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Everything posted by nobeefstu

  1. RayC, Since your current VB registration key is still valid even though the date has expired for the PTE versions you have installed ... you usually dont get a Load a Key message prompt. Please remember the current VB key will always be functional and valid for those PTE versions. It is possible to manually load your new VB registration key. From the menu bar press Help | Enter New License Key. Then paste or load the new key. I have no idea why your new key is not manually loading or pasting into Beta 15. You may then have to wait for a future version release which Load A Key is required or Igor and Alena may have other options to offer you to get this new key loaded.
  2. gordy9, Your Autorun.inf file content looks correct. I dont know what operating system you are using ... but XP had a security update (if you auto install your MS updates) not so long ago that disabled the CD drive to autorun. I did not install the update myself so I know not all the details. You may have to reset your autorun function if its disabled. Then hope any clients/users CD drive isnt already disabled . Microsoft Security Advisory (967940) Update for Windows Autorun http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/advisory/967940.mspx?pubDate=2011-02-22
  3. Igor, This is not normally a problem with new/first installation of a release. The issue only appears when reinstalling the same version# over a previously installed version where the Users Pte Application data already exists for that version. In the case of Tonton Bruno's beta 14 installations ... he had installed the first beta 14 release and then later installed the second beta 14 release with the converter fix issued by Aleksey.
  4. Mickp Read this topic as it relates to the duration display changes : (SOLVED) Issues I've not seen before
  5. Dave, Im quite sure its still work in progress ... since its the very first release. The Save As works justs fine for me when testing video files of a MOV or MP4. The converter exports the file to my selected directory and choice of filename as a MP4. I believe the Save As will only apply to the saved location and filename and does not apply or allow you to save to other video formats not best supported for PTE. I really dont know how Igor is going to apply the "on the fly" conversion. I would think it will be a option within the video object features to allow PTE to optimize the imported video to best suit PTE performance. *Heres attachments of a 1080 mp4 made with PTE and then that file converted to 100% setting with the tool. Notice the video and audio file properties differences applied to the converted file.
  6. Dave, When video integration development began, Igor did comment it could convert video on the "fly" Development Link. I suspect the converter is only suppose to convert video to the best supported format and requirements needed for PTE ... and does not generally convert video to multiple formats like most all-around video programs and tools available .
  7. Barry, Eric, As I see it ... the NavBar will only show if you move about with your mouse while watching the slide show. Those that just sit back and watch the slide show will never see it anyway. Hiding the Mouse Cursor will also keep the NavBar from showing. Updated manuals come after the beta version is finalized for release ... its too much work to make additions, changes, and corrections to a mannual for each beta program in development. Users just need to keep up with the beta topics and comments to keep informed.
  8. Andrew, You have the option to control the displayed duration values to suit your needs. Disabling the Show Full Slide Duration from the View | Advanced Options menu will display the values you prefer to use. Igor has this new feature enabled by default ... disable to resort to the value display you may be familiar with and prefer to use.
  9. Photofanatic, 1- Temporarily connect the external drive (since you say the pte file looks and finds the resources there ?). 2- Create Backup in Zip from the File menu bar. (Save to PC drive) 3- You no longer need to keep the external drive connected. 4- You can move or use the project Backup Zip package anywhere you like on the PC or any drive. 5- Unzip the package, and just double-click the project file in it.
  10. Barry, First you must test to see if a Mac can play the Camtasia mp3 files produced directly without use of PTE. It appears that windows plays it ok.
  11. Barry, You should be able just to convert the current Camtasia mp3 file using Audacity. The reason I say this is because the Camtasia mp3 file produced has file headers normally used in wave files. RIFF°P©.WAVEfmt This file is also using Lame 3.97 beta release. This wave format file header using lame encoder may be confusing to a Mac for playback. If you convert/export the file with Audacity in mp3 ... the proper file headers for mp3 format will be used. Also try using/download latest encoder Lame 3.98.4 release.
  12. Barry, I suggest you also remake your housekeeping show using a mp3 produced/converted with Audacity for the Mac playback version. There seems something strange with the current mp3 file and its properties from Camtasia. Windows may be able to deal with its playback ... but Im not so sure if a Mac can. Remake and have JEB test it out for you before Igor gets back.
  13. Joy, Please read the first pinned topic from Igor as it relates to Mac version development. Delay with PicturesToExe for Mac There has been no PicturesToExe- Mac versions released to date. PicturesToExe does currently output to a executable file to be played on a Mac ... but its not to be confused with the .exe executable file for Windows pc platforms.
  14. Patrick, The feature is still available in v7 Betas. The Project Options tabs and their feature assignments have been partially reworked/changed as compared to previous versions. Look in Main tab very bottom for the icon assignment option.
