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Everything posted by mannybr2003
That's a nice suggestion from Think(Box). And then once you have a listing using Boxig's utility, you may also try ( I haven't ) to download Oscar's Renamer ( a free ) program. It has a Macro utility that will enable you to rename paths/filename. You can download it free from My Webpage. Let me know if it works . Well, it's not really my webpage. Invision just put it instead of the URL that I typed .
I've solved the problem folks out of the advices you gave me. What a blessing to read your ideas. I did not blame PTE nor MMB since in both my icons didn't work. So it is my ignorance on the matter that is to blame. And I feel relieved with your inputs. Thanks a lot again Ken, Think, Nobeefsfu, OGL, Al, and Ronwil. I just discovered downloaded too your Irfanview, and will just be installing.
Until now I have not succeeded in using my own created icons using my PTE4.1 vers 16, nor using it on my MMB4.901. I have a registered IconEdit2, also a GIF2ICO for DOS, and yesterday installed two sharewares of the latest and best IconMakers for Xp. I am wondering why my icons are not accepted by PTE though I made them in the required 32X32 size. Are you experiencing the same difficulty with using your own Icons? Thanks. Manny
I'll sleep for awhile, it/s past 6:30 a.m. here, then I'll test Configure2. Thanks Boxig.
You are right Boxig. I seem to be unmindful of the per slide options of PTE. I'll try that. By the way I just noticed I've been ignoring one problem I've encountered long time ago with PTE and just happen to encounter it again today. I don't know know where I am suppose to post this message. My XP can't accept the ICONS I just created using the latest XP Icon Makers. Even my DOS based Icon Maker Icons are not accepted. Does anyone here experience this? I just installed Axialis and IconCool sharewares because my registered IconEdit2 and dos based GIF2Ico Icons are not accepted. Are you having success in using your Icons in PTE under XP? I know I am using 32X32 icon size with 256 colors. And these Icon making programs are quite clear what choice one is making.
I just downloaded and tested your work Boxig, and it is working. However, I think with a little experimentation by listening to how many seconds a specific line of a song is, that we can make a more accurate synch with the lyrics while that part of melody is being played. But I have to finish my test of your work before I'd say you made it exactly right. By the way Boxig, I come to think also that you might also try another method. This is just by way of suggestion. I myself doesn't have any idea how to use the keyboard to apply this. But some of these karaoke makers I am using could sychronicze the highlighting of syllables with the part of the song that is being sanged or with the note that is played when you press say, the Enter key or the Space Bar. Although for some songs this I found is hard to do, in many ways it is easier when you know how well the song is performed. Do you think there is a way to use a key in the keyboard to press just when the highlighting could be applied at the right syllable and at the right note or part of the song? You know I do make midikaraokes a lot, and also videokaraoke. However, the nice thing with this one that you are developing is that, your's is portable, in that it doesn't show any trademark and is tiny, no need of putting extra files to the Windows directories, and have no extra baggage. One can just make a copy on the CD when your program is needed. It is always ready like a scout! By the way You might want to trigger the playing of the song with the hightlighting when someone use your KaraOK at the press of a highperlink or button. And by the way I have much to thank you for attending to my great interests in finding fun further in utilizing PTE in connection with your works with entertainment and Sounds. I'll let you know if I made a good sample project. I might post it in the download area if I feel it's worth looking and listening at. As to where in the screen, or how big, or color changeable the fonts will be, just offer that version when you think it already need to be paid when we download it. Manny
It doesn't matter whether you are using Nero or any other burner program. The important thing is for your slideshow.exe to run from CD when you insert it on the CD compartment. There are 2 procedures I learned. One from the previous postings here, and one from experience. I prefer the one I learned from experience because in some instances the one I learned here didn't work. First you need to open your text editor like Notepad.exe. Then use that program to create your Autorun.inf. How? Just after opening your Notepad.exe and choosing New, even without typing a word, you can save it as Autorun.inf. For now do it. Then don't close your Notepad yet. This is the time you will put the commands that Windows expects to find in Autorun.inf. when it sees the CD inserted in the CD compartment. This Autorun.inf file should contain something like: [autorun] OPEN=slideshow.exe ICON=slideshow.exe,0 Now you can save for the final time the file as Autorun.inf. Then close it. Make sure you put a copy of this file in the Root Directory of your CD. The next thing is to create a DATA.TXT file using your Notepad again. Type either of the ff. command: <SrcDir>\Slideshow.exe or <SrcDrive>\Slideshow.exe For me, of these two, I prefer the second one, because there are times my computers don't work when I use the first one, <SrcDir>. So I used <ScrDrive> instead. I am presuming that you named your slideshow as Slideshow.exe. But you can use the name you choose for your slideshow. If you want to make sure your slideshow.exe will work, you just name it without any blank or space in between so that it is a one word filename exe, ei. filename.exe to avoid any further unforeseen operation problems later in other pc's. Also make sure you put a copy of your DATA.TXT in the root directory of your CD. As to the MP3's or MID's, you don't need to copy them to the CD because the PTE program makes a copy of them inside your slideshow. However, you will need to copy any utility file (like other .EXE) that you want to work with your compiled show. Programs you want to enhance your show like those you download from Boxig's site (such programs for adding extra vocal messages). If you include Boxig's audio player, you will also need to make a copy of his player as well as the MP3 or WAV or Imgaes (JPG, GIF) you used in your show into the CD you are putting your show. I hope the story is complete.
