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Colin Walls

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  1. I 100% agree with Al's comment. It seems to me that the start of each transition is the primary "timebase".
  2. Thanks for the responses so far. Nice to find an active forum with friendly, helpful contributors. It would be helpful if there were some guidelines to make presentations as portable as possible. Since part of the point of PTE is to enable anyone to play the result, these guidelines would be valuable. On the other hand, if my experience was isolated and unusual, that would be good to know. Thanks again.
  3. I received a show made by a friend using PTE 3.8. On his PC and my desktop, it runs fine. On my laptop, which is rather resource-starved, it runs apparently OK, but the music finishes before the slides. Is this because the video is slower? This seems illogical, as I would have assumed that the PTE timings are from the time that display of one slide is started until the next is tarted. Should one expect identical behaviour on different machines? [i just bought PTE and look forward to making my own shows.] Thanks.
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