  15. Object Box - for PicturesToExe Users ________________________________________________________________________________ Object Box is a easy to use utility tool which can copy, save, load, and send PicturesToExe-Slide Objects. Having a Objects Library folder of saved object files allows PTE Users to quickly access and reuse their favorite and often used animated objects again and again in other slides or project files. Object Box provides an alternative solution to the normal practice of saving Template files or Backup files of a whole project because it just saves the selected Objects you may only require. Any User that has Object Box installed can also use your saved object files. Object Box ... a handy tool with some nice features to compliment any PicturesToExe Users toolbox. Version 1 Features : -Copies, saves, loads, and sends PicturesToExe-Slide Objects. -Copy a single object, multiple objects, or select all the objects within the Objects and Animation-Objects List. -Saves object files and all its images to a default or custom Objects Library directory. -Save function offers entry of object details to accompany the saved objects. -Load function displays selectable list of previously saved objects with its object details in your Objects Library. -Image Path Tool - rewrites the image file path in the object file from its Original path to the Local path. -Preview pane displays object snapshot and details to help visually identify the current object in use. -Desktop placement controls to move or dock the Object Box window provides free working environment while using PicturesToExe. -Works in combination with PicturesToExe Deluxe version 5 or newer releases. Version 4 builds and earlier are not supported. ________________________________________________________________________________ Available for download from : beechbrook.com - Object Box - Saves PTE Slide Objects * Also check Bill's site for new PTE Presentations available ! Many thanks and great appreciation to ... Ken, Peter, Ralph, Tom, and Bill Hope you all Enjoy, Stu
  16. A helpful suggestion to those Users who have several PTE versions installed and want to open the .pte file in a particular version of PTE program: Create program shortcut's in your windows SEND TO folder and send the .pte file to that particular program version to open it. *Please keep in mind that newer version files are not fully supported in older program versions. See attachment.
  17. PTE began using vectorize text objects with version 6 builds. This resolved the font issue display for the EXE used on other PCs. Improved Text A better visual quality of text objects. You can use any unique fonts for executable files of your slideshow now. PicturesToExe will automatically vectorize text objects and text comments and show text with the highest quality at any display resolution.
  18. billbruen, I assumed from your first post you were trying to make a DVD with multiple aspect ratio content ... which is mixing 4:3 and 16:9 modes on one disc. DVD-lab Pro is a DVD authorng program which I use to achieve such results. Very few DVD authoring programs offer such feature. Heres a few details on DVD content as it relates to mixing aspect ratios. Movie Aspect Ratio http://www.mediachance.com/dvdlab/Helppro/aspect.htm
  19. billbruen, PTE-VideoBuilder does not offer authoring of DVD's for multiple aspect ratio content. The settings I believe you are refering to in Project Options ... will only set how to display the Menu you are using in your DVD. See pg 72 of the User Guide. Next you can choose Menu and Title aspect ratio. The default for Menu aspect ratio is 4:3 for ordinary televisions, but you may also select 16:9 if you have new televisions such as LCD or flat panel TV screens. The Aspect ratio for them differs from the old ones. The default of Title aspect ratio is Auto, but you may also select 4:3 or 16:9. You should remember, that it is the aspect ratio not for your slideshow, but only for the menu and title.
  20. Caroline, Is this black and white issue with all videos from same source ? Initially the greyscale playback is related to old video cards and lack of meeting the D3D performance needs required for video playyback in PTE. You should read this post as it relates to greyscale playback and also download its video samples to test on your PC. Short video slideshow (7.0) - WnSoft Forums * Test the sample videos Igor has supplied and verify playback.
  21. Don, For other devices you need to follow their supported formats and specifications. Please read link for video format specs for Android. Android Supported Media Formats Android Developer http://developer.android.com/guide/appendix/media-formats.html
  22. Caroline, Just place or keep all the external video files and the EXE file together in the same folder on the other computer. Donot use multiple folders ... just one folder for all the content. THe EXE file will automatically look directly relative to itself if the original path to the videos cannot be found.
  23. Philippe, Another little trick is to force the PTE file to look first in the new image directory for its reesource content instead of the original path. 1)Open the .pte project file in notepad and edit the line : IsTemplate=0 to IsTemplate=1 2)Save the file and copy/place the .pte file into that new image directory. 3)Double-click the .pte file that resides in the new directory to open it in PTE *This forces the .pte file to act as a Template without going thru the routine of actually using Save As Template. See attachment;
  24. Eric, This message usually indicates the KEY that was saved or copied has incomplete string values or missing string elements. If you dont want to use KeyCopy utility to restore the registration as Peter suggests ... make sure you are using the original KEY file that came in the email. I would not know how any program can plan 3 yrs in advance to finally fix a KEY issue that may ramdomly pop up in the future ... especially when that original KEY worked 3 yrs ago.
  25. David, Ha Ha ... So you were using a Navigation Bar after all to begin with.
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