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Everything posted by rhwitte

  1. Hi Ken, Gilio and Andrew; I appreciate all of your comments. Ken, I visited the comments you noted and it appears I should have enough graphic memory but... Andrew, I tried running the same slide show in 9a, and though it would show all of the slides without hesitation, it would not do the fades. I found that if I reduced the number of slides, the fades would work! I looked at the size of the pictures and found they were in the range of 8,000 KB to 1.5 MB. I'm in the process of reducing the size of the slides and will attempt to run the slide show without problems. I'll keep you posted on the results. Thanks to all for your responses. Dick W. P.S. to Ken: How do you keep track of all the info that is in this forum? You seem to be able to site earlier responses to just about any topic. Great Job!!
  2. Hi All, I'm having a problem similar to those that others are experiencing with large slide shows and DVD burning, only mine occurs during preview! I loaded 92 slides and set them all to use a 2 second fade transition and each was set to display for 4 seconds. The problem arose when I tried to preview the full show. After about 10 slides, some of the transitions stop and then a single slide will hang up to 30 seconds. After that there will be no transition for awhile then they will start again. After several more slides, the show will either stop the transitions again or hang or both. This random pattern of stopping and restarting, with or without the fade transitions continues to the end of the show. Windows XP Home Edition with SVC Pack 2 AMD Athon 64 3200+ 210 GHz 2 GB Memory 47 GB on HD free NIVIDIA GeForce 4 MX 440 64 MB Moscow, we have a problem! :) Edit: Sorry, this should have been posted this with the other bug reports for 5.10. I hope Igor and others will get to see it. Any Help Please... Dick W.
  3. Hey Ray, When I click on the link you provided, I get a 'File not Found' error! Can you provide another way for me to read that post? Thanks, Dick W.
  4. Thanks for the help Ray... Dick W.
  5. Hi All, I'm a long time reader of the forum, but this is my first post. I am also a newbe to PTE so any help you can give will be appreciated. Also, please forgive me if this topic has already be covered, but searching the forum did not reveal information on this topic. Anyway, I started putting together a slide show, when I discovered that TheDom's PhotoPile template would do what I was trying to do on my own. Being the lazy person I am, I am wondering if there is any way I can import TheDom's template slides into my own slide show? I appreciate any answer be it positive or negative. Dick W.
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