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Everything posted by mannybr2003
Ken, I redownloaded it again and while installing it shows version 4.0 and let it continue. And when I run the program it showed on top as version 4.1. However, if you check on the Help it says version 4.0. I guess that was a minor upgrade error. I think this is the version most of you are using, and I will start using this too. Thanks again, a lot. I can go to sleep now (about 10 minute to 4 a.m. here in San Diego, CA.)
Thanks Ken. I just visited the page and downloaded and tried to install, but aborted upon seeing it is version 4.0. I think I've seen it before here in the forum, but right now I've visited the 6 pages and could not find it. Maybe I need to repeat one more time before I sleep (it's 3 a.m. now in my place). I didn't even succeed using the Search facility about an hour ago.
I have tried many of your utilities. Some worked. Some didn't. However, I just found out your message today asking which one works or not. And I am not ready to tell you now cause I worked with them on different timesa and days. Yesterday I downloaded some and tested on my pc's in my store (some 10 miles away) and I could remember which they are and they didn't work on my XP 3.06ghz. I couldn't remember which. But I'll check them tomorrow. Maybe it's not in your program. Maybe in this pc I am using. Someone told me this pc was attacked by a virus. I don't know. Do you have a way to check if the message you are reading right now is infected. This is not mine by the way. Sorry if it has. If it has kindly forgive me and please run your antivirus and destroy it and please advice me to stop using this pc if you find this pc is spreading a virus. Thank you.
By the way folks, could you please guide me where I could download the version 4.1. I'm still running version 4.0. (My brother told me he had been registered since version 2.0) and is using version 4.1. The reason prob'ly why I could only use one mp3 and the rests are midis because I am using a version that is a little behind. I had this customer who brought me 7 selected CD's where songs to use will be selected from and turned into mp3's. He came back and found out I only succeeded using one mp3 and the rests were midi's. I think using of big size files like mp3 and a lot graphics (a single graphics occupy thousand bytes) and I use about 2 thousand graphics (military graphics from Iraq war like American giant ships, giant planes, old and new planes, ballons, and weaponry of many countries) prevents the use of more mp3s. That I think makes the IC's in the processors are a lot of workload, even when one has an Intel 3.06 and a 1gRam. By the way could you please remember to tell me where to download the latest version of PicturesToExe. Thank you. mannybr2003@yahoo.com
Thanks for your quick response. Maybe I'm just one of those guys always working with PicturesToExe and would want it to get ahead or become a leading tool in ebook creation. Yes, I like to use this program everyday, and eager to be showy of it than all the other that I have. I am into ebook a lot and I test many of those recommended here and those others I find on the net. And I register a lot. I just found some programs could make heavy use of animated gifs which encouraged me to buy programs to create them. I also discovered ways to run websites on a cd without buying any program, and they run with animated gifs as background on each page, and the links are working like in a website. However, the pages are not secured from being copied just like on the webpages. For this reason that I am still looking after PicturesToExe which gives you the option so that the user may or may not be able to print (copy?) a page. However, some things that can be done on cd or on the web are still to be developed for P2E. I just hope they could be developed soon and integrated to P2E. Everything could be done on a CD, including shockwave swf and html browsing and mp3/wav/mid and avi viewing, except that there is no security for the pages one created can keep the user from copying. By the way I've downloaded a lot and tested a lot of the programs of Boxig (Thanks). Many works (a few don't on my pc's). I've tested them on both my XP Home 3.06 ghz with 1 gRam, and on my 4 Win98 pcs. Thanks Boxig, and all of you for your encouraging comments, ideas and advice, as well as all the sample presentations I downloaded, and thanks to the owner of the download site(s).
May I know if anyone has succeeded in using animated gif's to display 'animated' also? This is something I had been trying to add to my slides. And would it be possible to see in the future some movements around the screen by the objects such as thumbsize images, and also a little bigger images without waiting for the slides to change? Is there any plan for employing an internal player for swf or shockwave files in the future? Thank you.
Thank's a lot; I will try that trick too.
Boxig, That solved the answer to my ignorance, and it will help me quicken doing my project. Thanks a lot to you and to Igor.
Is there anyway I could "single click to choose all the images in a graphics folder in PtoE 4.0" for use as slides? I find this feature very much needed in my projects. Kindly let me know. Thank you.
