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Everything posted by t.millar

  1. thanks guy's for your help unfortunatley it is not the words but the artwork that is the problem? The book contains art work by an artist that is still living and that is where the problem lies. Also as far as I can remember as I don't have the book with me now it does have a isbn code and it is a one only show at present as I have stated it is a first attempt at AV and this was an idea I had as I have some nice shots to go with it.
  2. Sorry to be a pest I recently asked some things and got some replies to the questitions. However one in particular is starting to haunt me! on entry forms it states that all copyright should be sought, part of what I want to do was give the impression you (the audience) where reading a book and I wanted to take a few shot of a book which I own. Therefore to keep myself right as there are a few pieces of artwork I wrote asking permission to use and received a reply that it would cost me $75 per item. THe book I was going to use only cost me £29-95 I think and now having to pay say an extra $225 for three pages seems very high!! Has anyone else come up against this problem and apart from paying the fee is there any way around it?
  3. Hi I am fairly new here and I am looking for some advise in creating shows for competition purposes! Firstly I am having a hard time at present as I only have PTE trial version to try to master but find it very daunting at present, however I am using another program which I find more flexible although I am having reservations and probably will change over to PTE as it seems to be the norm for competition purposes. Basically I am trying to find out the following: 1 does a show have to have a title at the start off the opening slides? 2 Can you show through tranistions the idea you are turning the pages of a book? 3 How can you give the impression that the person is falling asleep? What I want to do really is to be seen to be lifting a book however after a few pages drift into sleep and then enter the slide show as if you where dreaming you where there! Probably to some off you this will be easy but as I have never attempted the world of AV it is a bit daunting also how can you get sound effects and arrive at a narration etc!!
  4. I was wondering if you could advise me on the defination regarding enteries for any av beginners compitions? Firstly I don't have PTE as I dont have access to the internet, I have a copy starter which came with a magazine but I am fumbling around with it at present. I have an idea for a competition but not sure how it would be accepted? Firstly I am lead to believe that all photographs must be taken by the person submitting. I was going to try when I find my copy of Nero as I moved house and can't find a lot off my disc's, to put some photographs on a disc and to see a friend who has the program and slowly develop it from there. However what I wish to do I would have to use photographs taken by someone else. My example would be if I had access would be to show original photographs of say the TITANIC and if able to show the relative areas where she now lies at the bottom of the Atlantic. It could also be the relevant areas of a city which have been completely modernised and bear no resemblence to what they once looked like. Can anyone advise what the views would be from people who are running or judging the competitions?
  5. thanks Ian I do know about unfortunately I am stocktaking in work this week end. we also have someone coming to the camera club on 8th mar and i am working at the elections that day as well so it is not going that well for me at the present time. thank you for information
  6. thanks Lin I will try your suggestions and let you know what the outcome. seems strange when you think off it someone able to help approx 10,000 miles away T
  7. I know off a few people in N ireland where I live but seem to be very spread out. No one that I live know lives close. i watched in DIGITAL PHOTO magazine information on pro show gold and thought it was good. All my photos are in jpeg form so I shall try to re-open as suggested. However can you try different transitions between slide on the trial download and also add music? i tried entering 10 slides in a show but didn't like the transitions between and would like to see other variations or are they only available on the full version off the program? JUst got me puzzled at present!
  8. i am interested in audio visual and have been told that either pics2exe or pro show gold are the programs to use. i am not able to receive the internet at home and therefore have to use work email unfortunatley i can't download! i have been able to get a trial of 10 frames, but can any one tell me if you can change the way it changes per slide or is it just what comes? also can you add music to sample? other problem is I have 70 images in 2 folders but when I try to open can find all off my images. i also cant find my picture folder. is this another restriction or am I not using it properly. I will admit I haven't really read all help file that came with it. My main problem is I dont know off anyone close to me that uses the program.
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