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Everything posted by nobeefstu

  1. Try using the latest Pte v7.0 ... as it contains fixes to the DVD Menu Editor that may be the root of your issue. There was also a Pte v6.5.8 final release that also contains the fixes to the DVD Menu Editor. Your Pte v6.5.7 does not have the fixes. You can download previous PicturesToExe Deluxe 6.5.8 if its stil available: http://www.wnsoft.com/files/picturestoexe/previous-versions/picturestoexe-setup-658.exe --------------------- PicturesToExe Deluxe 6.5.8 is available now 3/30/11 last build before video objects Changes in this version + Add support of Hungarian language. * Fixed bug (v6.5.0-v6.5.7) with choosing of a category of video uploaded to YouTube. * Fixed bug (v6.0.0-v6.5.7) in the editor of DVD menu in VideoBuilder. Resizing and moving of an picture/title didn't resize its shadow. Also change of the title.
  2. Gary, Its always best to use caution and report the activity to the security program maker . The more reports prompt quicker attention to resolve the matter. Think of it as making a bug report.
  3. Gary, Think of a false positive as a false alarm ... or the false detection of a known virus in a uninfected file.
  4. BobbyC, Pay particular attention to Ken's post above ... Note: Advanced users can use "Create custom AVI video file" option for various purposes. This allows to produce AVI video file with necessary audio and video codecs (MPEG4, MJPEG, etc). What Video Codec have you selected to create your AVI ? If you selected PicturesToExe Video Codec ... you will receive a message popup " Making of AVI Video File" after initial processing. This indicates the PicturesToExe Video Codec requires a 3rd party program to complete the AVI file process. *See attached image. Another issue you have to be aware of ... if you successfully create a Custom AVI File with your selected Video Codec for use on the internet/website, your users/viewers will also need the Video Codec on their system to decode and play the avi file. i think you need to research a bit more on website development as most web content today uses Flash based video.
  5. Paul, When time permits ... I also plan to upload a series of packages of pre-made Object library files to be used with Object Box. Then the user can edit/adjust the Objects in PTE to suit their needs.
  6. Tom, I must admit I never used the old feature myself ... but I see some benefits it would have to some users. The additon of some new Global Actions would be very useful and productive ... as long as the function also has a way to undo/remove them at anytime.
  7. Harold, Since PTE does not have a Text Outline feature ... I find its possible to get some degree of simulation by manipulating the Drop Shadow settings. You might find that the results will fit some basic needs. * I find the Spread - Ring at Distance 0 gives the sharper edge ... then adjust the color and size to suit. * If you want the Text Object to also have its normal shadow effect with the outline text effect ... you need two text objects to achieve the effect.
  8. mountain man, You have to browse the file list (or select the folder to browse other directories) and drag the additional shows to the DVD List. Select Create Menu if you want the Shows launched as a menu item.
  9. vicbrasil, The copy and paste function of text should work for Project Options-Comments, Comment, and Text Objects ... as far I see nothing has changed in v7 and still works correctly for me. You must copy or paste into the edit box/panel. *right-click for copy or paste pop-up menu or *Ctrl+V to paste or Ctrl+C to copy
  10. jdearman. Access for the Help|About menu is from the PTE program ... there you can see your current Deluxe registration status. However, the Deluxe registration key is not your issue. The Deluxe features will also work with an expired key or without any key at all ... but it will only publish with Trial Version notifications.
  11. Lin, I totally aggree with you. The proper results are not always displayed or updated while working ... only when saved and reopened will you be sure of the true displayed values. Even the mini player total value is not updated properly to reflect the timeline total value when removing slides. The Timeline seems to be the only view that properly keeps you informed of whats happening. Igor needs to address this issue for the current opened document in realtime. I personally prefer to continue to use the old method ... even if Igor corrects the issue.
  12. Maybe the attached example image will show some new light in how the total slideshow playback duration calculation works. Its not just a matter of adding slide numbers to get the total slideshow playback duration. With Enabled Show Full Slide Duration view ... you also have to subtract the Effects Duration totals from the Full Slide Duration totals to reflect the actual slideshow playback duration. At first use/glance the enabled calculations may seem misleading or confusing until you understand the concept. Ive used the Welcome Demo.pte file as an example. The actual slideshow playback duration is 32 seconds no matter what enabled/disabled view you select ... which is correct. * I believe the settings for the new Show Full Slide Duration is properly attached to the menu because currently its only a program setting and not a Project Option on per a project file basis.
  13. jdearman, Was the .pte file you are trying to make a DVD with created in V.7 ? If no, save the .pte file (using Save As) in PTE v7 first. Then open that .pte file in VideoBuilder.
