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Everything posted by Eric

  1. Igor, Thank you very much for your email. I have updated the Chinese.ini and ChineseBig5.ini files. Since my OS is Window XP Traditional Chinese version, I can only test the ChineseBig5.ini file (Chinese.ini file is for Simplified Chinese) and it is working perfectly okay. Thanks again for your great works! Eric
  2. Thank you very much for your help. The interface returns to normal (showing all the text labels) after I have changed the language to English. It was difficult to find the drop down menu since the text on the main menu bar were disappered. The program defaults the language to Chinese after installed in my computer. The deluxe version seems not to support Chinese charaters (version 4.48 DOES!) although you can choose Chinese in the langauge menu. All problems solved and thanks again. Eric.
  3. My OS is Window XP Professional Chinese version and I did not change the system font. I am using version 4.48 which supports Chinese OS and it is perfectly OK! Unless the deluxe version does not support Chinese OS, otherwise I don't think it is the "font" problem.
  4. I have been using PTE for many years and I love the program very much. When the deluxe version comes out, I am so keen to try it out. Unfortunately, after installing the program, the interface of the deluxe version are not working quite right. All the text labels of the buttons are missing from the interface (see attached screen shot) . I have uninstalled and reinstalled it several times and it is still not working. I did download the lastest version from the link provided in the website. Please help.
  5. Thank you very much for you all. You are very helpful. Much appreciated. Eric.
  6. Please help. If I move a photo from one folder to another one, PTE will not found that photo because the file path has been changed. Is there any way that I can relocate the photo? If I delete it from the slide list, I will lose all my editing e.g. buttons and links.
  7. Dear Granot, Thank you very much for your advice. I wonder whether I can use the Text function instead of the Hyperlink. I can write many lines of text in the Text function. Hyperlink only allow me to add one line at a time. Many thanks again. Eric.
  8. I am new to this forum. I think PTE is wonderful! I have one problem and I hope someone here can help me. How can I put two lines of text on a button using the Object Editor? Thank you very much. Eric.
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