This feature will make users of PTE goodmouth expression with their friends and families.
It's a perfect idea for the meantime to at least find this support from the makers of PicturesToExe in creating AVI out of PTE for free. However, the trend everywhere and that is sought by every pc user is to seek from us who would present it to them that the product be playable in DVD, since VHS is slowly fading from view, and since still the majority don't have computers. DVD is gaining popularity for its low price now, besides many models now can also play SVCD, VCD, CD, and mp3's. So it is the challenge that is to be the final offer that would be sought from presenters of PTE. And of course we hope to find a way to provide this in the future versions of PTE. The PTE developers might find it necessary to ask the registered user for an additional registration charges to get this upgrade. I am satisifed with the version 4.0. Thanks for the improvements. My pc doesn't lock anymore.
Does version 4 beta 7 contain all the beta releases from 1 to 6? If I download it, do I have to uninstall the version 3.08 first before I can install it? Kindly answer. I always enounter a listing error which does not let me Ctrl-alt-del. I need to restart my computer everytime it happens. My pc is a pentium 4 a.4ghz running Win98. Could someone who knows how to solve this kindly share the solution? Thank you. Manny
Thanks Graham, I just downloaded your suggested program 'Audacity'. Would be nice to know from you it will mix effects, voice and music too. I use CoolEdit2000 for recording performances into mp3, wav and real audio. I don't know if I could do what you can do with Audacity in my CoolEdit2000. Thanks.they move
I donwloaded your show from your site. You got good pictures of Indians. Is that how the Powwow Indians look like? That was a good one. You just made me miss the more the Powwow chat I used to frequent sometime in 1999-2000 before Yahoo became popular. I wonder how the music kept on echoing even after 30 seconds from the speaker from your show. Thanks.
I am using PicturesToExe alongside with InstantExe. PicturesToExe can do many multimedia and effects for a show. I use it to display a movie AVI which InstantEXE converts from AVI to EXE, say a 4mbytes Avi into 350kbytes movie in anysize. However, at times I use InstantEXE to create a program that launches both an AVI as well as a project I made with PicturesToExe. I find more readily available advanced features in PicturesToExe, except that unlike InstantExe, PicturesToExe is not made to create a project to launch another EXE as soon as the project is run without waiting for user to press a key, which can be done with projects created in InstantExe and in dos batchfiles, which I am still doing using my builderlite batchfile compiler which generates mouse operated batchfiles and the project EXE's runs both under DOS and Win98. I don't know if it runs in XP's. Unfortunately folks, you cannot find this utility 'Builderlite' in the internet, which is my final resort in creating a mouse operated batchfile in EXE format that runs in Windows98. Probably, Igor would be able to find a solution so that this feature can be incorporated in the nearest future into PicturesToExe, hopefully into every page/screen to run an external EXE and/or run other PTE from another PTE compiled into EXE (or is this last thing I am saying already available in the latest version, exept for EXE's?) and last but not the least, if the running of AVI, MPEG, DAT could also be run in resizable/ movable/pausable/stoppable screen within PicturesToExe in the nearest future, I guess PicturesToExe will be the talk not only of hobbiest but will take professionals away from more expensive multimedia presentations software makers and become the talks. I've just tested another program tonight, one which makes their compiled slideshows to autorun on DVD's for tv viewing and pc cd's for the pc monitor. I only wish these could all be found someday in PicturesToExe. I am having fun making appearing and disappearing menus that I am making to appear in different screens of my projects created with PicturesToExe. In fact in every page I have a different karaoke player for the computer. Two of those screens have different karaoke players that when triggered by a keypress, activates to play and each shows autochanging pictures as backgrounds for the karaoke for computer, while the slideshow of the PTE/EXE still keep changing too. I find it a lot of fun creating slideshow with PTE as I am able to use sequences of photos/stills I digitize from vhs, tv and dvd. I have made samples on my pc incoroporating scenes from An American In Paris, and Sports slowmos of Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant. However, I cannot share it here because I just did them right after I reformated my PC and reinstalled Win98 in favor of WinXPPro for some reasons, and that I misplaced for a while my burner program. Maybe I can share a project or two once I succed in finding and installing my burner program.