of my mind since. Sorry I know its me being old ! Thanks Neil
  19. Yeah! I don't know why people do this? To me it makes no sense kjhgy ! Perhaps some of the clever folks can inform us? Whom seem to be the worst protaganists(not sure what it means but it sounds good) Happy New Year Neil
  20. Well, this was great I watched it yesterday and was amazed to find that I dreamt about it for most of the night. ( I'm about to move house and have many things on my mind) The problems that you mentioned really are overshadowed by the superdupperness of this slideshow. I have been messing about in the world of photoness for about 40 years and you taught me things that I had never really considered (call me stupid ) You really should make a series of this type of thing ( retail),and let the money come rolling in! But perhaps you do so already! No need to say ,but I will anyway, that the images are superb and skill unquestionable. More please,as soon as poss. By the way I don't think you really need any music. All the Best for 2008 Neil
  21. As others have already said it needs new music. The images were really great and with the right music I think it would be a fantastic show. Well worth re-doing. Thanks for sharing Neil
  22. neil


    I loved this and will certainly be keeping it in my "Others Slideshows" folder,if that is OK with you. It all worked so well for me with a great choice of music and superb images. Just one very small thing I myself would have had no people shown. Thanks for sharing,look foreward to seeing more of your work Neil
  23. The Dom Thanks for the great gift. You really are very skilled and generous. Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year to you. Neil
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