Your "Thumbslide" Boxig, is a great utility too running on my XP. You seem to read our minds when you made it capable of AUTO-CHANGING or can be run back and forth like PTE, manually. By the way Boxig, do you think you would be able to combine in one program the features of autochanging images, the timing of changing of images (using the slider in thumbslide), along with the features of 'Scrolling About', in a resizable screen from say your original Thumbslide size to a full screen and yet can still be moved? I am dreaming awake to find you create that for me, so I can have a karaoke player too that I can put sliding pictures with "timed scrolling LYRICS on top of it". - a versatile MP3 karaoke player for changeable pictures and MP3. Yes, SCREENY 2.0 will find great use for TUTORIAL DEVELOPERS, especially if they use it to capture SEQUENTIAL SCREENS of Applications that are hard to learn and are released without Animated guides. And a little experimentation might find use for it in creating timed slideshow of LYRICS that would synchronize with MP3 SONGS. Nice if used as 'among the parts' of one's PTE Slideshow. I still have to test your "Image List". Thanks.
Boxig, I guess Scrolling About could also be a prelude to displaying MIDI or MP3 "LYRICS" for our PTE shows. Very Interesting. Our viewers would not only be watching and dancing. They would also be SINGING! At last, PTE is turned into a Slideshow with an option to have a KARAOKE. That's more fun! I will then be singing along with The Beatles, and to Grandma. But I guess IF USED AS SCROLLING KARAOKE LYRICS, it could be nicer if You or someone could make the sorrounding window lines "not to show" and the background picture IF NOT USED, make the LYRICS appear just on TOP, see thru the slideshow images and maybe set to appear somewhere on the screen of the PTE slideshow. That would be hard to beat! I just tested and it works great on my xp. But, by the way, where do I press for pause, continue and restart, please? Thanks.
Wish list for PTE - after 4.10 release
mannybr2003 replied to think(box)'s topic in General Discussion
May I suggest my long time secret wish for PTE? I've been wishing that I could have my "window" of slides if not movable, at least I could set it at creation and when viewed after compilation to appear in a certain place of the screen if it is not in a full screen mode. This is available in the other compilers I've been using but don't have most of the features found in PTE. If say, I compile it as Show1.exe, then another one I created to appear on another part of the screen as Show2.exe, then I can call both at different times by a click of a mouse, and each would appear in different part of the screen as mini-Windows of slideshows. This way, the need for use of animated gif's would be unnecessary, as a more photographic and animated and audible show could be made and shown at different location of the screen by calling them at the proper time from within our PTE projects. Thanks. mannybr2003@yahoo.com -
Could someone please suggest to me which version I should use? My day to day use of P2E is making slides of images which I digitized from old vhs/vhs-c/dvd's. I desire to have the images displayed according to the time in "seconds" they were made, in such a way that I could make a sequential animation smoothly. (Example: image1 was created hr:8 m:1 s:00, then image2 was created hr:8 m:1 s:3 ,etc and the images have to be displayed in sequence: image1 first, then image2, etc.) I use about 500 images per slideshow, and about 10 or more mp3s and midis. What do you think is the best version to work for my projects, nice guys?
Some of my friends are asking me to create for them ScreenSaver out of PTE and put it on a CD. The trouble is I myself doesn't know how to install them even if I go to where their pc is located to install the ScreenSaver. Could someone show me please how this can be done with me, or even without me 'automatically'? Does PTE provides a way to have the .SCR file 'automatically' stored where XP store them if they are going to be used on a local pc? Sorry for my lack of knowledge about this matter. Manny
Just record and play the A/V backwards.
Regarding the PTE Slideshow that erased the Win98, it might have done it. Last week, one of my pc's, an Intel 500 + just didn't start up/boot up anymore after I inserted my cd with a start up containing my PTE show. Fortunately I still have 4 more pc's and have not experience yet another on those pc's. By the way I have made some success in putting 6 MP3's on my other slideshows on CD, and all are working well. But it is when I use the internal MP3 player. My machines refuse to play the show when I don't put a check in the MP3 for my sounds from the APR or PTE engine.
Unique Pointer to your images or show
mannybr2003 replied to ralvis's topic in Slideshows & AV Shows
Ralvis, Very nice of you to share your images. I've never seen them more detailed than that before. By the way, it seems it's a lot of work to create your pages. What program did you use to create your site (if you don't mind)? Thanks. By the way, I am using a program that can create both html and swf, but the swf does not contain any sound. Can you let me know how I could create an swf that has sound? What program do I have to use? Thanks in advance. By the way, do you know how I could use a .swf file on a website. I'm so behind about this (illiterate, one would say emmanuel.rodriguez@att.net -
Bless you guys.
