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Everything posted by ADB

  1. Hi foto1 I have done exactly what you have listed above and was able to navigate using the left and right arrow and to other slides using buttons added via the O&A window, What Beta are you using? Regards Andrew
  2. I tried to recreate the problem on my system, the biggest pano I have is 20000 x 2166 at a file size of 16.7 Megs, there was about a ten second wait before the preview ran but it did show perfectly - maybe a hardware issue?? Andrew
  3. Personally I don't think the wording is important as no matter what you call it someone will interpret it in the wrong way, I agree with John and think you should have a small "More Info" button next to the wording which brings up a small box detailing exactly what the option does. Having said that my preference(s) for wording would be:- "Lock Soundtrack to Timeline" (or) "Lock Soundtrack to Transitions" (or) "Lock Soundtrack to Slide Changes" The word "Lock" to me is very clear and is used in many Video and Audio Editing softwares. To me the word "Synchronize" relates to the process you go through in the timeline setting Transition points for your slides to change at key points in the soundtrack, but as Dave says if you go to all that trouble why would you not want to NOT lock the Soundtrack to your Timeline? Regards Andrew
  4. Thanks All Andrew
  5. Lin I tried it on my system and at first I thought it looked fine but when I had a real close look, I noticed it. There is definitely something happening about 1/4 of the way through the animation and then smaller "jiggers" after that. Andrew
  6. Is there any way to copy animation properties quickly? Say you had 10 slides in a sequence, all the same orientation and you wanted to set the exact same zoom and pan animation settings for each, is there a quick way of settting the animation properties for the first slide then copying those settings to the remaining 9 slides? If you like to have all you images slowly "creeping in" a little on every slide change throughout your show then an ability to copy animation settings would save you a lot of time.... Regards Andrew
  7. Hi Jean Of all the Version 5 Betas Version 9A seems to be the most useable and stable to date. An even more refined Beta 10 should be out in the next few days. I have been holding off making shows as key features I regularly use i.e. Precise synchronisation to soundtrack, DVD production and text effects had not been finalised, but now that these are working fine as of Version 9A I have started making shows again :-) Cheers Andrew
  8. This is fantastic news! I'm finding the current beta very stable and workable and most of the bug reports appear to be minor so a big thanks to the Wnsoft team for getting to this point so diligently. I too are looking very much forward to upgrdaing. Cheers Andrew
  9. Hi Dave Igor is aware of this issue and has said in the forum that it will be fixed in Beta 10. I guess that's why its still not showing. See final post on this thread:- http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index....amp;#entry39905 Cheers Andrew
  10. Thanks for that Lin I didn't realize the assumption by software is clockwise, explains some weird results I used to get before I turned off auto rotation in the camera. One of those great ideas in theory but troublesome in practice. Cheers Andrew
  11. That's great Jim, can anybody else explain the "science" of what is exactly going on here? Cheers Andrew
  12. Hi Jim Make sure you are downloading images from your camera correctly, some cameras have a "rotate automatically" function which tries to determine whether the picture taken is Portrait or Landscape and orientates it hopefully correctly saving you the bother to do this manually. I turned this feature off on my camera as I was having similiar problems with other software. To test this just make up some landscape and portrait non photographic images in a painting program and see if they behave the same way. I think it has something to do with the embedded thumbnail image contained within jpeg files but I'm not 100% sure. Good luck
  13. ADB

    Next beta

    Sorry probably didn't make that clear enough, Yes I was enquiring about the ability to play sound in the animations window when you are testing your animations to help line up changes in "O&A's" with changes in the soundtrack. The preview doesn't let you stop at a point in the O&A window to make amendments. Certainly easy to work around but in future versions of PTE would be handy.
  14. ADB

    Next beta

    Hi Lin I hope you are right as it will pretty special to be able to sync up animations precisely to the soundtrack. I thought I asked this question over a year ago and it was in the "too hard basket" but maybe not! Fingers crossed :-)
  15. ADB