  14. Keyboard, Its appears to me you still need to load your old original PTE key registration. Your new upgrade key purchase only unlocks the video builder/deluxe features ... your original PTE key will unlock the standard features. Basically, you need to load both keys to enable the full program. I say this because of your comment "all was fine till you transferred to your new PC". *Your recent upgrade key purchase does not appear to fall within the new licensing system timeline.
  15. Ian, Your DVD issue is most lilely related to the Video Type of Progressive or Interlaced setting. The setting you choose all depends on what bests suits playback on your display equipment. Try making a DVD with Progressive setting if your other DVD is Interlaced ... or vice-versa. Test both DVDs on your various TVs and PC monitors. See VB-Project Options - Project tab for Video Type settings.
  16. Frans, V7 final build should offer the option to convert the video when added ... it is not automatic. However, PTE only offers to convert if the added video doesnot meet its requirements for best playback. Therefore, not all video files will need to be converted. What is your video format and its resolution ? from Igor : When you add a heavy video file (H.264 codec at 1280x720p and larger), PicturesToExe will suggest optimize this video file. Converted file will be automatically attached to the project.
  17. Charles My tests shows there seems to be some issue in Slide 6 causing the v5.10 file to fail to open in some PTE versions. If I physically remove Slide 6 from the v5.10 file with a text editor ... the file opens normally in PTE v6.5 &7b. I have yet to search whats different with slide 6.
  18. Barry, This feature has been around for some time. I enable the feature when I decompress the EXE and add Version resource files and compress again with AsPack to protect the executable from further modifcation. This gives me a Version info tab when viewing the file properties. I usually perform this modification to slideshows that are distributed. If this feature is not enabled ... any changes or modifications will render the EXE useless or corrupt and will not function. So enabling the feature gives your EXE less protection against tamper ... you will need to protect it again after modifcation.
  19. Daniel, Read Igors post for reasons of implementing Show Full Slide Duration feature : Changes in Slide Duration - WnSoft Forums First, I think each user must decide for themselves which duration display mode best suits their working objective. If the user does not prefer the new Show Full Slide Duration feature ... they need only to uncheck the option and PTE will function as previous versions they are already familar with. As for Project2/fig 3&4 : *If you are using Show Full Slide Duration mode ... any changes to the Project Option | Slide Duration will adjust/apply the Slide duration value to include the Effect duration value. Therefore, new Slides are set to Slide+Effect to give you the full Slide Duration. *If you are not using the Show Full Slide Duration mode ... the change to the Project Option | Slide Duration will only adjust the Slide duration value. The Effect duration value is not included. Therefore, new Slides are set to just the Slide Duration. Hope this helps.
  20. Daniel, As from the new PicturesToExe_User_Guide_v70.pdf :Pg 16 Options Show and Keep full slide duration are set by default, but you can uncheck them. Option Show full slide duration shows the slide duration itself and the duration of transition effect for the next slide. Option Keep slide duration is helpful if the slides in your slideshow have different duration and while changing their places, their duration is not changeable. If you apply the above duration calculations for Full Slide Duration which is the selected Slide + the next slide's Effect duration ... does your displayed durations appear to add-up correctly ?
  21. Don, Please state which build version of PTE you are trying to "Load a Key" Since your new VB key is in the new text format ... you need to use version PicturesToExe Deluxe 6.5.2 or newer to load the new VB license keys. Are you using a older version of PTE ?
  22. Mike, Read this full topic ... especially from post #10 No sound with Video Builder 6.0 (SOLVED) - WnSoft Forums
  23. gordy9, From this point ... you now need to verify if its the CD disc thats failng to autorun or if its the PC thats failing to initiate the autorun. *Test your CD disc on other PCs thats known to have the autorun function working properly. *Test your PC with factory/purchased CD discs which you know to have previously autorun on insert. Note: I always use the 8.3 filename convention rule ... you never know what other PC users may have trouble with even though it may work properly on some PCs. Try renaming your current 11.3 character filename to 8.3 as a last resort test.
  24. Chris, It may well be your video card is not up to spec to run PTE with video. If I recall the PCI Radeon 7000 video card is only 64MB memory. Read this full topic and download Igor's samples offered as a test. The topic touches discussion of black&white playback. Its not a bug in PTE ... its the video card.
  25. Dick, The test715 file does display/exhibit a rhythmic artifact where the test658 file does not. However, when played in MP Home Cinema ... if I use the skip back function and replay the artifact is gone and all appears normal. Something appears amiss in the framerate timing. It appears that the test715 file is looping because of the displayed rhythmic artifact. See attached image for artifact.
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