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Everything posted by nobeefstu

  1. Jeff, By using Show next Slide after Indicated Time Interval on your Blank Slides as I have indicated ... you donot interupt the natural time flow Slide to Slide because the Blank Slide is in essence joined to the next Slide by the setting. Therefore the Slide itself is/becomes the trigger element to advance and not the Blank Slide. With Video, you are now adding an additional timed element into the mix of which you dont want to interupt the natural time flow. *Users building automactic Slide Shows dont notice any time flow changes because the Blank Slides are already joined by showing the next Slide time duration automatically. Hope your production all goes well.
  2. Joy, First of all ... download and use v7.01 build full release. I dont recommend using old Beta versions when newer full versions are now available. Its possible you may still experience the same issue with v7.01 ... but at least it up to date on fixes compared to Beta 12
  3. Gerrit, Seems your PCI-E x16 @ 1.1 Bus is your bottleneck for efficiency and top performance ... more or less a 15% decrease hit overall. Still not too bad for a 2.0 Bus card working in 1.1 Bus. At least now you know what to shop for later in a Motherboard requirement.
  4. Gerrit, Hold your mouse over the Bus Interface setting after program startup ... it tells you what Bus the card is using/running. See my attachment.
  5. Gerrit, Another thought just hit me ... you said your Motherboard does not supply a x16 @ 2.0 Bus. Running the Card at x16 @ 1.0 or 1.1 Bus speed most likely is going to be the root of your issue. Try using a tool like GPU-Z tool to check what Bus Interface speed the card is actually running. http://www.techpowerup.com/downloads/2039/TechPowerUp_GPU-Z_v0.5.5.html
  6. Gerrit, Just checking to make sure you have updated using the latest Nvidia drivers and not the original CD drivers supplied ? What monitor cable connection method ... DVI,VGA, HDMI ? I use DVI What is the Response Time of your monitor ? I have a Samsung 2MS
  7. Jeff, Since you are building a basic Manual slideshow with Blank Slides and a Timed Video try these settings to see if your playback results remain consistent : -Set Project Options-Control to Wait for Key Press -On your Blank Slides : set Customize Slde-Main Timing to Show next Slide after Indicated Time Interval. -On your added Video Slides : set Customize Slde-Main Timing to Show next Slide after Indicated Time Interval. * Build using the new setting Keep Slide Show Duration . Manual slideshows rarely require any use of the Timeline for additional adjustments. Any manual editing/adjustments made in the Timeline may offset the original Keep Slide Show Duration values.
  8. Dave, I dont know if this helps you in your current process : If you set/enable the video as Main Object of Slide the Slide Duration time will be that of the video. If the video is not the Main Object of Slide ... the video will only play the Slide Duration
  9. Long ago info on the topic: Theres more ... you need to search for them.
  10. RobertAlbright, Its hard to say what different effects people are seeing ... since this original topic posted by Gary has splintered into some different conversations not quite relative to Gary's question. My feedback has only related to Gary's original question. I know Gary has always wanted to be able to move/sort slides in the Timeline just as the Slide List provides ... but the new feature does not provide the move/sort slides function he was hoping for. Its a multi conversation topic ... pick one
  11. Gary, I would have thought my previous post with links to Igor's comments would have somewhat answered your query. The short and simple answer is that the new Keep Full Slide Duration feature will not move/sort Slides as you expect within the Timeline. Personally my own opinion ... I dont see any real advantage of being able to move Slides in the Timeline as you suggest. The current Timeline is not well suited to move or arrange Slides ... most simply because you cannot properly see all the images/slides to quickly select and sort/move them about as the Slide List already allows. Adding additional buttons or controls to allow such action in the Timeline is currently better served with the tabs to toggle the Slide List/Timeline views or F4 key.
  12. Eric, PSG/PSP has its shortcomings also. Read Igors post on PSP:
  13. Gary, The sorting and moving of slides is best achieved within the Slide List. Use the Timeline to finetune and manually arrange the transition points of the slides. Please read Igor's posts on the topic ... the sorting and moving of Slides with Keep Full Slide Duration feature is intended for the Slide List mode/operation. Igor makes it a point to always reference this setting with the Slide List. And why does it not work in the Timeline view??? I think this to be a logical issue ... merging both manual adjustments and automatic adjustments.