    Next beta

    Igor When we run a preview in the animation & objects window will we also hear the sound track?
  16. It looks like we are in very good hands indeed when it comes to Igor and the Wnsoft Team. Thank you for your very "unmodern" approach :-)
  17. I think it's reasonable to expect that an exe presentation will have its limits as to how many zooms or animations are occurring at any one time, these limits will naturally increase as video cards become faster and CPU's more advanced it wasn't that long ago that a standard video card struggled to perform a simple smooth dissolve during a exe presentation - oh how far PTE has come! The great thing is if you want to produce an incredibly complex presentation with lots of zooms, animations, fades and effects you are able to do so limitlessly if you are producing a DVD file :-) And the way the internet is speeding up Video files are becoming increasingly faster to send via the internet there will possibly come a day that exe files may be the least used output format of PTE but for the time being they do allow you to produce an incredibly compact file offering a very high quality presentation.
  18. The latest beta runs pefectly on my DVD player as well and appears to be in synch however I don't think Igor has implemented full synchronisation yet as a show will gradually go out of synch when previewed from either the timeline or main window or from an EXE created presentation. But wow its certainly producing very clear output from DVD. A big thanks to the Wnsoft Team you really have deserved a grand New Years celebration, and really looking forward to when synch is finally implemented across all outputs in the New Year.
  19. Haven't spent much time contributing in the forum or in using/testing PTE in recent months you can click here to find out one of the reasons why:- http://www.imagescapes.co.nz/tom But I do keep an almost daily eye on the developments in the forum. It seems to me that with Igor's (and the rest of the Wnsoft's Team) drive to get it right and the expertise of the forums members that it is a winning formula. Together a very sophisticated peice of software is being tuned and perfected and I almost feel guilty as I sit back and watch some very clued up and dedicated forum members offering their time and expertise to test the betas and offer advice and help us learn new techniques. So this is really a big thank you to all those involved and I really am looking forward to making a LOT of new shows when the final version 5.0 is released in the fullness of time.
  20. Any more thoughts on this??
  21. I could be wrong but the PicturestoExe codec is not your everyday codec. The codec itself is not used to make an AVI file instead the codec "frameserves" to a third party application to either view video or write to a DVD. Frameserving as I understand makes the third party application think that PTE has already created a full AVI file but instead PTE feeds the AVI information directly to the third party application without ever making a AVI file. This is also why when you close PTE you can't see your AVI file you think you have made. However you can make an AVI file using a non PTE codec in the custom mode of "Making an AVI Video File" option box. Lin Evans recommends (and I agree) the Microsoft MPEG 4 Codec which gives excellent results as long you crank up the quality settings on the codec (from my experience). In short if PTE isn't open I don't think the PTE Codec exists in a state that can actually be used. My Codec list in XP says the PTE Codec isn't available but I can still burn DVD's without using custom mode in PTE.
  22. Igor will this mean you will be able to hear the music when working in the objects/animations screen? and therefore you will be able to line up animations and objects to changes in the music from that screen?
  23. Not sure if this question has been asked before or if an answer has been given, but does anybody know if in the final beta you will be able to sync objects & animation to music?
  24. Igor, I don't know if this is your solution but couldn't you make PTE resize the images using a high quality resizing algorithm before you render the video? That way you are only resizing each image once and the video compressor isn't resizing at all? The only problem I see is where you have images that are zooming as these may well need to be at their original resolution unless for zooms only you use a slower high quality compression codec?
  25. Hi Igor I'm currently at work so I will send the original file tonight when I get home but answers to your other questions:- 1) There' was no conversion to MPEG2 just straight to AVI using custom settings 720x576 PAL 25 fps Progressive 2) Viewed using Windows Media Player and Classic Media Player (Great utility by the way) with exact same results. 3) Screen dumps were taken using Classic Media Player. Note: this program lets you actually capture an image and save it to a file but the results appeared the same as just doing a screen print via Windows Media Player. Hope this helps. Note: I have never had a problem with video output as I usually resize my images initially to fit the intended resolution of screen size I would be using - this also reduces the size of the presentation (exe presentations). I only noticed this video compression problem when using full size images without prior resizing.
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