Does any of the two programs allow you to print the question and also the answer? I know of a program that seems to do this and the price is $140 (I guess). It is actually used more to create hypertexed flipping pages with page numbers, that can contain your stories and pictures. You could ask me in private, (but I am not supposed to make it compete in this privately owned forum) for the name of the program. Sorry. emmanuel.rodriguez@att.net mannybr2003@yahoo.com
Many thanks for every"buddy" who generously gave their feedbacks almost in an instant.
Would it be possible to install the new version of PTE (not yet released) that incorporates the new MP3 player in another folder, and still retain the current 4.01 version, without affecting the functionality of either? It's just that I'd like to stick with both versions, wherein in the old version we can use a WMA, which I have not yet tested, but I know how to create and have created some more than a year ago, and to which the previous versions were made for, ... and this coming version which is likely dedicated to using MP3 and midi. May I open up some questions/suggestions I would like to know if possibilities could be made true, such as (?): -Will a button to make an automatic cd autorun maker become incorporated in later PTE versions? -With a borderless slide(s), can a facility be added (say a button or key to press) to minimize it in any moment the user needs to work on something that is hidden from view (say desktop icons) while a PTE project is running? -Are there plans to incorporate an internal "either" swf, avi, anim gif, or midikar player which I think will really, really make a deadly utility of PTE to possess in the field of multimedia? Just asking
Great utility. Just dwnldd it. Have to test yet. Thanks a lot for this and the many others I tested that worked like the ruler, the procedures to autorun the cd containing my pte project... I still have to test the many others again to confess. I always use another pc that I don't remember which program you made I have exactly tested.
I applaud the improvement made on mp3 features. However, I have my concerns in the future, whereby Microsoft is more into pushing the WMA format. It that be the case, as a lot of companies are getting united against usage of MP3, not only for downloading, then Microsoft might as well not support the use of MP3 in the next 10 years. If this format is no longer supported, then our slideshows will be maimed when played in the future. I suggest that although we have midi, mp3, etc. as features supported in the current PTE, it might not hurt if the WMA format will continually be supported, as that is the way Microsoft will always go. Just sharing another point of view.
Another product pop up on my screen that looked and sounded like ebook creator. I thought it was the same, or I thought it was it's latest version /encarnation. And its name is ebookSnap ( I guess ) and I registered it ($50 or 60). It's a compiler for making ebooks, but doesn't make slideshows. It can use animated gif backgrounds, on an html. It can use mp3 but not MID. MIDI is more important to me because it's size is really very small compared to MP3/WAVs, but the program won't run a MIDI. It say's it can make use of flash, stf but I have not tried. I have not mastered html yet that's why I have not made any finish project using html. I don't remember if java will work, but I'm hoping it will as I would like to integrate a few I encountered and used in my couple pages website. mannybr2003
I already registered MMB but the code has not arrived since yesterday morning. It's running on the 2nd morning now (3:30 a.m. now). I also wrote its vendor, but no response yet. How long does it take to wait before they send, any idea please? Can you give me some ideas it could do for me? Could I create a midi karaoke player out of it that is really compact and would not require installations of dlls, just the single .exe? Does anyone of you have any sample of animation created out of it that may be called from P2E? Is it possible to call a index.htm from P2E, by the way? Thanks for everyone's responses mannybr2003
nobeefstu, Thanks for reminding me of MMB. I dwnldd and installed it before, but was scared of it after my first 2 projects and so didn't explore much of it. But today I found out there were samples to try and run. I think I'll finally pay for it. My only concern is there are very few visual effects that are attractive, aside from the animations and movie. I tried running a movie on it's own screen. After aborting it, and rerunning the movie, I found that the movie didn't go to restart but started where I stopped it. I'm glad it could run the animated gif's and could play other bitmaps as animated images better than use of animated gifs. I guess it is a superb program for $40. I'll just need to connect my own pc to get it downloaded on mine and register it. This pc I'm using isn't mine, by the way. You think there's much I have not seen. I just checked it for about 30 minutes only. Maybe you can tell me more with an email (if it is unethical to discuss more of it here; or if it is ok that others may learn about it here, that I cannot tell). mannybr2003@yahoo.com
Boxig, I already dwnldd and paid for it about 3 wks or a month ago. It happened after I read one of your messages and visited your site to download one sample. It is from the links in that sample that I was directed to its site, downldd a copy and registered though I didn't test it until yesterday. Yet I have not created a single program that really have links that will take me to other parts of the compiled project. I like it as the project works just like any Windows program: it can be resized to any size you want. I am just wondering if it will also play movies or mp3's or any .EXE just like what P2E does (or activate Shockwave to run .swf's or get the animated gif's working? mannybr2003