  14. Daniel, I dont see a problem with the calculations. However ... switching the setting back and forth during operations is going to promote unnecessary confusion. When you enable the Keep Full Slide Duration ... you are also essentially locking the duration of each slide. If you add your new slide to the third slide position instead of the last slide position ... you should see the 2/7 2/7 2/7 2/5 you expect. From Igor: 2) The second change is intended to keep a full slide duration after sorting of slides in the Slide list or after adding of a new slide to the end of the Slide list . The program can reduce/enlarge pure slide duration to keep total slide duration unchanged. This allows move complex slides with animation or slides with video clips keeping their correct playback. This second change mainly intended for the slide list mode. In the timline it will affect only when you add a new slide to end (double-click on a picture/video in the file list above).
  15. Peter and Jill Did you install the v701 into its own folder directory or into the installers default v7.0 folder ? When I originally installed v701 ... I selected to use the installers v7.0 folder location. No issues with View menu and F6 key. When installing v701 into its own 701 folder ... I see the issues with View menu and F6 key. * It initially appears where you originally install v701 may be causing the issue.
  16. Dave, My tests using XP SP3 of v7.0.1 have not shown the tick box behaviour while using the View menu or the F6 key. Ive tested creating New files and opening older version files. So far ... initial tests are looking good.
  17. Ken, Renaming to UPX.exe.old should do nicely.
  18. Gerrit, I aggree with Peter. I had a XFX 7600 GT for a few years ... it was a wonderful card but it lacked the better HD Video drivers only available to the newer/bigger cards. Right now I have a Asus GTS 450 (Top Model 925) 1024 Memory. Its just one year old now .. but its a wonderful card for HD Video. Todays price is now modest. Just make sure your case and motherboard has enough room to fit it because its a dual slot. Motherboard needs a PCI-E x16 v2.0 Bus Interface. Has DVI,VGA and Full HDMI connectors. This 450 model requires only one 6 pin power connector whereas the upper power hungry models require 2. Requires a 400-450watt power supply minimum ... I have a 650watt.
  19. gerrit, If you are talking about the HD Video for PC and Mac (.mp4 video file): The smooth playback of .mp4 video is mosly related to CPU/GPU capabilities or the player. Your current system may be struggling to play HD 1920x1080 because of its higher performance needs. Have you tried using the PTE Video Converter tool to convert/optimize the HD 1920x1080.mp4 file to a .avi file which may provide less demands and therefore better playback results ?
  20. Most cases I have seen in the past are of anti-virus programs having false positive issues with compiled EXE using a EXE packer. As a test and temporary workaround to be able to Publish a EXE so AVG does not flag the file : Try disabling the UPX.exe packer. To disable the UPX.exe packer ... just rename the file. You can find the UPX.exe file in the PTE program folder: \Main\All\Components\UPX\upx.exe Once you rename the UPX.exe ... Publish or compile your slideshow EXE and see if AVG still flags the file. Please Note: *This is only a temporary measure to Publish which may workaround the current AVG issue . This workaround will not resolve AVG flags of files already published with UPX.exe packer. If the files you Publish without UPX.exe packer are now working correctly with AVG ... this still does not resovle the current AVG issue. Donot send the workaround EXE files that now work correctly to AVG for testing. *Restore/rename the UPX.exe file once AVG sorts out its issues.
  21. Ron, You will find the function/feature available using your mouse right-click within the File List. Igor has removed some dupilcate functions which are already available elewhere.
  22. Weka, When burning/ creating a DVD with PTE-VideoBuilder ... its normally not necesary to use the Video Converter tool on the inserted video file for DVD compilation. The Video Converter tool optimizes the inserted video file for best EXE playback. The jittery playback is most commonly related to a field order setting/issue. This setting can be found on the Video Converter- Interlace Mode. Automatic (which is default) or Progressive or Field A or Interlaced (top field first) or Field B or Interlaced (bottom field first) * Changing the the Field Order setting generally resolves most common video jitter playback issues.
  23. DG, Here's a online service that checks your individual file and reports whatever activity is found on most popular antivirus engines. There is a 20MB file limit ... and the antivirus definition files they test with can be a few days old (look at their tested definition date listed). However its still quite convenient and nice to see what results are found with other antivirus programs as a whole. VirusTotal - Free Online Virus, Malware and URL Scanner http://www.virustotal.com/about.html
  24. Im not sure if this is your issue ... but in your steps above you failed to mention if you selected the AngsanaNew font in the PTE font selection list before pasting the text ?
  25. BobbyC, Another option you can use if you have PicturesToExe Deluxe (with upgrade features - HD Video for PC and Mac) is to create the video in .mp4 video format. Once you have the .mp4 file produced ... use the PTE VideoConverter tool. It will convert the .mp4 format video container and save it in a .avi format video container. Your insisting client then has a avi file which is more compatible than a .mp4 file.
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